
Thoughts of Bartholomew

Otto Mycroft ,is an everyday stoker at a local factory in Lower Saxony,German empire . Eventhough 1850 was an intense period,Otto always put up an happy face that is until one day he encountered someone from the deep .

Tahsin_Tarabas · History
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1 Chs

Chapter 1. As the clock strike 10 .

"*Cough* *Cough* " Several men can be heared coughing from miles away. . Some were busy pushing the mine cart filled with coal and charcoal. Despite the ashes and smell make their lungs cried they kept on pushing and pushing all the way here . That is where my job takes place .

As the Stoker , Its been my job to tend the furnace that moved the big machine upstairs to life . Sometimes the furnace blows up and killed several of the workers which make this job more deadly than it sound on registration poster yet the payment is what make it worth the soul to be thrown.

"How's furnace temperature going along" Asked mister Rubeth, the factory's doctor who sometimes came down all the way to the deepest floor to perform health check ups on the workers including myself aswell.

"Your lungs condition is steady in fact it is more healthy than the other workers . Interesting . " Said Mister Rubeth as he gave me a couple of pils and other ailment to treat the bruises and scratches on my hand.

"Well I have my ways haha . " I replied with a laughed .

"Otto,your a fine man bless with a perfect lungs. Why would you wasted it on watertending? Tch forget it anyway do you wanna go on a trip to the sea with me ?" Mister Rubeth asked me as he clean up his medical equipment.

"You wanna go fishing or something ? " I asked .

"Other than Diploma in modern surgery and medical . Did you know that I'm making an degree in marine biology? Heh thats why I would like you to become my stoker for my private ship. "Said Mister Rubeth with a smiled .

"Wah...Ocean ,indeed its beens awhile since i haven't see the sun" I happily replied.

"They heavily exploited you huh? Oh well we shall move tomorrow at 10 don't be late." Said Mister Rubeth as he slowly take a step upstairs.

Somewhere in the North sea.

The storm was deadly and wreck it away any ships at bay.

"Coffea and coca is not eno...Enough!! " Said one sailor to another .

"Enough is enough!! You two pulled that beg away. We don't want our supply to go sunk in the sea wil ya ? " Said the captain Bo Heng as he fed his parrot some crackers.

"Listen the reason were here is to find the myth !!" Said Captain Bo Heng as he looked up to his fellow crew with an intense eyes.

"Hold on...Captain ,where's Lubong ?" Said one of his crew.

"Shi Bu ,KoLang ! I need you two to ...To...To...*Gasp*" Captain Bo Heng remained silent with fear sticked to his eyes. All of the sudden the wave start to rumbling and crushing the ship's surface . Explosion starts to occur non-stop . The ship's crew panic as the whole ship filled with holes and slowly the ship sunk.

Later that morning .

"Wahh...This port is amazing !! " I Smiled in excitement watching the everyday people's life at the port.

"Theres our ship. You ready to water tending?" Asked Mister Rubeth.

"Yes..." I replied back in instance .

As the ship moved i started to shove as many coals as possible into the furnace to keep it up and running this time theres no other men besides me so it meant more work needs to be done .

"Mister Rubeth! Mister Rubeth !! " I Screamed as loud as I can.

"What is it champ?" Said Mister Rubeth as he took a sip of coffea and writing something on his notebook .

"Is this powerful enough?" I asked.

"Heh you think?" Mister Rubeth replied with a smiled and without hesitant he pushed the liver which cause the steam ship to go super fast penetrating the North sea like a butter knife .


" You see Mycroft!, This is the all new engine build personally by the Prusian navy!! I believed this was supposed to be put inside a train but instead I got curious and applied it on the bo-"


"Ouh....*SIgh* My head....The bleeding won't stop huh?" " I Looked around in fear,it was already night time with the ship busted beyond repair. Guess it must have hit a coral reef or something to the effect .

"Hello there ...." Someone with familiar a voice .

"!!!" I saw a creature ...That resembles that of a maiden on her upper half and that of a fish? Is this a ....

"Is your leg still hurt when I do this ?" Said the creature and started to touch my legs with her watery hands.

"Who are you..." I asked with a faint voice .

"Is it just common for the common and noble to asked the names of their rescuer ? Fine ." The creature as she slowly back away revealing her lower body without any shame.

"*Gasp*" My eyes can't describe.

"Does this help? Well I hate introduction and hope my appearance can make up for that. " The Creture replied.

"Your a Mermaid!? " Yes indeed it appears to be one of that cliche again.

"More accurately, My name is Audi Finley of Northern Euclase. " Said the creature with a smiled .