
Threads Of Love

Lila Rose is a struggling fashion designer who needs a miracle to save her family's clothing brand. When she gets a chance to collaborate with a luxury hotel chain for a new line of resort wear, she thinks her prayers are answered. But there's a catch: the owner of the chain is her ex-fiancé, the man who left her at the altar six years ago. He is a hotelier who is trying to clear his name from a fraud scandal that threatens his empire. He still loves Lila and wants to win her back. But he has a secret that could destroy everything they have. As they work together to create a stunning collection of resort wear, they rekindle their passion and friendship. But their past, their rivals, and a shocking revelation put their relationship to the test. Will they be able to forgive and trust each other again? Will they be able to risk their hearts for a second chance at love? Threads Of Love is a contemporary romance novel that will take you on a roller coaster ride of emotions, glamour, and suspense. It is a story of betrayal and redemption, of secrets and lies, and of fashion and love.

Innova_Write · Urban
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19 Chs

Chapter Seven

Later that evening, Maya was seated in her room, surrounded by pieces of materials suitable for 'Midnight Bloom', their upcoming collection. The materials were a mix of vibrant colors and delicate textures, each piece telling a story of its own.

She ran her fingers over the fabric, her mind buzzing with ideas. She could see the potential in each piece - the way it could be transformed into a stunning garment that would take everyone's breath away.

But she was disappointed at the way Lila turned down the materials saying they weren't suitable for 'Midnight bloom'. 

Maya sighed and leaned back in her chair, staring at the ceiling. The weight of their situation was starting to sink in. But she wasn't ready to give up. Not yet.

Meanwhile Lila in her room picked up her sketchpad and began to draw. She sketched out designs that incorporated the materials they had, trying to make the best of their situation. She worked tirelessly, and continued until it was almost midday.

"Midnight Bloom will bloom," she whispered to herself, a determined smile on her face. "We will make it happen."

Just as she was about putting the finishing touches on a design, her phone rang. It was Maya.

"Hey Lila, How you doing Girl," she said, her voice filled with determination. "We need to meet up and talk things over, face-to-face. How about we meet at Joe's Diner?"

Lila paused for a moment before saying. "Maya, ain't you got work at what the name what's the name your workplace again?

"'The Style Spectrum', Girl and I never told you the name I'm just telling you now" Maya responded 

"Girl Why are you always worrying about me so much?" Lila asked

Maya's laughter echoed softly through the phone. "Well, I can always snag a gig at 'The Style Spectrum' whenever I want, Lila. But right now, I'm all in for you, girl. We're in this together, remember?"

There was a pause on the other end of the line before Lila responded. "Maya, you've always been there for me. I don't know what I'd do without you."

"Hey, that's what friends are for," Maya replied, her voice full of warmth. "Now let's meet up at Joe's Diner and hash out a plan. We've got a fashion empire to save!"

"I'll be there," Lila responded, her voice filled with determination.

"How about 6pm?" Maya suggested, glancing at the clock. It was just 5:30pm.

Upon hearing Maya's chosen time, Lila sprang into action. She quickly packed up the design she was working on, carefully placing her sketches and fabric samples into her portfolio. With only half an hour to spare, every minute was precious.

She glanced at the clock, her heart pounding in her chest. It was 5:35pm. She had just 25 minutes to get ready and make it to Joe's Diner. She dashed into her bedroom, pulling out a chic yet comfortable outfit - a pair of black slacks and a stylish white blouse.

As she dressed, she couldn't get her mind off the meeting. She knew that she and Maya had a lot to discuss - their financial situation, the materials they had, the designs they needed to create. It was overwhelming, but Lila was determined to face it head-on.

By 5:50pm, Lila was ready. She grabbed her portfolio and her purse, took one last look at her apartment, and headed out the door. As she walked down the street, her mind was buzzing with thoughts and ideas.

She arrived at Joe's Diner just in time. As she stepped inside, she spotted Maya sitting at their usual booth. Taking a deep breath, she walked over and slid into the seat across from Maya.

"Hey Maya," she said, trying to sound confident. "Let's save my fashion empire." And with that, their meeting began.

Maya looked at Lila, admiration in her eyes. "Alright, girl. Let's get down to business."

They spread out the sketches and fabric samples on the table, their heads bent together as they started discussing strategies. The diner buzzed around them, but they were in their own world - a world of colors, textures, and designs.

They began to take stock of what they had - the available materials, the funds they had gathered, and the order from Luxe Hotel Group. The order was for 50 pieces of the 'Midnight Bloom' dress, a task that seemed daunting given their current resources.

After some calculations, they realized that with the $3000 they had pooled together and the materials they had on hand, they could only produce 15 dresses. The 'Midnight Bloom' dress was a complex design that required more than what they currently had.

Lila looked at Maya, her eyes filled with worry. "Maya, we're short. We need more funds and materials."

Maya nodded, her mind already racing with ideas. "I know, Lila. But we've overcome challenges before. We'll figure this out too."

Lila, growing tired of the optimistic mantra, interrupted her. "Maya, I think we need to face reality here. Let's call this unknown caller and tell him we can't meet the order. Let's hear what he has to say."

Maya paused, taking in Lila's words. It was a difficult decision, but perhaps it was the right one. "Alright, Lila," she agreed, her voice steady, "Let's do it."

With a deep breath, they dialed the number of the unknown caller. The phone rang once, twice, before a man with a deep, intimidating voice answered.

"Hello?" His voice echoed through the phone.

Lila and Maya exchanged anxious glances. "Hi, this is Lila and Maya," Lila managed to say, her voice trembling slightly.

They explained to him that they were unable to meet his request. As they finished speaking, an unexpected sound filled the line - the man was laughing. His laughter was deep and resonant, adding to his intimidating aura.

Once his laughter subsided, he spoke again. "I'm from Luxe Hotel Group," he revealed.

Maya let out a scream in surprise, forgetting she was still on the call. Lila quickly signaled to her to stop screaming. Their conversation had taken an unexpected turn.

Maya quickly pulled up her phone to search for directions to the hotel. But before she could even type in the address, Lila let out a shout of joy.

"Maya, stop! I know where it is!" Lila exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "I'll drive us there right away."

And just like that, their fear turned into anticipation. They were on their way to meet the representative from Luxe Hotel Group. Even though they were not sure what to expect.