
thoughts and things throughout my day and life

This really isn't anything cool or entertaining well it might entertain you, but anyway this is just gonna be me writing down thoughts that appear to me throughout my days in school or at home P.S pic is just random pic from google images of brook from one pice

Yasser_Samir_8538 · Urban
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15 Chs

my essay

The deceitfulness of the odyssey.

Homer's The Odyssey. It is one of the most beloved pieces of literature of all time.

Some of the reasons may be the characters some may be the dialogue and for some it's

The story itself. One of the things I found extremely interesting and fascinating is some

of the things the characters have done or thought up. This essay is all the cleverness

the deceit and the intelligence of 3 characters. These characters are Odysseus,

Calypso and Penelope.

The first Character I am going to be talking or writing about is the man the myth

the legend himself, Odysseus. All throughout the story this character has been

incredibly clever but, I am not gonna lie here he has also has been an incredibly giant

Dumbass excuse my french. One example of him being incredibly stupid is when he

Was escaping the cyclops and he told him his real name because of his hubris. Now

Onto my example him being very clever and deceitful. When he landed onto the

Cyclops' island he went into one cyclops' cave with his men. Inside this cave all sorts of

Panic ensues when they find out about the hostility of this creature. This creature eats

six of odysseus' men and drinks 3 bowls of his wine before sleeping. During the first

Drink the cyclops asks for odysseus' name which odysseus replies " 'Cyclops,you ask my

honorable name? Remember the gift you promised me, and I shall tell you. My name is Nohbdy:

mother, father, and friends, everyone calls me Nohbdy.'" now onto the reason this was smart.

This was an iq 400 play because later in the night they stab his eye and he starts

Screeching and screaming for his life which causes other cyclops' to come to his cave.

When they arrive they asked him what's wrong bruh then he's like nobody stabbed my

Eye and nobody caused this and this is nobody's fault. Then the other cyclops' were like

'Uh ok whatever man just chill and stop screaming'. Later they escaped and like I stated

A while ago he revealed his name only to be cursed again but this time instead of

Poseidon it was his son the cyclops.

Now onto my next example Calypso. To be honest we didn't get much of her in

The story but in the short amount of time we read about her we learn she is very smart.

She shows her smarts and experience ( she is an immortal so tons of experience)

When she throws Odysseus a deal he can't refuse ( she thinks so and most people

would as well) like she was a scammer who got on shark tank. The lady offered him

Herself immortality and all the riches on her island. "her seductive charms—even her

promises to make Odysseus immortal". Now some of you might be thinking

Raijuu explode to be honest, I was too. This man was getting like it was his birthday and

Christmas. Well anyways he declined. The immortality part at least cause this man

Was cheating on his loyal wife left and right but no commitment. From his end at least.

Well besides the story said he was miserable being there in an island all alone filled with

With beautiful women and good food and wine. I know right very ungrateful but anyways

He missed Penelope and Ithaca. But well something unexpected happened to Calypso

She fell in love with him. I mean who falls in love with the person you're sleeping with

And live with for pretty much a decade shocker. Well that all went downhill when

Hermes sent his message that Odysseus was supposed to be sent home. This

Message was sent from the big bad himself, the pettiest and most arrogant piece of sh-

God himself Zeus. Then well then he left and don't hear anything else of her in the

entire story.

Now onto the last character. Penelope the reason odysseus has commitment

Issues The wife and queen of the big bad play boy himself mother of Telemachus the

one the only Penelope. Now in the story Penelope is very clever but to me she is kinda

stupid. I mean come On really 20 years of faithful waiting only to get a cheating

d***khead of husband and king Odysseus. Yeah whatever I don't really like him too

much I wonder if you noticed. Well back To the essay Penelope showed herself to be a

very smart character multiple times in the story. The example that I will speak about is

when she set up the challenge of Odysseus' bow. "Like many unwilling princesses of

fairy tales and legends, Penelope proposes an impossible task for those who wish to

marry her. By so doing, she causes the bloody events that lead to the restoration of her

true husband. The test will involve Odysseus's huge bow, which no one could string

except Odysseus himself." This was a test for the asshats *ahem* suitors where the

Winner gets Penelope. Thing is no one can even bend the bow not mentioning the fact

Of shooting through 12 axe handles. Well guess what happened. Odysseus happened

He came in looking like an old beggar because of Athena who they should appreciate

More. anyway Odysseus passes the test kills all the suitors (finally does something

right) while no one is there except Telemachus (not calling him his son cause he wasn't

there) and his servant who helped him. After they clean the place up and give him a

Bath he speaks with Penelope. She tests him on how their room looks like. Then

She takes him back then they have a happy ending. Only after they get done with army

Of the suitors and their families.

Now think to yourself 'isn't the author handsome, awesome and smart.' wait

Wrong question. Now ask yourself 'weren't those smart and witty characters' Well I think

The lesson learned from this is Odysseus doesn't deserve to be taken back. Besides

That I learned you shouldn't take things at face value and shouldn't trust random people

Or odysseus. Now I am not gonna add any more to exacerbate this essay any more.

<3 big sexy author Yasser Peace Stay Sexy