
Climbing up the hill and finding someone who accompanied you

I was just twelve and realised that don't believe the world listen to your parents and your instincts.and the lesson still being followed strictly at thirty...

Those hormonal changes, disturbed mind, confused heart and a different environment at new school.... Somehow i managed to cope with all that.

At seventeen went to college, scared... Lonely... Hesitant... Reserved... After few months of loneliness got few good people and finally I started opening and even enjoying life... That's the evening college and the good reason behind admission in evening one is that God wants me to learn to earn on my own.

That initial salary was just five hundred rupees.. Being a teacher of kindergarten is something to start with... I have leave the job within a year... My mimmi is continuously encouraging me to find out another... Got the job again this time primary and double the salary I got earlier.....

And I joined another after that for more than even double... College is going on side by side.... Life became better with each passing year..

Praying hard to get married waiting for the miracle to happen in my life.. And finally it took place and I got someone who can tolerate me.... Samin Ahmed