

Despite hearing countless tales about him, she couldn't summon the courage to meet his gaze – the prince rumored to wield power over death itself, or perhaps embody it. As his cold, husky voice commanded her removal, fear gripped her, her heart racing. She couldn't fathom why her sister had drawn the attention of such a cruel prince. Determined to shield her sister from harm, even at the cost of her own life, she pleaded desperately, defying the prince's order. Her actions shocked onlookers; challenging the empire's crown prince was unheard of, yet she persisted, seemingly indifferent to her own fate. In a moment of impulsiveness, she grasped his sleeve, pleading for mercy. The prince, Kim Kyong, enraged by her audacity, turned his gaze upon her. Realizing her peril, she withdrew her hand, resigning herself to her fate. Kim Kyong's guards, perceiving her as a threat, readied their weapons. Bracing for the worst, she awaited the fatal blow, only to be met with the unexpected sound of their retreat. As she cautiously opened her eyes, she found the prince kneeling before her, his gaze locking with hers. And with just two words, he sealed her fate.. This book cover isn't mine. It's from Pinterest.com. Sorry. My Webnovel account is having fault and my email as well. I need to make some corrections somewhere. Once I'm done, I'll refer you there.

WhiteBunny789 · History
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36 Chs

Chapter 9: Rebellion.

CHAPTER 9: Rebellion.

The maids ushered them in with surprising warmth, whisking each sister away to separate chambers. But Chin Sun, clinging to her sister, refused to be alone. She and her sister, Chin Ari, had never slept in separate rooms and this would not be the first.

" I'm sure I'm not the only one who noticed but she's even prettier than Lady Joo-mi," one maid whispered after leaving the sisters to their comfort.

"Don't be ridiculous," Ying Li retorted sternly. "The prince must have a reason for keeping them here. They're obviously not nobles, lacking refinement." She scoffed.

"Such beauty," Su Mi squeaked, eyes gleaming. "I must become her personal maid!"

"Hush! Don't be disrespectful about Lady Joo-mi," Ying Li hissed, fearing trouble. Su Mi had never seized to implicate them both and it won't be a minor one.

Inside their room, Chin Sun's wide eyes darted everywhere, her fingers itching to touch the unfamiliar finery. Chin Ari, ever cautious, cautioned her in a hushed voice.

"Chin Sun, please be still. We can't afford to break anything, nor can we afford to attract attention."

"But Sister," Chin Sun whined, "this bed is like a cloud!"

Chin Ari, who knew Chin Sun disliked the dark, sighed. "I'll extinguish the candles soon. Just fall asleep, or no singing for you."

Chin Sun pouted but scurried into bed. "Alright, alright. I've never slept in such luxury, better I start to enjoying it now. It's not forever."

As Chin Ari stroked her sister's hair, a question popped into Chin Sun's mind. "If you had the chance to marry the Empire's Crown prince, would you?"

Chin Ari paused, a flicker of curiosity crossing her face. "Did you hear that somewhere?"

"My friends asked."Chin Sun admitted.

"And what did you say?" Chin Ari was even more curious.

"I told them no. He's much older, you know, like twenty."

Chin Ari, a secret smile playing on her lips, surprised Chin Sun with her answer. "Actually, my heart belongs to someone else already."

Chin Sun shot upright, eyes wide. "Who? Who is this lucky guy?"

A blush crept onto Chin Ari's cheeks as she recalled a fleeting encounter with a handsome stranger. "It's nothing, really. Just a silly dream."

Sensing her sister's bashfulness, Chin Sun giggled. "A dream, huh? Well, bedtime then." She settled back down, a playful glint in her eyes.

Chin Ari extinguished the candles, the room plunging into a comforting darkness. She pulled the thick covers over them both, and soon, the gentle rhythm of Chin Sun's breathing filled the room. Chin Ari, however, remained wide awake, a secret smile lingering on her lips.


"Hyeon, why must you be so reckless?" Kim Byun scolded, her voice laced with concern. "Look at you, covered in cuts and bruises!"

Hyeon grimaced, brushing off her worry. "Just a few scratches, nothing serious." He limped towards his closet.

"I told you," Kim Byun continued, her voice firm, "winning the crown isn't about brute force. It's about strategy. You need to make yourself visible, outperform him in everything you do. He's not ready to be chosen, so show everyone you are!"

Hyeon, characteristically stubborn, ignored his mother's advice. He grabbed some clothes and headed for the pre-prepared bath, the soothing warmth a temporary relief.

Kim Byun sighed in frustration. Her words fell on deaf ears, as usual. Why was he so headstrong? Was she to lose the throne to a mere foster child, the son of a prisoner?

Frustration morphed into anger. Hyeon couldn't possibly be a better candidate than her own son, Kim Kyong. And Kyong... why was he locked in his room again? Ignoring her repeated knocks, he remained silent. A pang of worry shot through her. She headed to his quarters and went directly to his room.

"Kyong! Kyong, open the door! It's your mother!" Her voice echoed down the hallway. "You can't keep me waiting like this!"

A sudden realization dawned on her. Whenever the beast within Kyong threatened to take control, he retreated into this self-imposed isolation.


The following morning, Chin Ari awoke in the unfamiliar room. Feeling lost and unsure, she was startled by a gentle knock on the door.

She tiptoed towards it, careful not to wake Chin Sun. Opening the door, she found the maids from yesterday, Ying Li and Su Mi, their faces beaming.

"Good morning, Lady Chin," Su Mi chirped. "We're here to prepare your bath. We hope you don't mind."

Chin Ari, unaccustomed to such pampering, hesitated. A bath drawn just for her? It was a luxury she had only experienced once, a cherished memory of her mother's kindness. Yet, she also knew they were guests, and refusing their service might be seen as rude.

"Thank you," she finally replied, a flicker of shyness in her voice. Stepping aside, she allowed the maids to enter.

As they bustled about, preparing the fragrant bathwater and laying out fluffy towels, Chin Ari couldn't help but marvel. A life of nobility seemed filled with comfort and ease, yet a distant pang of longing resided within her. This wasn't her world, not truly.

Meanwhile, in the Prince's chambers. Hyeon emerged from the morning bath, his body still smarting from the previous day's duel. Kim Byun entered, her face etched with worry. "You should reconsider this tournament," she said, her voice low. "It's too dangerous."

Hyeon scoffed. "The only danger is losing to Kyong. I won't let that happen."

"It's not just about Kyong," Kim Byun countered, her voice firm. "There are whispers of a rebellion brewing in the north. The council may prefer a stable ruler over a flashy swordsman."

Hyeon frowned. Rebellion? He hadn't heard anything about this. He dismissed his mother with a wave of his hand, retreating to his thoughts. The news of a rebellion added a new layer of complexity to his ambitions.

If he is able to take hold of this case and bring the rebellion to an end, then no doubt, the people's attention would drift to him. But what was the rebellion about?... Is it similar to that of Kim Kyong or is it even something more worrisome?



Isn't this getting more interesting. Gosh. What's this rebellion about?...Support Kim Kyong and Chin Ari by commenting in the comments box and voting. And also, for today, I'm releasing two chapters. Next update is till Wednesday.