
chapter 1 where am I?

Lux closed his eyes in acceptance of his death. suddenly he heard a voice that sounds like coming from a crying baby.

Lux was dumbfounded after hearing a baby, opened his eyes as he was startled by the voice.

"The heck there was a survivor?" - lux opened his eyes in surprise, but what he found was a ceiling and a face of a person wearing a nurse outfit.

Nurse -"the boy looks healthy and energetic." As she holds lux in her arms.

"Sadly his father passed away because of a disease, and his mother just passed away too because of birth effects. It's so sad that his parents are not present during his childhood. I wonder who will take care of this child"-added the nurse.

'Who tf are you talking to? And who tf are you? also where is that baby that I heard just now. Is she the mother of that baby?' - lux as he was looking at the nurse's face with an awkward smile

The nurse looks at the baby and she noticed the smile on his face. The nurse was surprised after seeing the baby smile. A blush came out from her cheeks.

" KYAAA so cute" - the nurse freaks out.

'Wh-What who tf are you calling cute, also why am I being carried by this woman? Wait, why are my hands so small? Don't tell me.' -lux noticed his small hands and starts panicking for a bit.

Lux took a peek at his entire body to confirm his thoughts. As he looks at his entire body, he discovered that he is in a body of a baby.

'Wait let me process this shit'- lux tried to organize his thoughts.

A few seconds later...

'So what your saying is that I reincarnated after dying? Oh shit, and I have a memory of my past life? Man, I'm a cheat engine in this world'- lux realized that he was reincarnated to another world.

Soon an old woman appeared. The nurse recognized the old woman and gave the child to her.

"is he my grandchild?" Asked the old woman.


"Yes ma'am."- nurse as she nodded quietly.

" then my daughter?"

The nurse took a few seconds to answer the question and made a solemn expression, before answering.

"She's dead. The birth effect was too much for her to handle. I'm sorry for your loss, as we couldn't help to prevent her from dying."- nurse bowed as a sign of apology and respect for the death of her daughter.

Tears flows through her face, as soon as she heard her daughter is dead.

The nurse just silently watches the old woman grieving from her loss, as she couldn't do something about it.

'So my mother and father are dead, and this old hag is my grandma' thought lux as he silently watches the scene.

" name? Did her mother give him a name before dying?" Asked the woman.

The nurse was startled for a bit when she heard the old woman's question before replying.

"No, she died as soon as she gave birth."

"I see, what name should I give to this child"- old woman starts wondering what name should be given to her grandchild.

As soon as lux heard this, he muttered a word.

" l...u...x"- lux muttered this word.

The voice wasn't loud or clear, but it was enough for the old woman to hear it.

The old woman who heard it was surprised, even the nurse was shocked when they heard the newborn baby talking.

The room was filled with silence as they couldn't comprehend the things that just happened right in front of their eyes.

'What? Was that too much?' - lux tried to pretend like a baby so that no one will be able to realize that he is a reincarnated person, just in case.

A few minutes later...

Pft... The old woman laughs.

"Haha, I never heard a baby named himself. I guess you're pretty smart to understand the meaning of the name. Fine your name will be lux, your last name will be based on my last name, so your name will be lux Arcadia.

A few days later after the funeral...

Lux is currently sleeping in the bed since the bed he was sleeping with is too comfortable for him compared to his previous world.

After a few hours of sleeping, lux finally opened his eyes.

'It's really good to sleep with a comfortable bed. This bed is not the same as the bed in my past life that is made of kahoy. I can't even sleep sometimes whenever I remembered that bed.'- lux as he recalled the past.

(Kahoy means wood)

'During these past few days, I learned that this world is more advanced than the world I lived in before. Their technology is far too superior. They even invented this so-called tv, aircon, cellphone, laptop, and all those freaking huge buildings because of this, people don't need to worry about the heat and feeling bored at home'- thought lux, as he remembered all the things he saw when his grandmother took him out for a walk.

'Kame Sama arigathanks for making my wish come true'- lux praised the gods. then, suddenly remembered what happened a few days ago.

Lux's mood suddenly turn down when he remembered what happened a few days ago.

" shit, why do I have to remember that. I almost vomit just by remembering it."- lux recalled what happened.

A few days ago...

"Hmm, what should I feed to this child" the old woman as she wonders what to feed to lux.

"Oh I know since he is my grandson it's probably okay to breastfeed him, although I'm already a bit too old for it it's probably still okay"- the old woman lifts her bra and was about to feed lux.

Lux who noticed what she was trying to do, tried to escape, but.


'You fkin old hag go away your too fucking old to do this' lux tried to resist while sucking in her t*ts.

Mei was a 25-year-old woman who has a  son the same age as lux. They were born on the same day, but lux was born 10 hours ahead, so that makes him older than her son. She came to her mother's house to adopt her sister's son after attending the funeral.

Lux's mother was her sister, although they didn't spend that much together she was still sad about what happened, and she decided to adopt her sister's son to pay respect to her.

She knocks on the door as soon as she arrived in front of the house. No one replied. She knocks again but, no one replied again.

Without any choice, she tried to open the door. Luckily the door wasn't locked so she walk inside. As soon as she came in, she heard a baby crying. Mei immediately came to the room where she heard the voice.

When she arrived at the door where the noise was coming from, she first took a peek to see what was happening, after seeing what was happening inside she immediately took flux away.

" mom what do you think you're doing to my sister's son?" Asked Mei after grabbing Lux as she was worried about what lux just digested today.

"What do you mean I'm just trying to feed him" replied the old woman.

"Then you should have bought milk, not making him suck your ****. Your way too old to do that. Look at him, he's crying"- Mei angrily replied, as she points her fingers at lux's eyes with tears flowing from them.

After that, I was adopted by my aunt. She took me to her house. The house was surprisingly big and inside the house is like a palace in my past life. People in this world call it a luxury house.

Aunt was an actor before, but due to her being pregnant people criticize her and that lead her to quit being an actor, but still, the amount of money she received from the job was enough to make her live in a luxury house for many years.

'I'm grateful that I am now living with my aunt and not with that old hag.' - lux as he was traumatized at what happened a few days ago.

While lux is recollecting what he learned a few days ago, a baby hugs him while sleeping soundly.

This baby is named Hayato Arcadia. He is lux little brother since he was adopted by his mother.

he also has the same hair color as lux which is white. His father was from a powerful family and remarried to another wife too, that's why he is living with his mother right now because his father rejected them after knowing his magical powers was too low. Mei was left with no choice, so she decided to hide him from them to avoid conflicts with their family.

'Speaking of magical power, this world is similar to my past life people awakened their powers when they were born, I also learned that monsters are appearing here too. Hays, I thought I can finally have a peaceful life, well, whatever let them solve this problem, all I have to do is to protect my family from them'- thought lux as he pats using his left hand on his brother's head before looking out of the window.

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