

Great, you stayed.

I'm glad you decided to stay.


And your not the only one. I'm still here, writing...typing...planning...thinking...thinking...

Thinking and telling myself that I could be doing homework, being productive, but I'm not. I'm just here, laying my thoughts onto paper.

You're annoyed aren't you?

I can hear it, the sound of the your mouse, clicking onto another novel or another tab, doing something else, giving...up.

For those who are still here, the story starts now.


It all started on May 15, 2003.

On this fateful day, a baby was born, one of 350 000 that set foot on this planet that day. His name, was Galen.


He became a very outgoing and curious child. He made many friends and was appreciated by his neighborhood. His family wasn't rich, but neither were they poor. They always got by with a little left over.


At the age of 5, he started going to school. It was a completely new environment, with new people, new concepts, new values, new...beliefs.

I entered a pretty normal school. It wasn't the best, but it wasn't the worst. I made many friends, some who I still keep in touch with, to this day. I made many memorable memories and had a great time.

However, at 7 years of age, I moved. I transferred to another school at the other end of the city.

On the first day, I entered my class for the first time. As soon as I had stepped into the class, I could feel the gaze of 26 other kids stare at me. For the first time in my life, I, the kid known for my outspoken personality...peed my pants.