
This World We Live In

Evanura has lived her life as apart of a travelling magical carnival, her skill; summoning creatures of the celestial planes for the enjoyment of the simple man. From her journal this is the story of how she and her friends rose no longer as a simple adventurers but a heroes in their own right. Challenging the world they live in...

Red_exe · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
7 Chs


"Run Evelyn run! Don't look back!" My mother yelled as she was dragging me away from the bloody fight. My family, my friends being slaughtered by the undead. Once they finished with those, I knew they turned their gaze to us. We ran as fast as we could into the fields as the dead grew in number, rising from their slumber for a fresh kill. I could feel the constant pull and tug of my wrist from my mother telling me to keep going, it felt like my arm was going to be pulled out of its socket. As we dove into a valley and made our way back up, we saw the outline of skeletons and zombies in the moonlight. My mother pushed me down face first into the grass. She looked at me, her eyes already red from the tears she wept when my father was torn to pieces in front of her. "Stay here and when they leave just keep running and don't stop." She whispered. "I... I love you, Evelyn" Then just like that she left me. Grabbing a rock she threw it at one the shambling dead attracting it and its comrade's attention. My mother ran into the night, she ran and ran till I heard the sickening sound of a rusted blade striking her down. No screams came, did she die quickly or didn't yell because she knew she was protecting me? I couldn't cry, I could barely think at all. In my head I heard her saying "Run Evelyn run!" So I did, I ran as fast as my feet could take me, even when I heard the footsteps of my mother's killers I ran. I saw the edge of the forest in view. I could make it! Seek help from the elves within! But then I saw rising from the forest, out of the bushes more dead. This was it; I was going to die. I thought to myself. Then I heard a voice. Something from beyond. It said one thing, "Take my hand" I saw something shifting, manifesting next to me out of thin air and I grabbed it. I knew magic, but what I felt, what I summoned was far greater than I ever thought. I opened my eyes to see myself floating slightly. My small frame engulfed in an ethereal blue, this shaped into the form of a tall person. Its claws are long and sharp. I only then acted on impulse, no tears only rage. As I screamed it screamed too. My high pitched shrill turned into a bloodthirsty roar through this large magical manifestation. I just started attacking and slaying these undead beasts. Every time I turned around there was more and more and more! Every strike brought them down and I was full of anger and ran to assault the next one in view. I felt myself getting hit by their rusted blades and broken arrows, but my fury blocked out the pain. I was by the water when I saw something shambling, moving. Another dead one I thought, I charged into it. My newfound powers from this blue spirit acted on instinct. But as it turned, I saw the face of that walking dead, that of my mother. She herself was one of them now I knew it in my heart. Before I could realize that it was her, we charged in and by the slip of my foot dove into the nearby river. I tried to swim, finding I had greater strength and fortitude than before. Yet I began to falter and drown, I called out again to whatever this spirit was. Next thing I know I could breathe, I looked to see gills had formed on the blue bipedal embodying me. The current tossed me back and forth for what seemed like hours, knocking me back and forth! Eventually I was able to swim at a better rate and when the current slowed, I swam to the shore. I crawled from the river's edge to a field and by that, a town. This ethereal creature spoke to me as I used my strength, no it's strength to get to the town. "My name is Anaris, I heard your call and I have come to answer. I shall be your protector, your ally. Never again shall you be alone." I finally got the attention of a town guard who opened the gates, he did not touch me seeing the blue hue surrounding me. "Let go" I heard Anaris say and I did. The blue faded though Anaris stayed with me in my mind, his voice like a whisper in the wind. I blacked out, coming in and out of consciousness multiple times. Seeing myself being carried, being put in a bed, seeing the face of an old woman applying a poultice to my aching wounds. Finally I woke up, hearing the voice of the spirit beyond. "You have returned from the land of dreams; how do you feel?" I tried to move my joints locking up each time. "What are you?" I said out loud. A second later the door opened, the nurse looked at me and stepped back. "Nana!" I heard her yell as she clambered down the stairs. "As I had said, I am Anaris. I am your guardian spirit. Only you can hear my voice, Evelyn." I had heard of such beings before, but they were supposed to be like pets. A spirit from across the planes you would call to fight for you and yet this one when it came to me, it felt like I was a part of it. We were one being and it or he was more sentient, intelligent. The nurse and the old woman from before came bursting through the door. "Thank the Elder Gods." The elder said. "How are you, child?" I told her I felt sore, my joints felt rusty and were locked up. She looked at me odd for a moment. The nurse looked at me and said "We didn't expect you to be awake for another few days. Whatever happened to you, you completely exerted yourself, body and spirit." The elder lady grabbed my left arm. I immediately felt pain shoot through my shoulder. "Ahh!" She let go immediately. "I'm sorry dearie. It seems that your arm is dislocated. We need to reset it. Please sit her up" She motioned to the nurse who lifted me up a bit. I knew this was going to hurt. "On three...One." a screech poured out from my mouth as she jerked my arm back into its place. "What happened to two and three!" I yelled. "One is best when your breathing, on three people try to hold it in and it can be a problem." I glared daggers at her only receiving a sly smirk from the old woman's lips. "I'm Rosie by the way, I'm one of the town doctors and this is my granddaughter Anna." She spoke pointing to the nurse. "What is your name?" I did not know where I was and who I could trust. Who knew what I said next would define me and my life forever? "Evanura, my name is Evanura."