
This Time I Will Save Myself

Virago, the first princess to Araminta was abandoned by her cruel father, Cyrus, the emperor of the most powerful magic nation. Her father threw into the cold abandoned castle with some servants. She was looked at as if she was an insect, and poorly raised by the servants who hated her for being born magic-less. One day she wanted to know the word “family” and when asked she was replied to with cold and harsh words. “I am sorry for being born this way” That night, being a five year old who barely knows the world outside the castle she escaped with a magical beast that was said to only exist in legends. After many struggles she gets executed by her own father and is reincarnated back to being a five year old. “This time I promise to save you myself”

1T_H_Sage · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 1- Struggle

In a world where the nations were brought upon magic, there was one person without any,a child. A child, abandoned in a cold castle with only the head maid, the head butler, and couple of other servants. That child is the first princess, Virago, to most powerful nation out of the 5 in the world. The emperor, Cyrus, of the most powerful nation, Araminta, shows no mercy to those who ruin his atmosphere in the slightest bit. He was known to be merciful only once, that was when he banished Virago to the cold castle. That child from birth was looked at as vermin for being born magic-less. As the years went by she was finally 5 years old. She started to speak clearly and can read better than those of her age. One day she was reading a book in the garden and saw the word "family" and wondered what it meant. She asked the maid "Umm..excuse me miss maid..what does "family" mean?"

The maid replied with a cold stare and cold voice,

" something that does not matter to the princess. Do not ask me what that word means! As you were abandoned by yours."

The maid snickered.

Virago said "I- I am sorry" in a very sad voice.

Soon it was lunch time thus the butler came escorted Virago to the dining hall. She was presented with the same meal she gets every day; watery soup that was bland and some bread. Since the maid didn't answer properly before she tried asking the butler.

" I -ah..umm..have a question.."

The butler clicked his tongue "Tsk! What is it princess?"

Virago felt discouraged by his manner but asked anyway stutteringly.

"So..Umm..I- ah.."

The butler interrupted "Hurry up already..Tsk!"

She was on the verge of tears.

"Ne- never mind, sir".

The butler left the room very annoyed mumbling to himself.

"Why do I have to take care this useless thing. I wish that thing didn't exist".

The princess sat there in the big dining hall alone. She felt empty and stared at her meal. Her vision became blurry with tears and it streamed down her face. She drank her soup mixed with her tears and cried softly so no one will hear her and yell.

After finishing her lunch, Virago went to library, the only place that made her happy. Reading stories about heroes and magic made happy. Her imagination grew and so did her curiosity. She wanted to know about magic because she can see everyone could use it. She went and looked for books on her own in the giant library with no one to help her. Since she is brighter than most children her age, she found the books based on their genre. At the very bottom shelf there was an old book of magic, tattered, but still legible. She sat there in the dust and read the book until nightfall. When she realized what time it was, Virago hurriedly ran to her exit because otherwise she would be yelled at by the maid and butler.

As she ran to exit she saw the door was closed. When she tried to open, it wouldn't move. She realized the door was locked. Virago screamed for help


Virago stopped screaming and heard the people behind door snicker and laugh at her screaming for help. It was the head maid, butler and the other servants. They found it amusing to hear the poor child scream. Virago was shocked standing there in the dark library. She asked again in a voice that trembled in sadness,

"Please! Open this door, it is very dark in here! I am scared."

The butler replied in snotty tone "Hmph! How dare you be this useless? Can't you even open this door? You are already 5 years old!"

The maid added in a harsh tone,

"You will stay there tonight as a punishment."

Virago confused and anxious,

" what do you mean punishment?! What did I do? I am sorry if did anything wrong. Please let me out!"

The maid was annoyed at the response and angrily said,

"How dare you talk back!? You will stay there with no food and that is final!"

The servants left the poor Virago in the cold and dark library to go celebrate and fill their bellies. Virago stood there alone in the dark repeatedly apologizing in a depressed voice crying,

" sorry..sorry..I am sorry..whatever I've done I am sorry. I am sorry for being born this way".

She turned to books as it is the only source of her comfort. Virago walking back to book of magic noticed There was a breeze in the room that she didn't feel before. She was scared and nervous. Somewhere in the distance there was a bright light. She ran toward it fast as she possibly can with her book and little legs. When she came to light, she saw something beautiful, the moon. The moon was bright in the cloudless sky. The magical beasts came out one by one in the light of the moon. She quickly forgot about her sadness and adored the beasts and fairies. Luckily the window didn't have bars thus in her quick thinking she went and grabbed books she could reach to escape through the window.

Virago grabbed her book of magic and opened the window with a push. Luck was with her this time, the library was on the ground floor and didn't have much height. She jumped and stumbled her landing and got a scrape.


That didn't matter to her when she saw a beast approaching her. She stared in amazement. The beast drew closer and she realized she saw it in a picture book before.

"A doggie" she said in excitement.

The "doggie" she was excited to see was actually a giant wolf. The wolf came near Virago and sniffed her.

"Hehe! Doggie!"

The wolf licked her scrape and the wound disappeared.

"Hehe doggie that tickled."

"Doggie do you have a name?"

The wolf sat there and stared at Virago.

She continued,

"I guess you don't..hhmm..how about I call you Arian since your hair is silver. You know 'Arian' means silver. I read it in a book. think it's a good name! What do you think?"

The wolf howled.

Virago laughed,

"I guess that means you like it huh"

Without realizing she had formed a contract with a giant silver wolf that's only talked about in legends. The air around her made her levitate a tiny bit off of the ground and blue light shone as the compact was made with the legendary beast. She was amazed and excited. Virago at that moment was able to attain magic.

The wolf grabbed her suddenly and started to run toward the nearby forest.

Virago confused,

"Wait! Arian where are you taking me?"

The wolf stopped and put her down and stared at her. Virago looked at Arian, and the cold castle that was behind him. She looked at the castle and felt immense sadness.

"You know I have a feeling wherever you are taking me is probably better than the place I came from." She said.

She told Arian,

"Let's go Arian, I don't where you are taking me but let's go"

She sat on the back of the wolf and they rushed off into the forest.

This is my first writing a light novel, so please read and let me know in the reviews! :) they’ll be my inspiration to continue. If you like then by all means please add to library!

Have fun reading :))

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