
This time, for me ( BL )

I walked around the room looking for some place to sit. Damn it! My legs hurt. I should have taken dads offer of staying home. Well then again i want to spend more time with my family and for that i am willing to attend such an event. Why do i feel that someone is staring at me? I looked around but i saw no one and the feeling of being stared at was no more. I shrugged and started walking to the tables. I know second brother was there so i wont be alone. Second brother wanted to stay at home but when he knew that i was going too he immediately changed his clothes to leave with us. I smiled. Sometimes my brother can be so cute. I was walking again when i felt some eyes on me again. I looked around but i think i saw nothing. My body went stiff when i looked around me once again. Deep red eyes were staring right at me as the boy kept walking towards me. His black silky hair were styled to stay on one side giving him a rather charming look. But that was not why i became stiff it was because of the fear i felt. The boy was about two years older than me, a year and a half to be precise. I want to run away. I know what he did was because of his reason and i don’t blame him but i cant let everything go as if they never happened. My eyes are getting a little blurry as i bit my lip to calm myself but that didn’t work at all. It was getting hard to breath. I want to go. Please someone save me. I kept on praying for someone to save me in my mind. Maybe he is walking to go behind. I took a deep breath. Yes! He should not know me at this moment in this timeline. In fact shouldn’t he be overseas during this time. My heart was beating loudly as my legs were threatening to give up...... —————- The story revolves around a boy name cameron . He come back to his past after taking his own life. He is determined to change all the things that happened to him and take back everything from his so called friend and fiancé. And repay them for what they did tenfold. oh did i forget to mention that its a zombie apocalypse world? The male lead of the story is extremely possessive and has yandere tendencies. You have been warned. Please give this story a try. It is slow paced but i can assure you that you will like it a-lot. I am still working on my writing and trying to improve it.

lazy_potato · LGBT+
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12 Chs

crowned thorn rose

Cameron looked around the room. The room was filled with almost everyone he knew. His old classmate and friends were waiting by a side, waiting for him to notice them. They didn't jump on Cameron because they knew that he was discharged from the hospital; this did not have anything to do with the fact that they were lectured on how to behave by the butler when the youngest master arrive.

Cameron didn't look at the tall figures at first sight. He blushed once more as he looked around this time looking at the tall figure of adults but he still didn't take their faces into account. He was still thinking about how he ignored the tall people in the room just because he turned back to being a kid and was not used to looking up when talking to people.

Cameron heard someone clear his throat. He looked back at the butler who was making the same he used to when Cameron forgot something. Cameron suddenly realized his situation. Cameron gave his gentle smile as looked around the room once again "thank you everyone". He did not delve too much into his thank you speech. He was excited to be home and he just wanted to be with his family. It's not like he didn't want to meet his friends but he just wanted to adjust back before he meets them. Plus he forgot most of the etiquettes living in the apocalypse for so long.

Cameron eyes sparkled when he saw his uncle and aunt. He ran to meet them; he almost tripped on his way. His uncle picked him before he could even stop. His parents were talking to other adults in the room otherwise they would have snatched him back. Especially his father would have taken him from his own brother quicker than he could say the alphabet A and it would have took a lot more kisses to calm their jealous heart.

Cameron eyes turned up when smiling at them, it was so different from when he thanked everyone. Cameron could not help but be genuinely happy when he saw them. They were the one few people that helped him a lot after he was left alone. Cameron was thinking of all the times they tried to help him and his family and every time Cameron rejected them because of how blind he was then. The time he gets to know the true face of people around him, it was true late. Cameron clenched his hands as he remembered the last moments of uncle and aunt. They still had a smile on their faces as they sacrificed their own lives just to save him.

"Bun bun what happened? Do feel pain somewhere? Is everything okay? Please tell us what happened?" Cameron heard this when he came back to earth. He was confused when he saw the panicked expressions on his uncle and aunt faces. He looked around saw his mom and dad coming to him also panicked. He then felt something feel on his hand. He looked down to see a water droplet.

"Bun bun what happened? Why are you crying?" his mom asked him. He saw that his dad wanted to take him into his arms form uncle but could as Cameron was holding on tightly to his uncle shirt. Cameron was more confused 'crying? Who's crying?' Cameron touched his face only to find out that tears were flowing uncontrollably from his eyes.

Cameron tried to stop his tears but no matter what he did they did not stop. He just smiled at the people around him to ease them. This did nothing to ease but got them more worried. Cameron big eyes were filled with tears making them more enchanting. His cheeks were red but were stained with tears and Cameron smiled it was just like an angle who had suffered is trying to hide his pain.

Dad and uncle Adam decided to take him to the other room and mom and aunt lily also followed them. In the other room, Cameron didn't leave his uncle warmth no matter what. His dad was drinking vinegar and he was not even able to say something but more than that he was worried about his little bunny. Cameron didn't know why but everything he felt just came back to him when he saw these four people together around him. He knew one thing that he was feeling guilt that he made their sacrifices go in vain with his suicide, regret that he was so useless then, relief as he saw they were all alive and much more emotions that he couldn't describe.

Cameron felt pain in his wrist, the same wrist where he made the cut but he chooses to ignore it. Everyone in that room failed to notice the crowned thorn rose that appeared and disappeared on Cameron's wrist.

hello everyone, its your lazy author here!

i went back to previous chapter and found many mistakes. i will update it soon with the mistakes corrected. i am still learing and i am trying to improve my english language so if you recommend me some books for that, you would have my gratitude. hope you find my story interesting. let me know your thoughts in the comment and please show some support by commenting or sending powerstones.

as always stay happy and healthy ^u^

lazy_potatocreators' thoughts