
Threads of Destiny : Shirou Emiya's Journey through Myth

Osayanhu_Imoisili · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

Shirou meets Sally

Shirou's demigod scent had gradually become overwhelming, an olfactory beacon that drew monsters and danger. The relentless attacks had kept them on edge, facing a barrage of hellhounds and various low-level creatures. The group had barely managed to fend off these assaults, their teamwork and Shirou's combat skills being their only salvation.

Despite the constant battles, a curious respite came unexpectedly. For a span of two weeks, there was an eerie calm, a hiatus in the relentless onslaught. Shirou couldn't shake off the feeling that this newfound peace was merely the calm before an even more formidable storm.

Then, one day as Shirou was walking home from work, it happened. A distant rustling, the ominous hissing of something massive in the shadows – and then, there it was: the Hydra. A monstrous abomination with multiple heads, each capable of independent movement and unforgiving fury.

Instinct took over, adrenaline surged through his veins. It was a battle of wits, strength, and strategy. Shirou fought with every ounce of his being, drawing on his extraordinary combat skills and the martial techniques he had honed for years. The battle was intense, a symphony of swords clashing and scales shattering.

His blades glinted in the sunlight, each strike a testament to his determination and resolve. At times, it seemed as if the Hydra was nearly unbeatable, its regenerative capabilities testing his endurance to the limit. But Shirou was unyielding, his spirit refusing to break.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Shirou found an opening. A swift, calculated strike aimed at a weak point in the Hydra's defenses. His blade pierced through the thick scales, severing one of the heads. The beast let out an agonized roar, its demise imminent.

With a final, mighty blow, the last head was severed, and the Hydra's monstrous form crumbled to the ground. The battlefield was littered with debris and the stench of victory hung heavily in the air. Shirou was battered, bloodied, and exhausted, but he had emerged triumphant.

As the dust settled, a figure emerged from the shadows, observing the aftermath of the battle. It was a woman, someone Shirou had not seen before. Sally Jackson, mother of Percy, had been watching the battle from a safe distance, assessing Shirou's abilities and determination.

Approaching him with an air of calm authority, Sally spoke, her voice steady and reassuring. She extended an invitation, offering Shirou the chance to recuperate in her home. The weight of his recent battle still pressed upon him, and he recognized the sincerity in her eyes.

Shirou's instincts told him that this was an opportunity he couldn't afford to ignore. He nodded, his gratitude evident in the faintest of smiles. He followed Sally, leaving behind the battlefield and the echoes of his victory.

Sally brought Shirou back to her home. She led him inside, and he took a moment to look around. The place felt warm and welcoming, a stark contrast to the danger he had just faced.

As they settled in, Sally turned to him with a calm expression. "So, which of your parents is a god? And which one, specifically?"

Shirou hesitated for a moment before answering. "My mother is the one who's a god. As for her identity, I'm not entirely sure. There are some deities I suspect could be my mother, but I don't have concrete proof."

Sally nodded understandingly. "I can imagine how that feels. The uncertainty can be frustrating."

Shirou sighed, relieved that Sally seemed to grasp his predicament. "Yeah, it's been bothering me for a while. But at the same time, I've been trying to focus on the present and the challenges I'm facing right now."

Sally smiled. "That's a wise approach. Sometimes, it's best to deal with what's right in front of us before tackling the bigger mysteries."

Shirou found himself opening up to Sally about his experiences since arriving in this world. He told her about the battles he had fought, the monsters that had attacked him, and the unexpected help he had received along the way.

Listening attentively, Sally's expression grew thoughtful. "It sounds like you've been through a lot. But it also seems like you're handling it remarkably well."

Shirou shrugged modestly. "I've always believed in doing what's right, no matter how tough the situation. I guess that's what keeps me going."

Sally nodded in approval. "That's a good philosophy to live by."

Their conversation shifted to a lighter topic as Sally began to talk about her own experiences with demigods, particularly her son Percy. She spoke with fondness and pride, recounting his adventures and the challenges he had faced.

Shirou found himself captivated by her stories, and he couldn't help but admire the strength and resilience that demigods like Percy possessed. It was a reminder that he wasn't alone in this new world, that there were others who had faced similar trials.

After a while, Shirou couldn't help but ask, "So, where is Percy now?"

Sally's smile faltered slightly. "He's at Camp Half-Blood, a safe haven for demigods like him."

Shirou raised an eyebrow. "Camp Half-Blood? Is that where demigods go to train and learn about their abilities?"

Sally nodded. "Exactly. It's a place where they can be among their own kind and learn how to defend themselves."

Shirou couldn't help but feel a mix of curiosity and apprehension. "And you think I should go there?"

Sally's gaze softened. "It's up to you, of course. But it might be a good place for you to learn more about your own abilities, and to find some answers about your parentage."

Shirou considered her words. He had been trying to navigate this new world on his own, relying on his own instincts and skills. But maybe it was time to seek out help, to learn from others who had experience with these challenges.

"Thank you," Shirou said sincerely. "I appreciate your hospitality and your advice."

Sally smiled warmly. "You're welcome, Shirou. You're always welcome here. And if you do decide to go to Camp Half-Blood, I'm sure Percy would be more than happy to help you settle in."

Shirou returned to his residence, a mix of emotions swirling within him. As he recounted the events of the day to Rin and Sakura, he could see the concern in their eyes. The pause after he finished speaking was heavy with the weight of their collective thoughts.

Sakura broke the silence, her voice soft but resolute. "Maybe going to Camp Half-Blood is the right choice. If there's a place where we can learn more about what's happening to us, we should take the opportunity."

Rin nodded in agreement. "It's clear that something is going on, and we can't keep ignoring it. We need answers, and if there's a place that can provide them, we should go."

Shirou took a deep breath, grateful for their support. "Alright, then. Tomorrow, we'll make our way to Camp Half-Blood and see what it's all about."

The decision made, they spent the rest of the evening preparing for the journey ahead. They packed essentials, discussed the logistics, and tried to mentally prepare themselves for what lay ahead.

In Camp Half-Blood , Grover was deep in conversation with Chiron. "I've been trying to understand that Shirou's scent," Grover explained, frustration evident in his voice. "But there's something strange about it. It's like nothing I've ever encountered before."

Chiron's expression was grave. "If it's something unfamiliar to you, then it's worth investigating further. I believe it's time to consult the ancient archives."

Grover's face twisted in distaste. "The ancient archives? You know how the elders feel about granting access."

Chiron nodded. "I'm aware. But in this case, it's necessary. We need to understand what we're dealing with, especially if it's related to a demigod."

Grover sighed, resignation settling in. "I'll do what I have to do. But I'm not looking forward to facing the elders."

Chiron placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "Your determination and dedication to our cause will not go unnoticed, Grover. The safety of our kind is at stake."

Back in the Mainland, Hecate sensed a strange magic, one that felt both ancient and unfamiliar. Curiosity piqued, she followed the magical trail, weaving through the city streets. The sensation grew stronger with each step, leading her to a location she had never visited before.

As she arrived at the source of the magic, her eyes widened in surprise. Before her stood a small apartment.

Hecate's lips curved into a knowing smile. "Well, well, what do we have here?" she mused to herself. "A little haven of mystery and magic, tucked away in plain sight."

She decided to observe for a while, to learn more about the nature of this establishment and the magic that flowed within it. As she watched, she couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to this place than met the eye. And Hecate was determined to uncover its secrets.

Lolerei sat in her office at the Clock Tower, the weight of her decision heavy on her shoulders. She had made up her mind—she was going to officially investigate the events surrounding the fifth Holy Grail War. The implications of such an investigation were immense, and she knew that it could potentially uncover secrets that were better left buried. But she couldn't ignore the curiosity that gnawed at her, the desire to understand the mysteries that had unfolded in Fuyuki City.

Summoning Adashino and Waver, Lolerei explained her intentions. Adashino's eyes narrowed thoughtfully, while Waver merely nodded in agreement. The three of them began to discuss the logistics of the investigation, mapping out their approach and strategies.

Just as Lolerei was preparing to leave her office, her determination unwavering, an unexpected presence manifested before her. Zeltrech, the enigmatic magus of unparalleled power, stood before her, his presence both unsettling and awe-inspiring.

"Ah, Lolerei, my dear, you always manage to find yourself in the midst of intriguing endeavors," Zeltrech said with a grin, his voice carrying an air of amusement.

Lolerei's expression darkened, a mixture of annoyance and frustration. "Zeltrech, I don't have time for your games. This is a serious matter, and I intend to get to the bottom of it."

Zeltrech chuckled, his eyes glinting with an enigmatic light. "Oh, I'm sure you do. But you should know that your investigation will yield nothing of consequence."

Lolerei's brows furrowed in confusion and irritation. "And why is that?"

Zeltrech's grin widened, his tone dripping with playful mischief. "Because, my dear, those who hold the key to the tale you seek to unravel are on a long overdue vacation."

Lolerei's eyes widened in disbelief. "Vacation? What are you talking about?"

Zeltrech's laughter echoed in the room, a sound that was both mirthful and chilling. "You'll find that the participants in that particular Grail War have moved on to other realms, other stories. The threads of fate have carried them away, and your investigation will be left with empty echoes."

Lolerei's frustration boiled over, her voice rising in anger. "You can't just interfere with matters like this! You're playing with people's lives and destinies!"

Zeltrech's laughter faded, and his gaze turned more serious. "Oh, Lolerei, you misunderstand. I don't play with destinies—I merely offer a glimpse into the grand tapestry of existence."

With a final enigmatic smile, Zeltrech's form began to dissipate, fading away like mist in the wind. "Enjoy your investigation, my dear. But remember, sometimes the answers we seek are not the answers we truly need."

And then he was gone, leaving Lolerei alone in her office, her emotions a tumultuous storm of frustration and uncertainty.


Poseidon and Amphitrite, under the clever disguises of Timon and Layla Delphin, ventured into the realm of "Emiya's Feast," Shirou's renowned restaurant. As they entered, Poseidon's deep voice boomed with approval, sharing how his colleagues—Wilbur Opal and George Cromwell—had sung praises of the culinary delights this place had to offer.

Shirou, ever the humble chef, absorbed the compliments with gratitude. But his attention was captured when Poseidon casually mentioned that it was Amphitrite's birthday, and he needed a special feast prepared for her that very day. Those words were like sparks igniting a bonfire within Shirou, and he mentally prepared himself for the culinary challenge ahead.

With a focused determination, Shirou worked tirelessly, quickly gathering the finest ingredients and crafting a menu fit for a deity's spontaneous birthday celebration. He moved with the precision of a maestro, orchestrating flavors and textures into a harmonious symphony of dishes that he hoped would enchant the palates of Poseidon and Amphitrite.

Finally, the day's end drew near, and Shirou stood back to admire his creation. The table was a masterpiece of colors and textures, a testament to his dedication and skill. When the divine couple entered the restaurant, Shirou couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and nervousness.

Poseidon's eyes twinkled as he surveyed the spread before him. "Impressive," he muttered, a hint of approval lacing his words.

But it was Amphitrite's reaction that truly surprised everyone. The goddess, who had been quiet throughout the meal, took her first bite and let out a moan of delight that echoed through the restaurant. It was a sound that transcended words, conveying the sheer pleasure she was experiencing. Her impassioned response was infectious, and soon the entire room was alive with a shared appreciation for Shirou's culinary prowess.

Amphitrite, after savoring every morsel, finally spoke, her voice a melodic cadence that had been silent for too long. "This, my dear, is a symphony of flavors that dances upon my palate and lingers in my soul. You have truly outdone yourself."

As the meal concluded and the satisfied patrons began to depart, Amphitrite leaned in and addressed Shirou directly. "You, Shirou Emiya, have awakened a passion within my taste buds that I had forgotten existed. This impromptu birthday feast has been an unforgettable gift."

Shirou, taken aback by the goddess's heartfelt words, could only nod in gratitude.

Poseidon, ever the stoic presence, remained silent throughout the proceedings. But before leaving, he handed Shirou an envelope with a nod. Inside were two items: a check that held a staggering amount of zeroes and a handwritten note outlining the privileges Shirou was to be granted within every port and ship he owned—a testament to Poseidon's influence and generosity.

Stunned by the generosity of the sea god, Shirou could only watch as Poseidon and Amphitrite departed, their footsteps echoing with a regal aura that filled the air.

As the restaurant gradually emptied, Shirou sank into a chair, his mind swirling with disbelief and amazement. It seemed that, once again, his culinary talents had drawn the attention of beings beyond understanding.