
Thornless Rose

Flowers the most beautiful creation that mother nature created, there are many kinds of flowers and every flower have different meanings. How will the boy express his love to the one he loves.

Blaer · Teen
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10 Chs

Festival of Flowers

Festival of Flowers celebrates every year where every block, street, or house are field with flowers and this is for appreciating how flowers are beautiful. And the night of the Festival of Flowers there will be an event called the Flower Masquerade where nobles or royalty are only invited or receiving a invitation by the king are only allowed.

Basil and her mother is preparing to decorate the flower shop for the festival, as they decorate, Basil really spacing out a lot, he can't forget what happened a few days ago.

Her mother made her take a break and said she prepared a suit and a mask for tomorrow night...

Bas said he doesn't want to attend

And her mother respect his decision

" Well it's your choice if you want to go just wear the suit for tomorrow and wear the badge so you can get inside the castle"

Bas said "all right" and goes to his room

Fiore was panicking because of what he did to Bas and plans to apoligize tomorrow night

as she sleeps she thinks of plans of how she can talk to Bas for tomorrow.

The Festival came as people dance , kids smiling , flower parades, this is the spirit of the Festival of Flowers.

The King and Fiore was in the carriage and waving to say hello to the people.

Fiore was looking for Bas but he can't find him

The night came as royalties came and nobles. Fiore is waiting for Bas to came but still no luck.

Bas is lying at his bed still spacing out and said.

"Should I go?"