

Fisherhack_3 · Fantasy
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Prologue:The end and the new beginning

Note: This is just a fictional story. Both the new and the previous worlds are fictional. Please remember that :) . After all this is just a story I made for fun.

WARNING ⚠ : the following content contains violence, disturbing scenes, strong language and dark content overall. Read at your own risk.

So without further ado let's get right into the story. :)

It was a rainy Sunday night. Everything seemed to be fine. If you exclude how awfully quiet everything around me was. I guess it's normal considering the circumstances. 

''After all I am a mistake.'' I said to myself.

I am a mistake. A being that shouldn't be allowed to live in this world but yet this world made me. This world created the person that I am now. I am this world creation and I hate it. I hate this place.

From the moment that I was born my future was written with a permanent marker that couldn't be rewritten or erased. A future that I didn't want. A terrible destiny was made for me.

But I didn't want that and I managed to escape that future or so I thought. I thought I was finally free but I am still chained to my past. After all, you can't escape the consequences of your actions. At least not as a human. After all humans aren't perfect and they can never become perfect as humans.

So in other words there is only one way to escape your fate.


Something that every living being fears from the moment they learn it. After all, it's unavoidable. So of course "everyone" fears it. Of course there are exceptions such as myself.

As I thought that I walked towards the balcony 

I don't fear death. Fearing it seems pointless to me. After all, why should I fear something that I can't do anything about? It's inescapable so why should I bother?

I looked at the ground below

That should do it.

I will be the one to choose how I die. It may be absurd for some to commit suicide but I dont care at this point. I am still young but my destiny is set in stone. I may be able to change it but I might ruin the lives of others in the process.

All I ever wanted was to find happiness in the end but this world didn't give it to me. It just gave me more suffering. So why should I be the one to fix this world? I will just leave it to someone else who has to return the favor to it. I don't have any favors to return.

I took a second to rethink everything. My life. My friends. Everyone that I will let down. There was none. No one knew my thoughts and who I really was. They will not be sad for me but for the person they knew. That lie that I made will die with me. After all, what I made others think of me is a lie. A lie to protect them from the truth.

"Oh well, better not overthink it. If I go to hell at least I tried to prevent the future that I might have created. Either way I won't go to heaven. I don't belong there."

As I finished my thoughts I jumped from the balcony.

These were my last moments in this place. I hated it. And I'm glad I won't be the one to change that terrible world. I don't like this place after all. So why should I be the one to change it?

As I fell everything around me started becoming darker and darker. There was no impact.

Is that normal? I can still feel my body. I can still sense. I can still move. But why?

"That's wrong. that doesn't make sense." I said

"Then what happens when you die?" Someone said

I looked around only to see someone standing alone in the dark void. He was observing me while I was still in the position of when I was falling. But I wasn't now. I was floating in that empty space.

I looked at that person in confusion. He seemed to be the same age as me (16). Nothing too surprising about him, only his white hair and his silver colored eyes made him stand out. I decided to respond to him since he asked me.

"When you die you simply don't exist anymore. Isn't that right?"

He looked at me unsatisfied with my answer.

"Then why did you say you will go to hell if there is no afterlife?"

"Are you God then?"

"No no no, I am simply a random no one."

I was confused about what was happening even though I was getting the idea of what this place may be.

"Then why am I here random no one"

"My name is Zero by the way and let's not fill your little brain with unimportant information."

"Is it that unimportant…Zero? I simply want to get a better understanding."

"It's not as important as the rest I want to tell you, but I think you realize the reason we speak isn't to explain to you all that you don't understand."

"I do realize that much. So what do you want to tell me?"

"As you may have already figured out, I brought you to this place. The reason that I brought you though is what I want to tell you."

I look at him waiting for him to continue.

"As you already know you are different from the rest in your world. Even though you tried to be the same as the rest you failed. So now then why did you want to be the same?"

"Because I wanted to find happiness. I wanted to fit in and live a normal life but no matter how much I tried I failed because of my terrible past. I thought being normal would help me find happiness. Isn't that right?"

"Wrong! You are smarter and better than the rest. Your suffering gave you gifts and rewards to live our life carefree.But you threw that away. You threw your knowledge and your bright future away. You would have lived the life of a king if you cared less about the rest. So tell me, why are you dead?"

"I am not dead. I know that much."

"Yes, you know why? Because I saved you. I saved you pathetic ass so now you have to repay me the favor."

"How can I repay someone who is able to do such supernatural stuff?"

"Simple. In some time I will send you to a different universe. There I want you to live your life without caring about others. Do you understand?"

"What will you gain from that?"

"Don't worry about that. What you should worry about is the difference between your universe and the new one."

"Then please help me understand Zero."

"At least you learned my name. Now back to the topic. I will give you the power to understand every language there is and every text to make it easier for you. Now the most important thing you should know is that in the new universe there is a thing that you know as magic."


"You will understand when you meet any locals. Also don't worry most beings there are humans or look like them. Now you understand?"

"5% or 10% maybe."

"Good! Now your goal is to just live your life without caring about others. Everything you do is normal now and you make your own rules. Do you understand?

A place in which my actions don't matter? A place in which everything that I do is right. This place doesn't sound very safe. But I may be able to find happiness there. If I can start from the beginning then it's possible. So this is more than a gift.

"Thank you for your kindness, Zero" I say as I look up at him.

He looks at me. I can sense something. Something creepy around him.

"That that you are sensing is mana. I will not explain it to you. You will find out yourself. Also, I have a name prepared for you."

"A name? Don't I already have one?"

"Not anymore. From now on your name is Thita because you are the eighth."

"Is that even a name? So what makes the name Thita relevant to the number eight and I am the eighth of what?"

"Thita is the spelling of the eighth letter of the Greek alphabet, you uneducated human. The rest aren't important."

"Of course it isn't.'' I say with dissatisfaction.

He skips my comment and continues.

"So since you were that obedient I will give you a reward. Isn't that very kind of me?"

"I don't even know anymore."

"I will give you an ability of your choice so make up your mind and don't expect anything. Be reasonable."

"I don't even know what abilities are… ok fine let me think."

"I will give you 30 seconds. 30, 29…"

I think for a bit.

"Ok i am done thinking. I want the ability to teleport wherever I want to."

"Huh? So lame… ok fine but there will be some limits. 

1: You can't use it lots of times per day since it will require mana but you can use it more times in the future if you have more. But now you can only use it once per day.

2: The further away you want to go the more mana it requires so don't expect too much.

3: You can't teleport to a place that you haven't been or at least haven't seen.

Do you understand?"

"Yes. So how do I get mana again?"

"I will let you figure it out by yourself."

"Of course. So when do I receive the two abilities?"

"Ok Thita here."

He hands me two circular things. They appear to be made from glass.

They are also glowing blue light for some reason.

"What am I supposed to do with these?

"Eat them"

"Huh? Are they even consumable?"

"Just eat them and you will gain the abilities. Your brain will also automatically understand how to use them."

"How convenient…"

I take a look at them and I eat them one after the other. At least they are small… I swallow them since I can't break them into pieces. After a second I can feel it. I can feel the power he called mana. It's everywhere around him and me. I can also understand how teleportation works.

"This… this is it! I understand why no one knew how to obtain and use mana in my word. You have to understand how it works to use it. Amazing, truly amazing. With this I can understand so much more that I thought were out of reach before."

"I know right, you learn so fast. So without further ado I will send you to your new home. Goodluck Thita. you will need it."

"Wait so quickly."

He didn't respond. He pointed at the void in which I was still floating. A portal appeared below me and it sucked me in. After that I dropped unconscious.

After what I thought was a while I opened my eyes. I looked around. This wasn't my planet probably unless I was dropped in a forest but he wouldn't send me back. Oh well I have to trust him and expect me to be in another universe or another planet at least.

Please leave a comment to tell me your thoughts.

This is a story that I have written around 125 pages on a file and I plan to upload regularly.

So I really want to hear your thoughts.

Thank you for reading :)

Fisherhack_3creators' thoughts