

Despite hearing countless tales about him, she couldn't summon the courage to meet his gaze – the prince rumored to wield power over death itself, or perhaps embody it. As his cold, husky voice commanded her removal, fear gripped her, her heart racing. She couldn't fathom why her sister had drawn the attention of such a cruel prince. Determined to shield her sister from harm, even at the cost of her own life, she pleaded desperately, defying the prince's order. Her actions shocked onlookers; challenging the empire's crown prince was unheard of, yet she persisted, seemingly indifferent to her own fate. In a moment of impulsiveness, she grasped his sleeve, pleading for mercy. The prince, Kim Kyong, enraged by her audacity, turned his gaze upon her. Realizing her peril, she withdrew her hand, resigning herself to her fate. Kim Kyong's guards, perceiving her as a threat, readied their weapons. Bracing for the worst, she awaited the fatal blow, only to be met with the unexpected sound of their retreat. As she cautiously opened her eyes, she found the prince kneeling before her, his gaze locking with hers. And with just two words, he sealed her fate.. This book cover isn't mine. It's from Pinterest.com. Sorry. My Webnovel account is having fault and my email as well. I need to make some corrections somewhere. Once I'm done, I'll refer you there.

WhiteBunny789 · History
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36 Chs

Chapter 12: Talking Marriage.

CHAPTER 12: Talking Marriage.

"My sincere apologies, Auntie," he began, bowing slightly. "My grandmother is just like that, I hope you can forgive us all." Chin Bada and her daughters were already leaving so he felt it would be better if he apologized.

Chin Sun, still fuming from the earlier incident, rolled her eyes and retreated back inside, likely to find time to spend with her sister who had gone back to their room to gather their belongings.

Chin Bada, however, surprised him with her calmness. "Oh, young lord, you don't have to feel sorry," she assured him sincerely. "It's normal for people to behave that way sometimes. I'm not offended," she reassured him, though a flicker of past hurt might have danced in her eyes for a brief moment.

Joon-woo, unsure of her complete sincerity, felt a pang of doubt. Her composure made it difficult to gauge her true feelings.

"If you truly accept this apology," he started, sounding some what hopeful, "then please accept these gifts from me, if you aren't offended." He gestured towards a particular direction, drawing Chin Bada's gaze.

There were two royal new carriages, each adorned with boxes of various sizes. Chin Bada couldn't help but smile. "That's too much, but I'll accept them with gratitude," she said, her voice genuine. Her acceptance brought a wave of relief to Joon-woo.

"I should apologize to your daughters as well, most especially Chin Sun," he continued, his concern evident. "She seemed quite… annoyed."

Chin Bada's smile remained fixed. "There's no need to," she insisted. "They'll calm down gradually."

Just then, Ha-Joon, who had been searching for her son, spotted him conversing with Chin Bada. Seeing an opportunity, she moved closer, hoping to rectify the situation.

"Chin Bada," she began, her voice laced with a hint of forced cheer, "I'm truly sorry for how Mother Lee acted this morning. It was quite uncalled for."

Chin Bada, responded with her signature meek smile. "Now you are all making me feel guilty. I assure you, Madam Lee, I'm not angry. Things unfolded as they were meant to. I don't hold grudges; it's a waste of space in my heart."

Ha-Joon, captured by Chin Bada's gentle nature, couldn't help but smile back. "I truly like your daughters," she admitted, "especially your eldest."

"Thank you, Madam Lee," Chin Bada replied.

"I'll take my leave now, Mother, Madam Chin." Joon-woo bowed slightly before departing, leaving Ha-Joon alone with Chin Bada. As soon as Joon-woo was out of earshot, Ha-Joon shed her pretense of politeness.

"You know, my son isn't married yet," she began, her voice dropping to a whisper, "and I really like your daughter, Chin Ari. I wouldn't mind if she isn't of noble birth. I believe they can make a good couple if they get to know each other."

Chin Bada considered Ha-Joon's proposition carefully. While the idea of her daughter marrying into a respected family held a certain appeal, the decision rested with Chin Ari.

"It would be an honor," Chin Bada finally responded, "Your son seems like a kind and responsible young man, and I'm sure he would take good care of my daughter." A hint of hope flickered in her eyes. "But the choice is not mine to make. It is Chin Ari's decision."

Ha-Joon's smile faltered slightly, a touch of awkwardness creeping into her voice. "Then you should talk to her"

••••Complex scene ahead••••

It was more like the day had been tagged a day of misfortune for Chin Ari. By the time she got to the door of their room, she met the door slightly opened but entered nonetheless. In the room, Lee Cheong was inside, sprawled out on the bed beside the neatly folded blankets placed on each other. She stood at the door for a while, her heart hammering in her chest, before bowing hesitantly.

"I'm truly sorry for disturbing you," she began, her voice barely a whisper. "I came to get the blankets. Once I have them, I'll leave."

Lee Cheong, startled by her sudden appearance, sat up abruptly. A self-conscious smile played on his lips as he took in her flustered state. "I didn't know this was your room," he said, his voice dripping with a false sincerity. "I come here often to relax myself. Coincidentally, I also wanted to see you one last time before you leave and apologize for what I said this morning. I'm truly sorry. You can get the blankets now."

Chin Ari eyed him warily. It was clear his apology wasn't sincere, a mere action to mask his true intentions. She mumbled a thank you and approached the bed, her movements stiff and guarded. She had to be careful.

As she leaned down to pick up the blankets, her long hair snagged on his gold chain, stopping her. Flustered, she bit her lip and reached out to untangle it. The air grew thick with tension as she struggled and refused to untangle.

Lee Cheong, intoxicated by her scent and the way she leaned over him, watched with predatory eyes. He couldn't help himself. In a swift, practiced move, he grabbed her arm and flipped her onto the bed. The world seemed to spin for Chin Ari as she landed, stunned and speechless.

Before she could even register what was happening, Lee Cheong was hovering above her, his hot breath on her neck. Fear, cold and sharp, flooded her veins. His lips grazed her skin, sending shivers down her spine. Panic erupted through her.

"Sir Lee... please stop," she stammered, her voice trembling. "I don't want to..."

Her words were cut off by a rough hand clamping over her mouth. Tears welled up in her eyes, blurring her vision. She thrashed against him, her struggles were like a desperate plea for him to release her.

Just as despair threatened to consume her, Lee Cheong abruptly stopped. He stared at her, realization suddenly hitted him as his eyes flew wide. Chin Ari's eyes, usually a warm blue had turned a chilling white, her body wrecked with violent tremors.

The color drained from Lee Cheong's face. The playful predator was replaced by a man stricken with fear. The implications of his actions hit him like a physical blow. If she were to die here, in this room, the blame would fall squarely on him. The consequences would be severe.

With a mixture of fear and disgust, he stood up from the bed, leaving Chin Ari gasping for breath, tears streaming down her cheeks. The room spun, the taste of iron flooding her mouth. She had never felt so utterly violated and helpless.


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