
This World Shall be Mine

I was always the best at everything, nothing ever interested me, nothing other than strategy games and MMORPGs where I really had to sweat to get good, but I became the king of them all. Now I've died and been blessed with life in another world with a strange power, finally something interesting. Just like the games I've mastered and conquered, this world is a full plate, fantasy creatures, magical powers, wars and disputes, the struggle for power, everything that interested me, just like everything, I will conquer this world, whether by brute force or ruthless violence, but this world shall be mine!

Rakis · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
20 Chs

Cain and Abel

[!!!The player leveled up!!!] The message box said. [!!!The Player gained 15 (fifteen) attribute points.] A smile appeared on Alexander's face, warmth surged in his heart, hope. -Put it all into strength!- He shouted fiercely. An aura of light covered his body for a moment, a rejuvenating sensation passed through his entire body, and pain and fatigue vanished. -What...- He questioned when he saw the wounds on his arms disappearing in seconds. The sensation of strength overflowing throughout his body, as if he could break everything with just one hand, but letting that feeling get to his head was a mistake and he knew it. Another system message appeared. [!!!Defeat the Ogre Demon!!!] -Ogre Demon is... Bring it on.-

The immense demon roared, a thick and powerful cry but something else appeared, swirling around it like heatless flames, a red aura. A powerful shiver ran through Alexander's body, an instinct embedded deep in human DNA, fear, the fear of danger. As if every cell in his body was begging him to run, but he wouldn't flee, not now. -Obviously, demons have auras too.- He said sarcastically, assuming a low stance, his eyes falling on that club, a mixture of black rocks and bones, skulls of both humans and animals could be seen, long bones resembling columns wrapping around the club and holding everything in place, a daunting sight. Alexander's breath was heavy, clearly tense, even though he was determined to protect those people, he couldn't help but tremble. The ogre demon advanced towards him, already so close it attacked with its club, jumping back at the last second the elf dodged, regaining his posture he aimed for the monster's thigh, attacking with both axes at the same time, a brutal blow. The demon screamed in pain but didn't stop, using its immense weapon it attacked again hitting with all its might. Alexander defended himself at the last second with his arms, but that didn't stop the force of the club, hitting him with such power that it sent him flying towards a tree, hitting it hard and falling to the ground.

-Shura!- Inoue shouted in desperation. After a few seconds, Alexander got up, groaning in pain, he could see the black spots mixed with purple and red on his arms, they were broken by the unbearable pain he felt. -Back to square one.- He grumbled, spitting blood. There was no time to think, as he could hear the heavy footsteps of that demon approaching, no time, heavy breathing, frantic eyes searching for something. The ominous and nefarious laughter right behind him, the demon was there, deep and shadowy laughs. -Now!- He shouted grabbing a thick branch he had seen, with all his strength he hit the monster's leg but nothing happened. He still laughed terrifyingly, seeing the branch shattering into a thousand pieces, then kicked Alexander hard throwing him even further away, kicking as someone would kick a stone trying to kill boredom on the way home. Once again Alexander fell to his knees, trying to keep consciousness, spitting more and more blood. He got up, his face covered in blood and mud, staring into the demonic eyes of that monstrous beast, raising his broken arms, fists clenched, like a boxer raising his guard. -Shura get out of there!- Inoue shouted once again, her voice trembling and her face wet with tears. Alexander just stared the demon in the eyes. -Come on, you ugly son of a bitch...- He said forcefully. Once again the ogre laughed, seeing that futile attempt of resistance, seeing that he had already given up on living, the suffering and pain, the perfect meal for demons. The club was quick, quicker than Alexander could keep up with, hitting him directly in the chest, the impact piercing through his body, he could feel all his ribs breaking. A force so brutal that it threw him towards a tree and split it in half with his body. His vision was blurry, red from the blood flowing from his forehead, his chest muscles too weak to breathe, any slight movement was like a thousand stabs, lungs collapsing, clothes completely torn. No... No... I've died once already... I've been given a second chance... I can't die... Not here... Not again... That was the only thing going through his mind, that feeling of everything being slow, he had felt it at the moment that runaway car hit him and sealed his fate, the sensation of life leaving the body. But he also felt something else, an indescribable warmth in the center of his chest, perhaps the heart had ripped apart and the blood would be flowing where it shouldn't, but he also felt something else, as if something covered his entire body, the warmth of weightless clothes, the vision became a bit redder but it wasn't from blood, strange red flames covered his whole body. Even with blurred vision, he managed to see the system message box. [!!!The player has awakened his Aura!!!] [!!!The player completed the Quest "the Player must learn to cultivate"!!!] [!!!The following rewards have been assigned to the player!!!] [Temporary XP multiplier] [XP] [Active Skill: Combat Aura] [Passive Skill: Second Breath] -What...- [!!!The player leveled up!!!] He could feel all the pain in his body disappearing in the same instant, air filling his lungs again, all the energy being recovered in a matter of seconds. He realized what had happened, and also realized that the demon was right in front of him, maybe it was because of the dirt of soil and mud and the blood from the previous wounds the ogre demon didn't notice that Alexander had been healed. But he cared little, raising his club ready to deliver the final blow. I need something... A weapon... I've had my chance... He looked to the side, there was something near his head, a thick stone with a sharp point, that was it. The demon attacked, delivering a powerful blow that made the ground tremble, but Alexander was faster. Maybe it was the will to live or the adrenaline overflowing in his veins, he rolled to the side dodging but being pushed with the impact of the blow, but he didn't let that hinder him. He grabbed the stone with both hands, and using all the strength he had at that moment he struck aiming the stone's tip at the demon's ankle. 15 points in strength stats, he already had enough strength to lift a small car with just his hands, and now with a weapon that wouldn't shatter into a thousand pieces, the result was catastrophic. The moment the stone's tip touched the monster's ankle, one could hear the mixture of the sound of flesh and bones being shattered, followed by a deafening scream of pain from that demonic beast, the demon fell to its knees on the ground, dropping its weapon and bringing its hands to the injured leg. Alexander seized this chance, seizing every second, quick as a cat he got up and once again using all the strength he had he hit the stone at the back of the demon's head. This brought the beast down but the ogre demon was resilient, even going down with the impact it tried to get up, but Alexander wouldn't allow it, once again he hit the demon in the same place, hitting once, twice, three, four times.

With each blow, the demon went down but still tried to rise. Alexander roared fiercely, resembling a true beast, he never ceased. Seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen times, he kept attacking. The demon had been motionless for a few seconds already. He only stopped when his father Seki grabbed him from behind, trying to make him stop. -Son! Son, that's enough! You've won!- He shouted, trying to calm Alexander down. After a few seconds, he stopped trying to attack the dead body of the ogre demon, Alexander threw the stone to the ground. Breathing heavily, Alexander finally began to reason like a person and not like a furious animal. He looked at the giant monster's body, its head, or at least what was left of it was destroyed in a mixture of brain remains, skull fragments, and flesh. He looked at his own hands, completely red with blood. -Is it over?- Alexander asked. Seki placed his hand on his son's shoulder, a big smile on his face. -It's over, son, you've killed all the demons.- He said with the voice of a proud father. Alexander fell to the ground, his breathing finally calming down, Seki knelt beside him. -Take it easy, son, are you hurt? You took many blows from him...Inoue! Come here!- Alexander waved for him to stop. -I...I'm fine.- He said, his voice calm, adrenaline slowly leaving his system, and clarity coming to his mind. -I need to take a shower.-

All the farmers who were there went to the boy, and after a while, almost all the villagers from the village came armed with hoes and tridents after hearing that there were demons in the village, but now there were none. Seki helped Alexander to stand up alongside Inoue, she couldn't stop crying with concern for her brother while he tried to calm her down. A happy moment after so much despair, Alexander kept a smile on his face while ignoring the system messages. [!!!The player leveled up!!!] [!!!The player leveled up!!!] [!!!The player leveled up!!!] [!!!The player leveled up!!!] [!!!The player leveled up!!!] [STATUS: COMBAT] [Name: Shura] - [Class: Paladin Warrior] [Level: 8] - [Aura Color: Red] - [Subclass: Herald of the Holy War] [Vitality: 1] - [Resistance: 1] [Strength: 16] - [Agility: 1] [Intelligence: 1] - [Perception: 1] [Available Attribute Points: 105]

sorry for the break, I was dealing with college stuff

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