
This world is out to get me, I am sure of it! (DxD X Bleach X OP)

I was normal, just some random game designer, so why did I end up in this fucked up world that seems to want to get destroyed? Fuck, whatever, even if the world wants to get fucked up I will not let it. I will survive the shit storm incoming! And why are som of these girls so freaking thirsty? Game system based on One Piece, terrible gacha that makes FGO gacha looks nice, Dating Sim system aspects, Progressively OP MC, Crossover, harem Cross-posted in Fanfiction net

kingCH · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs

Chapter 6

Rias was not pleased. Scratch that, she was pissed.

"Buchou, you should calm down. Here, drink this." Akeno, an extremely beautiful black haired woman with a bombastic body, said as she served her King and best friend a cup of tea.

Rias closed her eyes, took a deep breath and then took the cup of tea, slowly drinking it and trying to use it to calm her tense nerves. After a bit she calmed down and spoke.

"This is troublesome." Rias said and Akeno nodded.

"True, to think that Ace-kun is strong enough to take down four fallen angels and a plethora of exorcists this easily, truly surprising." Akeno said and Rias nodded.

It indeed was a surprising fact on Rias' eyes. She had known for a long time that Ace had a part-time job and sometimes would go out of town for it, but as far as she could tell those jobs were all completely mundane and Ace was just a normal human.

So why was he able to turn into what looked like a werewolf but with lion-like aspects to it instead? And the presence he gave off so naturally, that was not something anyone could have.

"The most complicated is that now I don't know how I can even approach Isane. If Ace were to consider me bringing Isane into my peerage as an act against his family then Ace could become violent and, even if we were to defeat him, Isane would still end up resenting me for injuring her cousin." Rias said.

It was a well-known fact that Ace was the first one to berate his cousin whenever she was acting up and would also never raise a single finger to help her if someone were to be punishing her for some of her 'hobbies', but Ace would also never let anyone to truly hurt Isane. Heck, Rias has been watching over the two due to wanting to make them join her peerage, and she knew for a fact that Ace has sent at least 46 people to the hospital for trying anything against Isane, the worst one being the one that tried to molest her on a train.

The man had all bones shattered on the hand that tried to feel Isane up and his dick got broken, Ace literally crippled the man for life from just trying to feel up Isane.

Worst still, that protectiveness was a two ways street since Isane would also defend her cousin whenever someone was to speak badly of him. From Rias' investigation, this seemed like one of the few sure-fire ways of making the girl actually mad.

Rias, before finding out about the whole situation about how Ace knew of the supernatural and how he clearly doesn't like the Peerage system, would find their relationship endearing. Now, now she found it truly headache-inducing.

"I believe you can only openly talk with Isane and tell her everything honestly. If she wants to join then Ace-kun shouldn't interfere with us." Akeno said and Rias grumbled an agreement. "Ara ara, are you still mad about this?"

"Of course I am!" Rias said in anger. "There is a prime candidate for my peerage right there, one that is already strong and can most likely help me get my freedom from that agreement right here at this school, but he won't join as he sees Peerages as slavery. That is an affront for everything the Gremory family stands for, our servants are like family, not slaves."

Akeno nodded, knowing that what Rias said was true, but she decided to change the topic since Rias clearly was not of the right head to think clearly about these matters.

"Buchou, have you already contacted your brother?" Akeno asked, knowing that they would need to contact the Grigory and ask about these fallen angels, demanding an explanation as well as sending someone to come and pick them up.

"I have, but it was weird." Rias said and Akeno raised an eyebrow. Rias then explained. "When I was talking with brother he was hearing and asking me for the details of what happened when suddenly he became agitated and hang up on me."

Akeno knitted her brows hearing this, as someone who has lived with the Gremory house for more than 5 years now she knew perfectly well how Sirzechs would never normally hang up on Rias. Heck, she once saw him dismissing an entire meeting of the four satans with dignitaries of other Pantheons only to spend the day playing videogames with Rias when she asked to play with him. The man was extremely attached to Rias, so much so that when she first saw the two together she thought that he was Rias' doting father and their interaction was similar to this too, so he hanging up on her was certainly strange.

"You think something happened in the Underworld?" Akeno asked in worry and Rias sighed.

"I honestly have no idea, later I will call him again to see what he has to say." Rias said.


Arriving at Mio's house Ace put down Mio who ran towards the bodies of her family. The two were bloody and clearly dead, their bodies damaged extensively and Ace looked away as Mio cried. She cried and cried over her parents, calling out to them.

Ace, not wanting to see this sort of scene as he never liked this sort of stuff, spoke up.

"Would you want to exchange some last words with them?" Ace asked and Mio turned to him, her pink eyes were puffy and red from her crying and her face was covered in tears all over. She meekly nodded, in her head, she was not even sure anymore if this was reality or just a dream but regardless she wanted to speak with her parents again.

Even if it was just one last time, she wanted to talk with them.

Ace nodded but added.

"Okay, but that will cost you a bit." He said and seeing him asking for payment again, and at a time and mood like this, she actually chuckled.

"You know, you are probably the worst hero I could have asked for." She said, thinking about how she has never even heard of a hero who goes about demanding payment for helping others.

Ace just shrugged at that.

"I never once called myself a hero, they are overrated anyway. I am the head and only current worker in Odd-Jobs Ace, anything you need I can do for the right cash." He said and this time Mio truly chuckled.

"What, you are going to say that if I paid enough you could bring back my parents or something?" She asked, her voice breaking a bit as desperation seeped in on her tone and Ace put a finger on his chin before nodding.

"It shouldn't be impossible, but the amount is something even I have no idea what it would be." Ace admitted as he didn't know how much it would cost exactly, not that this mattered to Mio who, upon hearing this, looked at Ace intensely.

"I, I don't have the money. But, but I can give you anything. Just, just please help them come back to life. I don't want to be alone." Mio said and Ace just shook his head.

"Look, I literally can't do a thing right now. I need money, I am being honest here, without it I simply can't help you." Ace said and Mio looked down and wanted to say something more when a new voice spoke up.

"I see, so the news about the girl were trustworthy in the end. But to think another interesting thing would show up, that is good, that is good." A voice spoke from nearby and Ace just gave a sideways glance at it.

"So you will come out now, huh. I noticed you there for a little while now, was honestly wondering if you would approach or not." Ace said and, with a chuckle, a male comes out of the shadows.

It was a tall man who wore a red jacket with yellow-padded shoulders. He had pointy ears, a shaved top with white hair on the back of his head with a matching beard as well as purple eyes and, as strange as it may sound, green skin.

As the man walked forward he seemed to be looking down on Ace and Mio, but his gaze on Mio was clearly lustful and it made Mio's skin crawl just at a glance. Ace instantly went into his half-lion form and stood tall while facing the man.

"So, will you two come peacefully or will I have to force you both?" The man said, upon seeing how Mio was already hiding behind Ace as if by instinct at this point he looked at the boy. "So, you do anything for money, boy? What if I pay you 20 million dollars for the girl behind you?"

"Oh, quite a generous offer." Ace said and Mio looked terrified, believing Ace might truly sell her to this man. She was about to try and run away when Ace's tail snaked around her arm and held her in place. Mio looked at Ace with fear and hurt, thinking he would sell her away.

He clearly stated he needed money, he spoke this multiple times even, and while she promised she would pay for his help she quite literally had nothing of value she could give or money she could use to pay.

The man, ignoring Mio's thoughts but noticing how Ace was keeping her in place, grimed and spoke.

"Indeed, but one I am sure someone who wants money would appreciate. I haven't read any report of the girl knowing anyone like you, so you are probably just a bystander who happened to decide to intervene. Wouldn't taking this money to be better than trying to fight me in this condition?" The man asked and Ace answered.

"So, if I let you take her you will not try and attack me and I will get out of here 20 million richer."

"Yes, and I would also be more than interested in finding you for several other lucrative jobs. If you do what I say I will make you richer than your wildest imagination." The man said.

"That indeed sounds great." Ace said and gazing directly at the man he spoke. "But I refuse (Daga Kotowaru)!"

""Huh?"" Both Mio and the man sounded as Ace continued.

"One of my absolutely favorite things to do is to tell some self-centered rapist asshole with a stick up his ass, 'no'." Ace said.

"You, do you have any idea what you are saying?" The man shouted. "You intend to face me, Zolgear Asmodeus-sama, a noble of the great house of Asmodeus and a descendant of one of the original Satans?"

"Why is it that everything you say sounds like 'I am a rapist asshole?" Ace said to Zolgear.


"See, I follow a very simple set of rules. I never take a job that will hurt my family or friends, I never take a job that will injury or kill innocent civilians, and I never, ever, help someone who is a dipshit asshole that would have done the world a favor by dying at childbirth. So, you know, you fit on the last one, being rapist scum and all that."

"... You do realize you don't know anything about me, right? Why do you think I am a rapist?" Zolgear asked in doubt at this one while secretly sending a sign for his servant to prepare for an assault.

"I dunno, your entire existence seems a bit rape-ish to me, so I refuse to work with you." Ace said and as he finished a spear of earth came towards him.

Thanks to his Observation Haki ace was able to react in time, moving himself and Mio out of the way from the attack and glaring at the one that sent this strike.

There, from the back of Zolgear, a beautiful and tall tanned skin white-haired young woman with a slim yet shapely figure and gold-green eyes appeared. She has a rabbit tail and rabbit-ear-shaped horns, strangely as it may be, but it didn't diminish her beauty in any way. Her attire consisting of a tight black dress that reveals her middle chest, black shoulder pads and gold lining, white stockings, and black long boots that has a golden lining to it.

She looked at Ace impassively as she sent out another rock blast at him.

Her attacks were fast and strong, too much for Ace to properly avoid or knock them aside, especially as he was protecting Mio, so, with gritted teeth, he could only do his best to use his secret technique. One that has been passed down through generations of mankind and the one true reason for humans to have survived this long on this planet and become the dominant species despite being so weak compared to others.

He used his legs... and ran away like crazy.

Seeing Ace turn tail and run both Zolgear thoughts of following, but he knew that the longer he spends there the more likely for him to be caught redhanded. If this happens then Mio's father could freely move against him, Zolgear was not yet ready to face the man. As such Zolgear turned to the woman behind him.

"Zest, kill the boy, he offended the great me so he deserves it, but bring me the girl back unharmed. I have my uses for her in many ways." He said, thinking not only on how he could use her for her power but also her body.

Yeah, when Ace said he was 'rape-ish' he was not exaggerating at all. He was a devil of the Asmodeus clan, the devils with the greatest lust in the entire Underworld. For him 'female consent' was just words on the wind, they mean nothing in front of him obtaining whatever he desired.

Zest nodded in acceptance of her orders and began to move, she didn't care if her orders were less than palatable, she was a servant and would obey her master. She was created to do that and it is what she would do.

As for Zolgear, he quickly teleported back to the Underworld. He didn't know when that man would show up or if he would be sending someone here, however as long as Zolgear was not present in the 'crime scene' he could deny any involvement whatsoever and that foolish man would not do a thing to him.

'That man is so worried about peace and all that crap, foolish.' Zolgear thought with pure contempt, but he ran away to his base, waiting for the good news of a mission success.

Meanwhile Ace was running away with all his speed, not stopping or slowing down at all. He used his tail to pull Mio to in front of him and held her with one hand as he continued to run, not slowing down at all.

Mio tried to say something but Ace ignored her words completely, focused on running away. After a bit he arrived at what he was looking for, his bike he made using not only the basic technology of this world but also several dials and other things he invented. Sitting on it Ace put Mio in front of him, her body pressed close as he accelerated at all speed to run away as fast as he possibly could, not wanting to stay here even one moment more than necessary.

If he could go back to Kuoh these devils would most likely stop, if only because of the politics of it all.

Ace was not sure, he just knew that from the moment the girl said she would pay him he considered helping her a job and he never gives up on a job unless there is not a single chance of success.

Going as fast as he could he move through the streets of the city, moving to get away as fast as he possibly could when the ground beneath him morphed, locking the motorcycle in place as he was trying to escape. Looking to his back Ace couldn't see anything but his Observation Haki made him sense an attack from the sky.

Looking up Zest was there and launched an icicle at Ace who launched a thunder strike at it.

As the two strikes met an explosion happened, but before Ace could try and run away another attack came down, this one a giant rock falling down from up above.

Zest was good at healing, even if Mio were to get a bit hurt she could always heal her perfectly quickly.

Ace looked at Mio and spoke.

"Run, don't look back."

"You, why are you doing this? You don't even know me." She said but he didn't listen as he was already jumping up to meet the strike head-on.

Amongst the many items he obtained in the system over the years, there were many, many, MANY useless ones. Some of the stuff he literally burned in a pyre while praying for better luck, but there was also some good stuff here and there even amongst the miscellaneous.

Two of those were the items he had taken out and equipped on both his hands. He knew this would hurt like a giant bitch, but it was the best way to deal with the falling rock since there is no way he could cut it with his sword with how low his swordsmanship currently is, nor could he destroy it so easily with his thunder abilities considering that there were no clouds on the sky and this rock was clearly too hard for thunder to break it easily.

However, these two items could take care of this.

When he got close to the rock he pushed his right hand in a palm strike at the rock, the item equipped in his hand activating.

"Impact." He said as the impact dial took its effect, the impact of the rock and palm were concentrated on the dial and then redirected at the rock, causing it to completely explode. Ace was pushed back, but not by that much and he used some of those flying debris to jump until close enough to Zest that was surprised by his attack.

Ace's right arm was currently useless, but he did not hesitate to use his left on another palm strike directly at the devil in front of him, his second Impact Dial activating and making Zest cough up blood as she was sent flying away, going through the top of a few buildings until she hit a wall and couldn't move. Impact dials were nasty things that dealt considerable internal damage to anyone hit by it, had she not been what she is and with a body this resilient there is little chance she would have survived this strike.




"Hhhaaa….. Hhaaa…. Damn my arms hurt. If this girl really is Zest then she is damn strong." Ace complained as he started to recover a bit due to his Zoan fruit as this type of fruit simply gave too great a boost to all physical aspects including resilience and recovery of wounds in general. As he got to the ground Ace looked around, not seeing Mio anywhere and nodded, she was at least smart enough to try and run away from there, the more she runs the better.

Sniffing in the air Ace quickly picked up her scent and began running to where she was going to. He found her a distance away. She looked like she passed out, most likely due to her mind not being able to process everything anymore and just shutting up. With a sigh Ace then picked her in a bride carried her as he returned to his bike.

"Phew, at least my bike is okay." Ace said, seeing that his bike didn't suffer any serious damage or anything. Despite the earth locking it in place Ace saw that the bike was still in pristine position and the Impact Dials he used in it to cushion any kinetic force in case of sudden stop had done their job. Taking those two spent Impact Dials he had on hand he exchanged with those on his bike, thus he still had working dials to help in a pinch.

Truly, these little babies could be so very useful.

Ace then decided to think about what he would be doing next regarding Mio.

"Hmmmm let me see, should I take her with me to my home?... Naahh I rather not risk Isane doing something stupid to her as she is likely to do. Isane may be my cousin, but she is still a pervert, especially for big breasts like those of Mio. Mio just went through a lot and still owes me a great deal, I will not let Isane mess this us. How about…. Yeah, that can work, I'm sure that the devils won't be able to find her there." With that mind Ace prepared to get moving, thinking of taking her to his hideout he had prepared a long time ago in Kuoh. It was protected in such a way that someone wouldn't be able to easily detect it and the fact that he got that particular hideout from the system helps too. Sometimes the system had some decent stuff, after all.

Ace suddenly sensed someone entering in his Observation Haki area of detection and was about to take out his sword when-

"I'm sorry but I need to talk to you."

"Huh?" Just as Ace was about to run he heard a voice before he began to feel sleepy. "Aaaahhhh shit." He fell down to the ground as he was resting at Mio's stomach as the mysterious man conjured a magic circle as they disappeared.


Slowly opening his eyes Ace looked around. He was sitting on a comfortable chair with a male sitting in front of him and Mio sitting by the side with a confused expression on her face and not knowing what to do. When she saw Ace waking up some relief flooded her body and she hugged him.

There was no affection or anything like that in this hug, by comparison, it would be more appropriate to say that this was a show of how she desperately needed something she could see as 'real' and someone she could feel she could count on.

She had received several explanations by this point about the world and herself from the man sitting in front of her, a man who claimed to be her father who left her in the human world for his own protection since she was apparently someone who apparently should not have been born.

She was a bastard, a bastard daughter of Satan! Well, one of them at least.

Sirzechs Lucifer, the strongest of all devils, was her father. She wasn't human at all, she was a monster and this terrified the girl to a great extent. That Sirzechs tried to approach her made her fearful and unease to say the least, only now that Ace was awake and she had a 'protector' was she calmer.

As for Ace, looking at how Mio was hugging him and how the man in front of him, a man with a hair identical to that or Rias and the fact he was looking with murder at Ace, made the man realize what was the situation.

The man in front of him was Sirzechs Lucifer, father of Mio Naruse (Gremory), and someone Ace knew he had not a single shred of a chance of surviving against if he were to come to blows.

"Well, shit."



So, anyone guessed that Mio was the daughter of Sirzechs before this?

Hahaha, the man couldn't keep it in his pants.

I will explain her circumstances next chapter and following that we will deal a bit more with the Bleach plotline before returning to Kuoh.

Some of you have pointed out that Ace remaining human is stupid as he would die in too short a time when compared to everyone else around him. I have a solution for that, Pure Gold.

It is an item that appeared in a special of One Piece that completely stops the aging process of whoever has even a small trace of it in his body. That means that if he gets this reward he can effectively live forever.

He can literally buy immortality for a thousand dollars, HAHAHAHAHA.

But, with the drop rate of actually useful things... yeah...

Anyway, hope I let you all enjoy this. Quick question though, I will be using a summon generator from FGO in the future for the Gacha, and in case I get a 5 star servant the MC will be getting a strong fruit. Which one would be good?

The options are Mythical and Ancestral Zoans (mythical fruits can be yokais or all sorts of legendary beings), powerful Paramecias like those of Brook, Whitebeard, Joku, Big Mom, Fujitora, Doflamingo, Pica, Kuma, Shiki, Law, Moria, and Katakuri, or a Logia. Which one is best?

I also have a pool in my page regarding harem members, if you all could vote there it would be just great ;)

Anyway, follow, favorite, and review this fic if at all possible, until next time.