
Thorns Between Two Lovers

Giovanni got into a terrible car accident when he was a four-year-old and became comatose for almost a week. During his pathetic condition in a pediatric intensive care unit, his mother spent straight whole week kneeling while praying inside the chapel of St Luke's hospital asking for mercy to save his son from his tragic car accident. Giovanni serves as an alter boy and ac0lyte on their city parish church when he started Junior High, that later on became aware that his mother wanted him to enter seminary once he graduated in secondary education to become a full pledge priest as his mother promised inside the hospital's chapel during he was unconscious inside the ICU. Being raised morally upright and an obedient child, he should obeyed his beloved mother's wish to enter the seminary and to be ordained as full pledge priest someday, even he is hesitant at the beginning he wants to be filial son to his mother even though his father strongly opposed his mother's desire. In his mind and heart he is now ready to be in this vocation, but Fate is really playing him around, two months before his ordination, he met this beautiful and highly spirited young woman named Jessica whom he makes his heart throb rapidly everytime she stared at him, makes his face electroactive every time she is around. Angels not only found in heaven,there is one on earth she is almost within reach, he thought. Although she is the complete opposite of every mothers’ wish to become her daughter in-law because of her unfavorable moral family reputation, He likes Jessica very much. Would it be possible to fulfill his beloved mother's dream and satisfy his heart's desire to be with a woman he dearly love at the same time? How can I choose one without hurting the others? Do I break the rules of loving them both

EASoberano · Urban
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5 Chs

Tragic Accident

Almost getting dark when the welcome party for Gio was ended, everyone feels exhausted but it was very joyful day. Its rare occasion the Ricablanca Family catered for a long time since the heir of the family enters the seminary for priesthood.

It's a different to Doña Esmeralda who is still energetic and ecstatic because after nine years her son Giovanni finally back from the seminary and soon to be ordained the following year.

The couple is about to set on bed early after the occasion.

"Hon, are you still not going with me?" Don Nicolas asked his wife who is still sitting on the couch inside the family library while looking at the family photo album of Gio during childhood.

Esmeralda smiled and glanced at her husband. Instead of answering the husband's question he said something else.

"Hon I'm so happy and finally our son will become officially a priest next year." Dona Esmeralda said to her husband.

Nicolas sighed slightly for what his wife had said.

"Hon, next year is still a long time, still many things can be happen" Whilehe folded the broadsheets he was reading.

"What do you mean? Our son is destined to become priest Nicolas, I can't afford or even think that Gio will turn his back of becoming a priest" she answered seriously and lost the smile on her lips. "Of all people you know why" she added and at the same time continued looking at Gio’s photo album.

Nicolas got up from his seat, he didn't speak anymore, and he knew what will next of their conversation if he would answer his wife.

He approached the wife, bowed and kissed her forehead.

"I'll get going, I'll go first to the master's bedroom, just follow after you done here, Gio is also resting in the bedroom, good night hon"

"Good night hon, after this I'll will follow" replied the wife.

After the husband left, Esmeralda went to the drawer of the cabinet and took the small box and returned to the seat, she opened it on her lap and pulled out a stainless necklace with a metal pendant with letters written on it.

Esmeralda became emotional and inevitably remembered the incident twenty -eight years ago.


Dr. Adrian Noche please proceed to Pediatric emergency room ... Dr. Adrian Noche please proceed .....

The voice over coming from the customer service was in a hurry and could be heard repeatedly throughout at Asian Hospital.

This will only happen if the doctor is not at the doctor's station and if it is an emergency.

The doctor hurried to get up from sitting in the coffee shop of the hospital to hear his name, took the stethoscope in his hand and hurriedly out and headed to the pediatric emergency room.

As a single neuro-surgeon that day he knew how serious his service needed.

Ricablanca Business Headquarters:

"Chairman, there is an incoming call at line 5" said Nicolas' secretary.

The secretary's suspicion was correct; her boss didn't notice the red blinking at the line 5 button because he was so engrossed in the documents he was reading.

Line 5 is an exclusive call from the family of their boss and will only be directed to the secretary if no one answers in the chairman's office.

The secretary came in to inform the call from the helper of the chairman's family.

"Okay, il take it", replied the chairman.

"Yaya Celia, what happened? What? Gio’s car got into accident? " He hung up the phone and hurriedly rushed to the hospital where the child was taken.

But the nanny could not answer properly because the police just told them to call the mansion that the car owned by the Ricablanca family had an accident with a child and his driver.

The chairman came out quickly and the anxiety was obvious on his face.

"Natalie, cancel all my appointments and meetings for today until tomorrow"

Natalie couldn't answer as she looked behind the chairman who looked like a spear at the speed of the step towards the executive elevator.

Surprisingly, Natalie just returned to her seat from the sudden circumstance. She knew that the chairman had an emergency in the family because he had not seen it if it was business related problem.


Nicolas walked and ran after getting out of the car ... he went straight to the pediatric emergency room of the hospital.

He found his wife crying outside the operating room next to the emergency room of the hospital while Yaya Celia hugged her.

He hugged his wife who is almost fainted from shocked foe what happened to their son Giovanni.

"Husssh, that's right hon, Gio will surely survive, pacifying his wife"

"Hon Gio, our son!" Cried Emerald

"That's enough, huss that's enough," Nicolas hugged his wife tightly.

Even the personal driver Mang Dencio who was assigned as personal driver of his beloved son child is currently in the operating room of the hospital.

They stared blankly at the door of the operating room, and with each coming and returning nurse they had no idea what it was carrying back to the operating room.

"Nurse what happened to the patient? Nicolas asked the nurse who came out in an anxious voice.

"Sir, just wait for the doctor to come out" They didn't get a concrete answer from the nurse because she was in a hurry to enter the operating room.

Nicolas felt sorry for his wife who was sitting on the bench, but he had to be strong and he couldn't show to his wife how he felt.

They waited for more than 5 hours before the operating room opened.

"Doc how's my son," Nicolas immediately asked doctor., Esmeralda calmed herself, hugged her husband to gain strength, because her knees were shaking.

The neuro-surgeon took a deep breath he gave prognosis about the patient's condition. As a medical practitioner, he should speak straight to the point based on the patient's present condition

"We are just ended the operation, the main Injury is the patient's brain, since he is just a kid, his skull is not matured enough to protect it from external trauma, the impact is severe inside the, I will be honest Mr Ricablanca, the prognosis is very little, but we are closely monitoring him at the ICU.

The doctor continued, "if he does not show any development from his condition after 3 to 5 days, I am afraid your son will be in a vegetative state for the rest of his life .."

The neuro-surgeon hadn't finished speaking yet. Esmeralda fainted in Nicolas' arms, she couldn't cope with what she was heard from the neuro-surgeon.