
This Time I Will Save Myself

Virago, the first princess to Araminta was abandoned by her cruel father, Cyrus, the emperor of the most powerful magic nation. Her father threw into the cold abandoned castle with some servants. She was looked at as if she was an insect, and poorly raised by the servants who hated her for being born magic-less. One day she wanted to know the word “family” and when asked she was replied to with cold and harsh words. “I am sorry for being born this way” That night, being a five year old who barely knows the world outside the castle she escaped with a magical beast that was said to only exist in legends. After many struggles she gets executed by her own father and is reincarnated back to being a five year old. “This time I promise to save you myself”

1T_H_Sage · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 3 - Relief

Virago fell asleep on Arian's back as they rode through the forest. She woke up to an aroma that smelled as sweet as flowers. A lady with hair that was as scarlet as dawn walked up to her. Virago's eye sparkled in awe of the scarlet hair lady.

"Hello there young dear, you sure were sleeping soundly."

Virago panicked and started to look around for Arian.

The lady quickly tried to calm Virago,

"It's alright, it's alright if you are looking for that beast, he is sleeping outside. I was quite surprised when he came here with you."

Virago replied,

"I- I am sorry"

The lady was displeased with the reply and told her in a warm voice,

" No, dear, there is nothing to be sorry for. You were simply sleeping in peace and it looked like you had a wonderful dream."

This is the first time someone had ever said anything like that to her. She felt relieved and started to tear up. The lady noticed,

"Oh dear me, what's wrong young one? Did I say something to upset you? This lady is sorry".

Virago cried,

"No, lady is fine, I am..the lady's voice felt warm and strange."

The scarlet haired women quickly inferred looking at Virago's constitution that she must have suffered at wherever she came from. She wiped the tears off of Virago's face and introduced herself,

"My name is Aster, and I am a magician of this forest. What about you, young lady?"

Virago hesitated to answer.

"It is quite alright if you don't want to answer, but it is quite strange for a girl as young as you to be brought here by that beast. Well, no matter, how about something to eat I'm guessing you are hungry."

Virago's stomach grumbled, and her face flushed bright red like a tomato.

"Oh dear me hahaha, I will get you food right away."

Aster giggled and walked to the kitchen. Virago stopped hesitating and realized Aster must be a good person since Arian brought her here. She noticed this place was a small and comfortable house filled with herbs and calming aroma. This was not anything like the cold room she lived in.

"Um..miss Aster?"

Aster looked at Virago and gently spoke,

"Yes dear, what is it? and please call me by name, Aster. There is no need add 'miss'"

Virago mustered up her courage and said,

"My name is Virago and the doggie outside is Arian, I ran away from home."

Aster brought the food to Virago and smiled,

"Thank you for telling me Virago, now can you tell me where is your home?"

Virago was scared,

"N-No, I-I... please help me"

Aster surprised at the plea for help,

"Yes dear, how can I help? What happened?"

Virago told her about where she lived and how she was treated. Aster has never felt this disgusted in her life. For a five-year-old child to go through this type of lifestyle. Thinking about it made Aster's anger rise, especially since now she knew Virago is the first princess to Araminta.

"To think that monster of a man, had a child just to abandon her. Hmph! and to not notice how she even being treated by those mere insects of servants. How dare they!"

Virago clenched her dress and stared at Aster's anger. To think someone would get angry in her stead was something new to her. She felt relieved that Arian brought her there.

"Say young Virago, why don't we show that useless bastard of a father, that you are the most valuable person ever to enter his life"

Virago surprised at Asters words,

"But how? I am only five"

"No need to worry young princess, you are blessed and that I promise you. People only think you do not have any magic attributes but you are a rare case, It is not that you don't have magic rather you are magic itself."

Virago was confused,

"magic itself?"

Aster was determined to make Virago the treasure of the nation that they threw away.

"Yes dear, magic itself, the reason why those bastards couldn't tell you had magic was that you yourself are a magical being. You see the book of magic you brought with you cannot be read by anyone but the person it has made a contract with. That person is you."

A new world has opened up to Virago, she knew at that moment, with this, she will be able to see that person; her father.

"Say Aster, will I be able to see my father if show him I can do magic?"

Aster's heart ached to hear such a question,

"Yes dear, you will. But for now, eat your food and we will do what needs to be done after."

Virago smiled brightly,

"Mm! Yes!"