
Chapter 1: What are you planning...

Destiny is a false pretense,

made up by unfortunate ones,

yearning to touch the stars.

If one fails to change fate,

one simply is a dog,

leashed to their fears.

-Unknown Source

This Message has been scratched on top of a giant Boulder.

Dust filled every single inch of the doctrine, moss seems to actively try to swallow the Boulder, and rain is trying to wash away the very nature of the texts intent.

Even though time is trying to fight very hard, it does not seem capable of reversing this artpiece.

Even if its faint, this Boulder, still emenates a certain pressure that seems to affect the nearby wildlife.

Birds flying past change directs to head east, lone Wolves cower in fear, and Bears roar vigorously, when facing the Boulder.

Though if one lingers and chooses to get closer, one would notice that the pressure does not emenate from the Boulder. Something else must have been the cause.

An especially daunting sound can be heard a few feet away.

Screams and terror living hand in hand as deep thumps can seem to engulf the world.

Tears and sweat are flowing down a young adolescent boys face. He is holding onto something that is too big for his small hands to get a grip on...

Next to him is an old man whose lips form a crescent shape, whenever he faces the young adolescent boys struggles. The man yells at the boy to put more strength in his hips.

Luckily this situation is not what most of you readers were thinking about. Dont forget that this Novel is not a guilty pleasure, except if you guys are into...pain?

" Boy, I swear to god that you better not waste my money for fun! Do not dare to fuck up another piece of perfectly good metal. I won´t dare to face the Aspect of Smithing if you can´t even finish this piece!", the old man said lovingly to his disciple.

"Do you never listen to me when I try to teach you? DONT FEAR THE METAL! Put in more strength, else the hot piping metal will cool down and crumble before it gets beaten into shape.. Straighten your back, lock eyes with your enemy, and draw blood!"

The young boy, 16 years in age, swings his hammer with increasing fevor. Sometimes his eyes even seem to become bright red as he breathes for air.

The World shrank as only he, his hammer, and the enemy started to exist. Even his masters voice seems to become more and more distant.

Many gruesome hours later a roar woke the child from his trancelike state, "Snap out of it RYO, stop playing and use the hammerhead-technique now, your window of opportunity is nearly over!"

In a Split-Second Ryo acted on his masters words. Ryo leaped backwards, as he started to move his weapon in a star-shaped pattern. He sprinted at the steaming piece of red metal, to end it with one last strike

His master nodded in approval, "The <Myriad Hammerhead changes> technique shall help you get rid of the metals nasty impurities. But every Opportunity lives hand in hand with disaster. If you are not precise in handling the piece of metal, then this technique will waste all your efforts and turn your workpiece into nothing more than a failure. Nothing more than abstract art. Maybe pretty to look at, but useless in hand to hand combat. Success or failure, this move will decide!"

The metal stood menacingly in place, as if to mock Ryo and his petty technique. Ryo started to roar at his enemy, as if he had a life-long vendetta against it.

"Art of <Myriad of Hammerdhead changes>"

The sky seemed to crack, as if unable to withstand Ryos last wave of attacks,


The Hammer began to change its form! No longer was it big, bulky, buldging... The hammerhead started to elongate and thin out. It resembled a Rapier with only the shaft remaining the same.

Even though the shape of the giant Needle seemed comical, its penetrating power is at least twice that of Ryos normal smashes. Strong enough to kill an adult mustang in one hit. (The Car brand, as well as the animal)

The Needles small are helped Ryo to work precisely.

Although this raises a new problem, if Ryo uses too much power while forging in this state, he might accidentally pierce through his enemy! All his efforts might go to waste, because of one small mistake.

Minutes passed without a single hit being thrown out of fear.

Sweatdrops fell from Ryos forehead, as doubts formed in his mind,

...So many ways to break the weapon and destroy all my hopes once again...

Will Master Bruce leave me if I fail again? Will I be all alone once again?

...I am scared of failing again, if I fail then... then I....

Ryos vision became continualy gloomy until a red shade overcame his Vision.

He vigorously shook his Head and screamed out loud.

"I will not fail again!"

The Pressure seemed to have awakon something in Ryo. Ryos mind seemed eerily clear now and his eyes became a very deep shade of red.

Once again, only him, his hammer, and his enemy, the piping hot metal that existed in this world. One of them needed to bow down to the other, and even if death came Ryo would die standing!

Ryo leaped into the air, readied his Tool and focused all his energy to hit the desired goal. A heatwave emerged from the metal, but this did not stop Ryo in his wake, he closed his eyes due to the pain, but in his mind the metal still stood in the exact same place.

Ryo put his dreams, his sorrows, and his fears, and put them all into this last hit.

His sweat fell, but as he fell he hit the metal.

A dustcloud emerged from his landing, and silence followed for a few moment. The world stood still, nothing moved, and even Bruce froze in time. Ryo breathed twice, looked at what he managed to create with his blood sweat and anger. He smiled a little as he tried to walk towards it, and then he slipped...

A big hand held him in place. Ryos master saved him from his embarassing fate.

"Don´t be so hasty to fall asleep, you did not even take a look at your Grade of accomplishment. I have a good feeling about this, I am sure the Aspect of Smithing will look favorably upon it Ryo!"

Ryo sighed weakly as he regained his footing, " Only one true hit... This seems to be my limit for now while using the Contraction. I would've really liked to do a few more... but I know the limits of my concentration. I need to play it safe, if I want to beat my enemy into shape, without loosing consciousness"

The piece of metal was finally tempered into the shape of a small dagger.

Altough its temperature was still too high to be appraised by Bruce.

"Dont worry, Ryo, I've got this", Bruce said with a bright smile.

Bruce started flying a few feet above the ground and gripped onto the air around him. It changed color as it got suctioned into the form of a ball. Bruce locked eyes with the piping dagger, and got into the position of a baseball player's pitching position.

A big whirlwind flew across the balls path, as he threw it without a care in the world.

This whirlwind clashed with the dagger, encapsulating it in the process. The ball fused into the sword, which then got rid of its heat.

"Hoooooomerun!", Bruce smiled even more and told Ryo to take a look at the weapons Grade of Accomplishment.

Ryo pulled out binoculars that Bruce created many years prior, so that even the Ryo who has no aura can read his weapons Grade of Accomplishment.

Weapon: Dagger of Wind and Heat duality

Grade: High, Heaven-Grade

Atk: +???

Special: piercing power: +????

Smashing Power: +??

Slicing Power: *??????

Special Skills: Control the aircurrent without any restrictions.

Control heat without any restrictions.

Possible to birth a sword spirit, if compatibility with user increases.

Requirements: 200 Atk

Ryo fumed seeing his daggers stats, "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE MASTER!!!"

Grandmaster Bruce gasped a little, "I just tried to cool it off, I didn't expect my weak windball to evolve your weapon, I apologize."

Seeing the innocent look of his master, Ryo couldn't stay mad. Ryo knew the way his master was, and indeed he probably didnt even think about the effect his power has on any weapon he comes in touch with. That knowledge made Ryo feel more depressed through, because his master is so many league's above him. Not just his master, even an average Blacksmith is way too many levels above Ryo that it would make anyone depressed, let alone a 16 year old Boy.

"Master, It's fine, I lost my cool for a second. I thought you tried to strengthen my weapon, to make me not think about what a loser I am...", Ryo saddened a bit.

Bruce looked at Ryo with concern, but as even as a master he couldn´t come up with the words to heal Ryos broken self esteem.

Ryo knew he said too much, and took a deep breath, while forcing a smile, "Master, your mastered talent in Blacksmithing is too terrifying. Even one breeze from you and it evolves my weapon to this extent. If only I had 1/100th of your talent, or i wish i even had the talent of Blacksmithing unlocked... I would be so happy... "

Bruce saw Ryos face and tried to change the subject,"Well everyone starts somewhere, and you started with the best Blacksmith on this planet as a mast, so lighten up, let me turn the weapon back to its prior state, and see your progress"

A snap could be heard, as time rewinded. Everything went back to its prior position, the Dagger of duality turned back into a normal, albeit really hot, dagger.

"Thanks Master, this time let´s just wait normaly", Ryo said with a laugh.

Bruces face started flushing red, as he coughed a little.

A few minutes passed

"lets.. take a look, i guess", nervously Ryo used his binoculars again.

Weapon: Dagger of lousiness

Grade: Low, Spirit Grade

Atk.: -17

Special: piercing power: -2

Smashing Power: +3

Slicing Power: *0

Special skills: None, you dunce.

You could use it to smash stuff though.

Requirements: 200 Attack

A second of silence ensued.

"Ryo, it's Low Spirit Grade...again", Bruce furrowed his Brows, but then stopped, because this act might hurt Ryos feelings

"It is quite impressive though, because prior to you, I never even heard of anything being Low Spirit Grade in my life", Bruce said this as a way to make light of the Situation.

"Your proficiency in the <Myriad of Hammerhead changes>, has advanced considerably. Three years ago, you couldn't even use this technique! Good job! I would say it isn't the worst trash among trash anymore. Although you are not as good as I was back then, I was able to use all the seven changes proficiently in the first day of my master teaching me. And we better not consider that I have been teaching you for the past thirteen years alread-... Nonetheless, Good job Ryo! Keep up the good work, baby steps until Success, right?"

Everything from Bruces birth to his mastery of Blacksmithing is nothing less but the legendary Story of a genius chosen by the Aspect of Blacksmithing. But him being a genius also means he lacks in certain fields, he does not seem to have common sense, and he seems to be especialy bad at comforting people. He was also called the Clueless King of Blacksmithing among his peers.

Following Bruces "comforting" words, Ryo was nearly brought to tears... from "happiness".

Ryo stopped himself from bursting out in a fit, as he fell into thought.

"I may have no talent, but this was already a given since birth. I may be a useless piece of garbage, but this was already a given since birth too. But who the hell is my past to tell me how my path will end!"

His eyes turned from black to orange..

"I would rather die than stay useless forever... Even the worst piece of metal can be worked with by a determined craftsman. I may be garbage, but I am also determined to change. I refuse to be a weakling forever! I will become a great Blacksmith. NO,The best Blacksmith!"

They deepened in color once more, now Ryos eyes turned a whole new shade of red that Bruce never saw before in the 13 years he raised Ryo.

"I'll make my parents regret not loving me, not wanting me, just throwing me away when all I wanted was a hand to hold. I will be great not for them, but for my master, the only person to show me that love still exists in this dark and cruel reality. He will be proud of me, maybe he will even boast to all his friend about me, his greatest disciple... Hopefully One day... I will be able to be called by his name, and call out to him as my true father..."

Ryos eyes started becoming even redder, as bloody tears ran down his face, Ryo swore to himself to become more than he was destined to be, even if death took him. He will take his destiny by force. He will refuse to die like a dog, leashed to his fears.

Bruce called out to Ryo and shook him awake from his state of being, "Ryo are you okay, what happened to your face, come back to reality!"

Ryo snapped back as his black eyes resurged, " I am sorry master, I fell into though... I would like to return to our home and go through the experience I made today again in peace."

Bruce checked up on Ryo while making use of his own Aura, and saw that Ryo was alright, "...Alright go back, make sure to take a shower and wash of all the gunk on your body."

Seeing Ryos figure depart into the distance, Bruce lamented Ryos fate," Why did the Aspect give him that red flash, that not even I could attain..And why does he have a lack of talent, and not even an ounce of aura on top? This combination just does not make sense. What did his predecessors do for Heaven to hold a grudge this deep..."

Bruce never found out the answer, even after 13 years. The red flash that lights up in Ryos eyes, was something that only a handful of people have, its mysteries are so deep that not even the aspects know everything about them.

"My pitiful disciple, am I not able to help you?...for what reason do I have all this knowledge? If I can't impart it towards the ones i hold dear, what use do I have as a master?...if only you had been born with talent, if only you had a new body... wait what, a new body? Where did that thought come from?.. Ugh"

Bruce held his head and screeched internally, while grunting, "N-nooo"

A snap rang out, Bruce fell into a trance. He seemed like a different person for splitsecond until he returned to his old self. The only difference is a new thought, "If only Ryo had a new body!"

Excitement sparked in Bruce's eyes as he formulated a new plan for his disciple, "This might actually work. Oh yeah, oooh yeah, this will be good!"


Grandmaster Bruce, is that still you? And if it is, what are you planning?

I am a lazy piece of garbage that forgot/didn't want to continue this Novel. I didn't continue it for a few months out of pure laziness, I think I want to continue this story again, but this time for real. First I need to work over all my previous Chapter because frankly said, they are garbage and I want to work them over once again. So the only chapter you should read right now are those that have been updated recently. The other ones don't have a nice feel to them, I mean at least for my preferences they are too outdated and have horrible grammar.

FalsifiedKingcreators' thoughts