
This Paradise Is Fake

In a land, far away from what we can comprehend, far from common senses, beliefs, different cultures and rituals take places, events unfold side-by-side. Discovering and burying myth, knowledge and all there is to learn. Darkness roams and fortune fly in the air. Some people really got to do everything to survive, some are too good to even care. Come join me, let us read this journal of fantasy together until time itself ends.

Rezisuren · Fantasy
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10 Chs

My Mirror, Your Image.

Walking down the rivers, the cold breeze pass my shoulders as the fog clear itself slowly. This trip i'm issueing is to visit a friend's house... despite most calling it a lair. The sun is barely up by the time i started my outgoing, i can't say i blame him, he was never fond of the sunlight in any ways.

I bid my familiars and the town goodbye, the fairies outside fly above my head and playing like children. Today appears to be a peaceful day, ironically my destination isn't the most friendly place. Water falling down the leaves onto the ground, i like relaxing sounds as such. Always a good way to start my day.

Not much thoughts run through my mind beside my path, even after the revolutionary war against the Tyrant Of Kyshak, everywhere still reeks danger. This world was saved from evil but itself is the embodiment of it, i truly wonder if all the efforts and sacrifices i gave was really all that worth it in the end. It's such a pity that even the most mellifluous of lands like these have thorns that make outsider hesitate to step their foot on, as beautiful as the moon they say but just about anything's safety here is as vague as a coin in the depth of abyss. Finally getting out of the gloomy and depressing forest, the kingdom of Salvas show itself in my sight. It's not my destination but i'd rather have a break and look at it other than exhausting myself even before reaching where im supposed to go, admitting some of my efforts were for nought i fairly feel pleased to see humans still smile with what they earn. I wish that they would just know that happiness fade away in a flash, like a petal forever leaving the cherry blossom tree, it's beauty only last when someone is there to witness. Likewise to happiness, it's only true when people actknowledge and appreciate it like any other things. Something so simple yet so complex for so many to comprehend, it's almost disappointing knowing they are so quick to come to war even for a worthless penny made out of gold that could have been use for a better purpose. The mind of the leaders... no, the mind of the dictators are filled with worthless wealth that one day will all be gone before them, they wish for control in fear of being controlled by someone else. They wish for power to never be look down yet most of them have the same ending of being killed one way or another by their own comrades or people. This world is a appealing lotus but stained as black as ink, as red as blood, as blue as the deepest part of the lonely ocean.

I keep the train of my own thought aside and continue my journey, the way down is much narrow. Even the slightest of blunder can lead someone to their end easily here, it's nothing less than a gamble when going out in the wild. You can either be strong or lucky enough to come back in 1 piece but unfortune can spell demise even for the strongest of us all. I proceed with caution, knowing i'm halfway there. Every second, minutes then hours pass before my eyes before i realized it.

Without warning, a scream abruptly disturb my walk


Sounds like a girl shouting on the top of her lungs, against my moral i turn a blind eye. I keep walking all through the repeative and desperate scream after scream for help, it's a cursed i can hear it so clearly and throughout. Here, you don't get help even at your lowest unless you got some real loving fools. I can only silently share my condolences to the crying girl in misery not so far from my spot, it's a cruel situation but there's only so much i can care about.

Lies, deception, cheats, it's all common sense to learn, a genuine loving embrace of someone is as rare as a pure diamond can be. Anything would do everything to survive by the days, let it be immoral or even straight up graceless. It's all common here, there's only so much to care about, there's only so much to think about. Yourself, you and you only.

Negative thoughts storm through my mind as the shouting slowly fade, would the old me rush to help them? I really wonder. Would i have panically cast a healing magic just to give the injuried person a grasp of tomorrow daylight? I would have if i was still so naive. Broken hearts, break bones, some steal, some kills and some even trade their souls to breath for one more hour. If only i have my old mindset with the skills of the current me, how different would i be? Would my wife have survived? Would i have been there when she needed me the most? I can only let those feelings drown in the deepest part of myself to wake up another day. Were there a time where things were peaceful? Maybe an era that was united by love not pain, an era good enough for people to express the genuines of their feelings to one another. All those complex daydreaming keep me on my feet, i shouldn't have such preplexed feeling.

At last, i reach my friend's home. The Rotten Mansion, could have gotten a better name but i'm not the owner to judge it.

The 2 gatekeepers let down their defensive stance once they realized i'm not an intruder

"Ah, it's you! The master's magician friend!"

One of them jump in joy, as if he was a child seeing the sky after a heavy rain. They just seem to can't get enough of me.

"Welcome. It's our pleasure to have you as our guest."

I walk in as candles light themselves in blue flames, from the shadows flowers come flying through. Such an overexaggerate opening, his taste in welcoming guests has degrade over the years. Fairies and desirable-looking maid start dancing before me, from above rain down a speciemen. It cause a smoke along with his landing, amidst it stand tall a man with icy wings. The maids and fairies slowly leave after his orders, a set of elegant table ascend from the ground below. I can still smell the dirt on it, can this get anymore disgraceful.

"Good evening Relicta! How ya doing"

I sit down and chuckle

"Everything was fine until that corny opening you just cursed my vision with."

He jump on the chair, pouting on the face but give out an idiotic wide smile afterward

"Hehe, i made that whole choreography. I'm still planning to change it"

I sip the prepared tea, at least the head maid know how to do her job properly.

"It's alright i guess, well anyways. Down to our main topic eh?"

He lie back and laugh at me, pretty brave for just an evolved ice fairy

"Come on Relicta, don't be so cold. We're friends after all, here. Let's have some good old chit chat"

I suppose it can't harm all that much just to chat with this block head.

"Well lucky you, i have quite the story to bestow on your goofy head today. Once upon a time, a happy lovey dovey family live by the days in the deep dark magical forest. Unfortunately, the mother pass away after her trip outside of the woods in hope of finding new things to teach their child. The child was sad and lied in bed all day and night, the father did everything he could to make her happy but it wasn't enough! Suddenly, above the cloud the world start to overflow with joy and love! Embers after ember rain down and make their life so bright. A beautiful bird came by one day and sang for the child, the child followed the bird melodies and find an outstanding one of a kind diamond! It shines through all the child's and their father sadness like stardust above the stars. One day, the father told the child a bed time story then head out for his trip to the outside. But he never came back, he never did. The girl slowly open her eyes, but her world was coming to an end.. the bird never sang and the diamond never shine, the cruel reality made the girl realized her parent were all dead weights! They already died terribly by the outsiders! In anger and grief, she go to the outside and burn everything in her grasp. Let it be humans, monsters or even beasts."

He looks at me dazed for a moment, seconds pass by until he finally realized what i was saying.

"Oh you sadistic bastard, did you just told me your wife backstory? The way you read the tale was spiteful. Well i guess that's my punishment for giving your eyes that welcoming, seriously it's not all that bad. Since you're so persitant about your goal, i shall deliver my role."

The table and everything around us disappear into black, this is what i came for. If i can take back the warmth i longed for, if i can take back my dreamy everyday life. Cuddling my dearest hand in hand, eyes to eyes, heart to heart, it truly can be the greatest of reward. All logic around us fade to black as our consciousness seize away, the flame inside my heart is starting to burn. Oh i can't put to words how excited i am! This is SPLENDID! Come at me! LET ME HAVE A PEEK!

"Forbidden arts! In the name of the Ice chains sage. I, Cyice. Release the ban of 1000 years! Multidimensional Communication!"

A mirror crafted by ice show itself before me, i'd say all of this normal and focus on the person in the mirror, there she was. The sight of her light up my darkest mood, even if this is inhumane. Even if Cyice is looking at me with such pitiful expression i MUST see her once more. I pressed my hand against the mirror and ask.

"Darling? You there?"

Reply to my high hopes, only silenece presence. 10 seconds pass, another 10 seconds pass. Silence fills the room, Cyice put his hand on my shoulder

"You gotta let it go-"

Those words, those words again. The same damming words, my emotions burst like a volcano reaching its limits, i shove his hand away in anger.


Cyice tries his best to reason with me, but there's nothing can stop me now. The mirror is here, i know she can hear me, i know she's RIGHT THERE.

"Relicta.. no. I don't doubt you, i can't. You're incredible beyond measure, you did the impossibles. You pass through all there is to stop a human from reaching divinity. You was the most devious of them all, the brightest, the strongest. So why can't you accept it? Why can't someone as wise as YOU can't accept that she just wanna MOVE ON? Can't you see?! It's true. I see it, CLEAR AS THE SKY. I'm looking at her right now, she's living her life peacefully, but every now and then she just hear your godforsaken voice screeching. Please Relicta, i know it breaks your heart. I know you're just a human to begin with. Accept it, she's happier now."

Like stardust above the star, those words pierce through my soul fiercer than any swords and blades can ever could. Slowly opening my eyes again, before me was the table set but my friend was no where to be found. The cruel reality once again get me to my knees, as i walk back home. The sun has already set, tonight is a cloudy night. No stars, no moon to be seen. The bird never sang our wedding melodies, the diamond shine lonely as she won't ever wear it. This pain in my heart just keep aching like a never-ending storm. I don't understand it, why won't she just look at me. I gave her the warmth in her darkest time, lift her up in her lowest moments, even gave her a child to love. But now, now... why must they all leave me? Her long life just ended one day because of the damn Tyrant's blade and now my own daughter spite me and live with those pathetic humans. Those rain from my eyes fall down on my cheeks, i became hopeless again. There i lied in the cold night of this world, forever alone.

Please, for just one more time. Hold me.

Today was another day, but it was an excruciating bad day.