
Thitel Turllle

You are Kedriethal, a male human swordsman in Feren, a small town in the faction of Feren. You've come to the town to become an apprentice swordsman and help the Feren family hunt the wild beasts of New World.

PlayerOliver · Fantasy
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10 Chs


Long ago, before mankind even existed, there were three mighty creator angels. They were Huguel, Sermal and Hugo Henrique, known as the Big Three.

The three worked together to create the universe, shaping stars, planets and galaxies. They also created the creatures that inhabited these worlds, such as the gigantic dragons and the little fairies.

However, among all these creatures, there was one that the creator angels worshiped more than any other: Thitel Turlle. Thitel was a giant tortoise, with a shiny shell and powerful legs. She swam across the oceans of the universe, carrying pieces of land and miniature sea creatures on her back.

The creating angels were delighted with Thitel and decided to create a special world for her to live in. They brought this world to life with her mighty song, and the giant tortoise swam there with its precious cargo.

For many years, Thitel Turlle lived in this world, taking care of the small creatures that surrounded her. She became a symbol of hope and protection, and the raising angels took great pride in her work.

However, one day, something terrible happened. A race of evil creatures invaded the world of Thitel and began to destroy everything the creator angels had built. Thitel bravely fought these creatures, but they were too many and too powerful.

The creator angels, seeing that their wonderful world was being destroyed, worried about the future of Thitel Turlle. They decided that the only way to protect the giant tortoise was to send Thitel to another world, a world where he could be safe.

Using all of her power, the creating angels lifted Thitel Turlle to the stars, where she traveled the universe until she found a new world. There, Thitel started a new life, protected and cared for by the creator angels.

And so, Thitel Turlle became a symbol of perseverance and courage. She navigated the universe for many years, protecting the weakest and most defenseless of creatures. And even after all the time that had passed, she was still remembered with love and admiration by the creative angels who raised her.