
Threads Of Love

Lila Rose is a struggling fashion designer who needs a miracle to save her family's clothing brand. When she gets a chance to collaborate with a luxury hotel chain for a new line of resort wear, she thinks her prayers are answered. But there's a catch: the owner of the chain is her ex-fiancé, the man who left her at the altar six years ago. He is a hotelier who is trying to clear his name from a fraud scandal that threatens his empire. He still loves Lila and wants to win her back. But he has a secret that could destroy everything they have. As they work together to create a stunning collection of resort wear, they rekindle their passion and friendship. But their past, their rivals, and a shocking revelation put their relationship to the test. Will they be able to forgive and trust each other again? Will they be able to risk their hearts for a second chance at love? Threads Of Love is a contemporary romance novel that will take you on a roller coaster ride of emotions, glamour, and suspense. It is a story of betrayal and redemption, of secrets and lies, and of fashion and love.

Innova_Write · Urban
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19 Chs

Chapter Ten

With a firm "Yes," Victor Vane committed himself to the unexpected proposal. The room was filled with a palpable tension, the air thick with anticipation. Ms. Isabella D'Amore's eyes sparkled with satisfaction, her lips curling into a triumphant smile.

Victor's acceptance marked the beginning of a new journey, one that was sure to be filled with challenges and triumphs. As the owner of Vane Couture, he was no stranger to the pressures of the fashion industry. But this… this was different. This was personal.

As Victor and Ms. D'Amore began discussing the details of their arrangement, the office buzzed with excitement. Word quickly spread about the upcoming gala and Victor's unexpected role in it. The employees of Vane Couture could hardly contain their excitement.


Meanwhile, across town, Lila and Maya were oblivious to the developments at Vane Couture. Their minds were preoccupied with their own challenges and the upcoming dinner with Mr. Luxe.

As the day drew to a close, it was clear that things were about to get a lot more interesting in the world of fashion.

The next morning, Lila woke up with a sense of anticipation. Today was the day she was set to meet Ethan Luxe for dinner. She started her day with a light breakfast, her mind already running through the potential scenarios of the evening.

She spent the morning going through her wardrobe, trying to decide what to wear. She wanted to look professional, yet approachable. After much deliberation, she settled on a simple yet elegant dress that accentuated her features.

Next, she moved on to her hair and makeup. She opted for a natural look, not wanting to appear too overdone. Once she was satisfied with her appearance, she spent the rest of the afternoon going over her notes for the meeting.

Meanwhile, in Maya's room, things were much more relaxed. Dressed in a simple armless singlet and bum shorts, Maya was lounging on her bed when the buzz of her phone startled her. It was a text from Ryan.

"Hey dear," the message read.

Maya immediately sat up. She had been missing talking to Ryan due to the many days of being absent trying to set things right for Lila. Now, she finally had a chance to catch up with her online lover. With a smile on her face, she began typing a response.

Maya's fingers began flying over the screen. "Hey Ryan! It's been a while. How have you been?"

Ryan's response came almost immediately. "Hey Maya! I've been good, just the usual stuff. How about you? What's been keeping you so busy?"

Maya chuckled as she typed out her reply. "Oh, you know, just helping a friend with some business stuff. It's been hectic but fun."

Ryan, always the joker, sent back a message that had Maya laughing out loud. "Business stuff, huh? Sounds like you're becoming a big shot. Do I need to start calling you 'Boss Lady' now?"

Maya was still laughing as she typed out her response. "Haha, very funny Ryan. But no, 'Maya' will do just fine."

Their conversation continued in this vein, with Ryan cracking jokes and Maya laughing at his antics. Despite the distance between them, their bond was as strong as ever.

As the day wore on, Maya and Ryan continued their conversation, sharing jokes and updates about their day. The connection between them was palpable, even through the digital medium. Their laughter and shared moments were a testament to their strong bond.

Meanwhile, Lila was preparing for her dinner with Ethan Luxe. She was nervous but determined. She knew that this dinner could be a turning point for their studio, and she was ready to give it her all.

As the evening approached, Lila took one last look at herself in the mirror. She looked confident, professional, and ready to take on whatever the evening had in store for her.

At the same time, across town at Vane Couture, Victor Vane was dealing with his own set of challenges. The news of his upcoming appearance at the gala had spread like wildfire through the fashion industry, and everyone was buzzing with anticipation.

Victor spent his day fielding calls from excited colleagues and curious reporters. Despite the chaos, he managed to maintain his composure, answering each query with his characteristic charm and wit.

Back at Maya's room, Maya finally ended her conversation with Ryan. She couldn't help but smile as she thought about their shared jokes and heartfelt conversations. Despite the distance between them, their bond seemed stronger than ever.

As night fell, Lila was about to leave for her dinner with Ethan Luxe. 

The stage was set for an eventful evening. Little did they know that this night would bring about changes that would alter the course of their lives forever.

As the evening wore on, Lila received a call from Mr. Luxe. His voice was calm and composed as he asked, "Are you still able to make it for dinner? It's already past 8 PM."

Lila assured him that she was on her way. Mr. Luxe then suggested a change of venue. "There's a very romantic lounge not far from here, called 'The Moonlit Sonata'. How about we meet there instead?"

Lila agreed, intrigued by the unexpected change. She quickly dialed Maya's number, her heart pounding in her chest. As soon as Maya picked up, Lila blurted out everything.

"Lila? Slow down," Maya said, trying to make sense of the rush of words. "What's going on?"

Lila took a deep breath, trying to calm her racing heart. "Maya," she began, her voice shaky. "There's been a change in plans. Mr. Luxe… Ethan… he wants to meet at a romantic lounge called 'The Moonlit Sonata'."

There was a pause on the other end of the line before Maya responded. "Okay… that's unexpected. But we can work with this. What else?"

Lila swallowed hard before continuing. "There's more, Maya," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "Ethan Luxe… he's my ex-fiancé."

The line went silent for a moment before Maya finally spoke up. "Oh, Lila…" she said softly. "This is… wow. Are you okay?"

"I don't know, Maya," Lila admitted, her voice filled with uncertainty. "I didn't expect to ever see him again, let alone work with him."

Maya's voice was filled with concern as she responded. "Lila, if this is too much for you…"

"No," Lila interrupted, her voice firm. "I can handle this. We need this deal for our studio."

"Alright," Maya said after a moment of silence. "But remember, Lila, you're not alone in this. We're in this together."