
chapter four: precious gift, second warning.

months later,it was Natasha's birthday, Kelvin threw a party for her .flashy videos of her birthday party were trending on different media pages.she got a new car as a gift from Kelvin after the party.


after the party, Kelvin gave Natasha another gift. According to Kelvin,he had been working on it for months. it was a modern technology wrist watch which allows Kelvin to know where Natasha was .it also helps them to communicate without the knowledge of a third party.it had a simple password'is'.the watch activates when the word is said.natasha was really grateful for the gifts for her she had the best husband the world could ever offer.


after Natasha's birthday partying,life went on smoothly.she spent the following week unwrapping expensive gifts which consisted mainly of jewelry.after that she checked her schedules for the week she found out that she had a public interview few days later, suspending what she was doing,she went to prepare for the interview.


it was 8am already.the new driver that was employed still have not arrived yet.she looked at her watch again. she was running late.just as she was about to give up , the driver rushed inside"what took you so long",she asked in a voice that showed that she was really annoyed.she was supposed to get there before nine since the distance between Manhattan and Hollywood was a forty five minutes drive.getting into the car, she closed the door and the driver zoomed off.


after the interview, Natasha decided to go to the store after she had changed.she was about to finish with her shopping when someone tapped her,she turned around and saw a cute little girl"someone is calling you there he says he's your husband",the whispered to her.she pointed to a particular direction after that, the girl walked out .she was wondering why kelvin would call for her without actually calling her on her phone she walked in that direction till she came out of the store from behind.she looked at the empty space in front of her ,she moved on when she was more than half way through,she began to get the feeling that something was amiss before she could make up her mind,she felt a sharp pain on her head she was about to turn around but immediately blacked out.


when Natasha opened her eyes , someone was standing in front of her.when she made a vision out of her blurred sight,it was Neil. why does he always keep me on the floor,she thought. "I missed you darling", Neil annoyingly said."nitwit", Natasha muttered."what did you say dear", Neil asked. "what do you want from me", Natasha asked coldly."is that how you respond to sweet greetings", Neil asked."what do you want from me ", Natasha said raising her voice"I just want you to sign this divorce papers now",he said"or else?"Natasha said challengingly. at this Neil brought out a gun. "if you don't want to lose your husband's live and probably yours too sign this",he whispered.natasha was visibly shaken but she dared not to show her for her weakness. she had to make a plan B,being rude would not help matters,she thought."um... what I meant was that...i....I need some time to get the old man to sign this...I..I mean I just can't come up any day and ask for a divorce right?"she asked smiling."let me make a little trouble and have a good reason for a divorce you know have something to say to the media ",she said .Neil looked at her like he could see the insults Natasha gave him inwardly. "I'll let you go today next time I won't let you go so easily with that he waved his hand and they let Natasha go.