
Threads of Infinity: Group Chat Across Endless Dimensions

[ Ding! ] [ System Error ] [ System Requesting for Reboot ] "A-Access..... Gr-Granted..." [ System Rebooting is Interrupted ] [ System Upgrading! ] [ System Upgrade Success! Dimensional Group Chat Activated! Administrator Confirmed! Promoting the Host to Group Admin! ] [Sending Invitation To Random Beings In The Multiverse. ] [ Queen of Nightmare has joined the Group Chat! ] [ Ancient Wisdom Lover has joined the Group Chat! ] [ Turtle Hermit has joined the Group Chat! ] [ Temporal Demon Spirit Successor has joined the Group Chat! ] [ Gambling Addict has joined the Group Chat! ] [ The Curiosity Dynamo has joined the Group Chat! ] "What the..." [ All members have arrived! ] [ Welcome To The Threads of Infinity! ]

HastySeptemberPH · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 1 - Two Systems? Dimensional Chat Group?

Author's Note: Will be Changing the name of the Main Character from Haru to Hikaru due to some problems. Well, typically, it's still the same verse as my other novel but because of the 18 year difference, the name of the Main Character is slightly altered.


Year 2305,

The room was dimly lit, the air thick with anticipation. A lone figure sat in the floor of this room, holding his arm that is broken and with a lot of blood on it. Looking at the screen of his system with a lot of text flickering with a series of error messages. The person's face betrayed a mixture of confusion, helplessness and curiosity as he observed the unfolding events.

[System Error]


[System Requesting for Reboot]


The figure stand up weakly and lay on his bed, his eyes widened with a hint of concern. 'What is happening? I have never encounter such an anomaly before. What caused my system to malfunctioned? Or was something else at play?'

"....A-Access..... Gr-Granted...." the figure stammered, uncertain of what the consequence of their response would be.


[System Rebooting Granted!]

But before the reboot could be completed, the unexpected occurred.


[ System Rebooting is Interrupted ]

[ System Upgrading ]

The figure's eyebrows furrowed in bewilderment. Upgrading? I hadn't initiated any such process. It was as if an external force had taken control, manipulating the very essence of his system.

[System Upgrade Success! Dimensional Group Chat Activated! Administrator Confirmed! Promoting the Host to Group Admin!]

A surge of perplexity coursed through the figure's veins. 'A dimensional group chat? I had never heard of such a thing except from the ones that I have read in my previous life. What did it mean to be the administrator, I know that I own a system and I became a host of it but, Administrator? What is the meaning of this?' Questions flooded his mind, but there was no time for answers as the next revelation unfolded.

[Sending Invitation To Random Beings In The Multiverse. ]

Intriguing and ominous all at once, the figure watched as a series of names began to populate the chat window. Each arrival marked by a distinctive sound, announcing their presence.

[ Queen of Nightmare has joined the Group Chat! ]

[ Ancient Wisdom Lover has joined the Group Chat! ]

[ Turtle Hermit has joined the Group Chat! ]

[ Temporal Demon Spirit Successor has joined the Group Chat! ]

[ Gambling Addict has joined the Group Chat! ]

[ The Curiosity Dynamo has joined the Group Chat! ]

The figure's eyes widened further, their mouth agape. Who were these beings? What worlds did they come from?

"What the..." As the man, Hikaru, who was looking at the interface of his system, he saw that it change and became somewhat of a Group Chat which is similar to what he reads back then.

[ All members have arrived! ]

[ Welcome To The Threads of Infinity! ]

"A Dimensional Group Chat? Threads of Infinity?" The words appeared before them, glowing brightly on the screen. The Threads of Infinity? It was a name that held both wonder and trepidation. As the figure stared at the screen, a mixture of uncertainty and excitement filled his heart. 'I had no choice but to embrace this enigmatic journey into the unknown. It might heal my arm and restore my health back to normal'

With a deep breath, the figure, Hikaru, typed their first message into the chat. Though before he did that, another system beside his Dimensional Chat Group System appeared.

[Creator wishes to talk with the host....]

<Accept> <Not Accept>

"???" Just as the Questions from the Dimensional Chat Group is not yet syncing to him, another set of Questions keeps popping out of nowhere.

"WAIT! THIS.... THIS IS THE ORIGINAL SYSTEM INTERFACE BEFORE IT BECAME THE DIMENSIONAL CHAT GROUP!!!" The man exclaimed loudly as he jolted a little due the pain of his injured arm and his deteriorating health.

"Damn that hurts just now! What to do? What to do? Should just accept it or not?" Just as he is thinking hard, the Dimensional Chat Group System, The Threads of Infinity, quickly sent a notification in him.

[Ding! As Host owned another system and the creator of that system is wishing to talk to you, the Dimensional Chat Group System will automatically accept it as it will benefit the Host ]

Before he said anything, He suddenly vanished in the spot and arrived at a location that looks like a space but different from the space that he know because he saw a few pillars on it. By then, a figure resembling a holy beast appeared in front of him.

"Interesting, Interesting" As that creature is looking at me up and down with a look of finding an interesting toy or being.

"Wh-Why are you looking at me like that." As the man stuttered multiple times, He saw the holy beasts appearance and exclaimed loudly.


" As expected of a reincarnated being! A lot of people in this world, I mean, your world Ransei that you have been reincarnated to, doesn't know me." Arceus sighed as he looked at the ancient looking pillars in this place. He then looked at me again with a face of complicated look. Being silent again for a while, he said, "I've been planning to send you to a different world, a parallel world to be precise, so that you can save it from becoming the same as your world but, it's pretty hard to do that now as you have another system now. It'll destroy the System policy from the multiverse if I do that. But, I don't know what to do to you and also, as a reincarnation being, you have the knowledge of otherworlders, making it easier to finish the mission that I will give to you."

Before Haru can say anything again, the Dimensional Chat Group appeared and show a Quest that lit up his eyes.

[ Ding! First Quest has been given! It is a Hidden Quest and will not be known by other members of the group. Hidden Quest: Double the System, Double The Rewards, Double The Risk! ]

[ Description: As the Host already have the Dimensional Chat Group as a System, a second System is currently not possible due to some interference of a mysterious power. There are currently three solutions for Host to harness the power of two systems. One is to merge the Systems. Instead of having two separate systems, the Host could explore the possibility of merging the existing system with the newly acquired one. This could involve understanding the capabilities and limitations of each system and finding a way to integrate their functionalities into a unified, more powerful system. Second is to Seek Assistance from an Expert or the Creator of the System itself. The Host could search for an expert or the Creator of systems and dimensional phenomena. This beings or Creators might possess the knowledge and skills required to resolve the interference and allow the person to have both systems without any complications. They could provide guidance or even perform a ritual or procedure to harmonize the two systems. Lastly, The Host can harness the Power of an Artifact. The Host needs a powerful artifact that possesses the ability to neutralize the interference and allow the simultaneous operation of two systems. Warning, As the Host is currently weak even in the Host's peak strength, An artifact that could suppress or neutralize such things could be hidden in a distant dimension or guarded by formidable beings, requiring the Host to undertake a perilous journey to acquire it. Once obtained, the artifact could be used to unlock the full potential of both systems. ]

As the man, Hikaru, grappled with the predicament of having two systems and the interference caused by the mysterious power, He found himself immersed in deep contemplation. He knew that finding the right solution was crucial for his journey ahead, but the options weighed heavily on his mind. Hikaru delved into research, or analyzing the solutions given by the System. He realized quickly that each solution presented its own set of risks, benefits, and uncertainties. He then meticulously analyzed the possibilities, assessing the feasibility and potential consequences of each path. Finally, after much deduction and analysis, Hikaru found himself torn between two potential solutions, merging the systems or seeking the creator, which is in front of him, of the other system.

On one hand, merging the systems offered the promise of a unified, more powerful entity. He envisioned the convergence of capabilities, the potential for enhanced control and understanding of the dimensional chat group. The prospect of harnessing the combined strengths and functionalities of both systems seemed immensely appealing. However, doubts lingered about the potential conflicts or compromises that might arise during the merging process. Would He lose certain features or risk destabilizing the systems altogether?

On the other hand, seeking out the creator of the other system appeared to hold the key to unraveling the mysteries surrounding the interference. Haru pondered the possibility of a direct conversation with the creator, Arceus, in front of him, hoping to gain insights into the nature of the interference and forge a mutually beneficial solution. However, uncertainties arose about the intentions of the creator. Would he be receptive to his plea for assistance? Would he allowed the System to stay with him and give him an opportunity?

While he's thinking seriously and contemplating on what he would choose, Arceus then came in front of him and looked at him and said, "Hmmm, I think I know what you are thinking, I'll allow the System to be with you, making you, the holder of two different Systems. It'll be a merge system but still separated because it's what I want. But before I do that, I have three conditions that you must accept. Do you agree?"

"Yes! I'll agree on it. What's the conditions?" Hikaru happily exclaimed as having two systems and thinking hard is making his head hurt, plus with his injuries, it's harder to think.

"First, tell me what's going on with that other system of yours. I've only seen that it's a Chat Group-styled System but I don't know what's up with that. Second, Never tell your Group members that you have a second System. You can tell them that you are a reincarnated being because their might be weird beings in that Chat Group but do not tell the Second System as that'll be a problem to clean up. Lastly, You will be Reincarnating in a Parallel world of Ransei but your memories will be locked until you are 18 years old. Do you Agree? I'll also issue this to your Chat Group System so that the first time you opened the Chat Group, it'll still be like nothing happened and not like 18 years had passed."

[ Ding! ] [ Ding! ]

He then heard a double chimed as he saw two systems in front of him with the same notification, same text written on it with the same conditions as what Arceus said.

[ Hidden Quest: Double the System, Double The Rewards, Double The Risk! ]

[ Description: As the Creator of the Second System, Arceus, have listed three (3) conditions to the Host, the only thing that the Host need to do is to accept or decline. Rewards: Reincarnation, Second System, !8 years of Dimensional Chat Group System Time Freeze to match the current time of the Host's reincarnation, A random lottery in Dimensional Chat Group System and the Second System. Failure: Death. Time remaining to pick: 9 hours, 36 minutes, 30 seconds. ]

< Accept > < Decline >

"Do I really need to think? Only a moron will not accept. I, Haru, will Accept the demands of both systems!" Hikaru then declared his choice.

[ Ding! Host Accepted the Quest! Rewards have been given. Initiating the Reincarnation..... Reincarnation processing... Done! ]

As white light covered Hikaru, He then looked at Arceus with a grateful look and sucked air a few moments then breathe out as He said to Arceus, " I will definitely save this world Arceus! Don't Worry about me, just sit back and watch!"

Before He Disappear, He shouted quickly, "Arceus! Give me a guide about the mission and Thank you again!!! Best Wishes -" Then Haru vanished in front of Arceus. Arceus then looked at the Vanished Haru and shifted his gaze at the Universe and said, "I'll trust you, Hikaru. Show them what you are capable of with my System and The Threads of Infinity." Before Hikaru leave, he passed his limited knowledge about the Dimensional Chat Group System to Arceus and became somewhat certain on what that System is for.


Year 2008,

In A small town, A young man with a long white hair with a tint of crimson red that flowed straight down his back like a waterfall made of snow in winter and crimson flowers in spring. Having a deep blue eyes below his straight brows portrayed a pair of priceless sparkling sapphire, looking as though it contained the sky within, and his gaze emitted a profound feeling that could seemingly charm anyone with a mere glance. If one look closely in his eyes, it contained a little of mischievousness and matureness within it. Having a devilishly handsome face in such young age, a lot of young girls admired him. His overall aura gave others the feeling of a weak, innocent boy and an otherworldly aura. As this young man suddenly woke up, making his mind put into a trance as a soul-like aura floated around him.

After a while, the young man having out of a trance-like state, he slowly opened his eyes. He couldn't help being confused by the scene in front of him.

"Where am I?" Hikaru quietly asked himself.

He was utterly shocked as he realized that his hands became somewhat soft and his skin became a lot more tender and young looking. (Hikaru before reincarnated was near like mid to late twenties.)

Hikaru was currently on his said to be room. Hikaru then clearly remembered that this was the year he was suppose to be reincarnated. He then gain the memories of the past 17 years of his life.

"I was actually living like this! Totally fitting to be me! Even without memories, I still have that decisive nature. Though this me is kinda a little cold but soft inside." Hikaru was deeply shocked. He remembered all what happened in the past 17 years and He was happy that He gained his memories again. It seems his soul was completed though without the main memories but now, it's fully completed.

"Oh wait, the Systems!" Hikaru then first looked at the Second System and find that it's still the same as before he reincarnated. "Even after 18 years, it's still the same! Still no new quest or something." Though before he move on to the other system, he saw a tiny difference from the system. He then clicked onto it and saw a lot of things that made his mouth opened wide.


Name: Hikaru ( Title: Kanto Pokemon League Champion, The Ideal Man, Most Handsome Man, Elite Trainer, Cold yet Caring Man, Copycat Specialist, Pokemon Teacher, Assistant Researcher, The Reincarnated Redeemer )

Level: 1

Stats: Strength (C+), Intelligence (A), Stamina (S+)

Active Skills: Hand to Hand Combat (C+)

Passive Skills: Command skills (S+), Negotiating (A), Swimming (B), Running (A), Soul Diver (EX)

Current Pokemon: (11)

- Eevee (Ace)

(Click to load the other 10 ) ]

"Oh Damn! What are this!!! A Pokemon Champion right off the back?!?! The hell is this ideal man and most handsome man?? I just want to interact with my System!"

[ DIng! Additional Information from the Second System! Charm: 236 (Average people charm is 45-65; A peaked charm is at 90-105. You surpassed it all! Reward: Charmer beyond Charmers (title) )

"I don't want it! What am I, A Harem Protagonist??"

[ You have the Potential, Host ]
