
This Paradise Is Fake

In a land, far away from what we can comprehend, far from common senses, beliefs, different cultures and rituals take places, events unfold side-by-side. Discovering and burying myth, knowledge and all there is to learn. Darkness roams and fortune fly in the air. Some people really got to do everything to survive, some are too good to even care. Come join me, let us read this journal of fantasy together until time itself ends.

Rezisuren · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Day 1: Monday

Morning. The time to rise from a peaceful night of rest and to start their daily life. It is said that people who wake up early in the morning usually are the most successful people. Some call it facts, i call it BULLSHIT!

"ARGH!, what the fuck?!" a man in his pajamas shouted while waking up.

"Oh, you're not dead?" his roomate look at him while working on his computer. The room got quiet until his roomate speak again while still looking at his computer.

"Well i'm sorry i'm not your beautiful maid you FUCKING sleepy head of a vampire." He finally turn around revealing a computer head, the man in pajamas finally snap back to reality.

"Oh you fucking robot, was that really needed? Like, getting into my fucking dreams?" Dante talk as he slowly changing clothes. Then he glance at his roomate, Laso, a Robot always in a suit 24/7. After changing clothes Dante walk out the door while reminding Laso.

"Alright mate, i'm heading out. Take care of the house while you're at it."

"I'm not a kid." Laso answered, while still working hard and non-stop.

It was only 7 in the morning but the people was already active. Guards patrolling everywhere to keep the kingdom in order. Nearby shops has already opened waiting for customers to arrive. Parents taking their children to school while the kids are still half-asleep, a funny sight to some eyes. Dante look around searching for a good breakfast before starting his day, eventually he reach a noodles shop. It is said that the shop has been pass down for 6 generations.

"Heh, maybe that's why the waitress is so cute." Dante laugh to himself while drinking water

"What did you said?" a familiar voice was heard behind him. His face immediately turn blue, knowing how fucked he is day-dreaming about a stranger. He turn back only to see a lady in white dress, looking at him dead in the eyes.

"Good morning." She said emotionlessly, standing still as a statue, her glance was colder than the morning winter day despite it's currently spring. The look on her face express disappointment toward her beloved.

"So this is what you're doing after telling Laso you're getting breakfast? How heart breaking."

She look away, giggling quietly as she look at Dante being stare at by other customers, some were whispering, some were laughing, some even start talking. A powerless Dante can only watch the waitress walking toward them, eventually handing Dante his breakfast then ask for payment while laughing. Ashame, Dante hand her the money then immediately leave.... of course not forgetting to bring his cruel girlfriend with him home.

Upon reaching home, she keep on teasing him while having a laugh.


She chuckle then promise him she would stop... but i think we all know why there's a saying that goes "Women and their lies". But right after they got in, she immediately tell Laso about what happened. Dante can only prepare breakfast hearing the demonic robot wheezing sound upstair alongside with his girlfriend laugh. He swear to himself one day he will gain control and not be a clown for his friends anymore... keep dreaming Dante.

After eating breakfast, Vy said goodbye to go work. Dante complain to Laso that she could have stay home and spend time with him, and on how much he adores her... while not noticing that he is on the edge of making a robot puke. Laso look at him in disgust then mock him.

"You fucking jerk. You're the one who's broke, you let Vy work her ass off just to provide for your goofy ass and you're here telling her she should quit her job that is well paid and starve with you."

The whole room got quiet for a few moment, then Dante ask.

"Laso... i thought you was a retard robot with a system from 100 years ago.. but. BUT YOU'RE RIGHT!"

Although having a computer for a head, Laso made a shock expression after hearing those words.

"Then what are you gonna do?"

Dante turn around quickly, shout while running up to their bedroom.


Looking through the closet, Dante pick his best suit, it was a dark blue suit with gold outlines giving it a royal looks, it was handed to him by his mother before he left his parent home.

Laso was shock seeing Dante for the first time, not being a pussy when it comes to getting a job. He happily walk outside saying goodbye to his roomate then start searching.


Minutes pass by.. Hours pass by.... after 4 hours of non-stop searching Dante still couldn't find a job fitting for himself. He got reject to being a waiter because of his short-temper. He was not a good cook. He hate children and he has no medical training to become a doctor. Just a guy in a nice suit walking around from left to right for hours. While sitting in a park wondering if he should just give up because of his incompetence, Laso suddenly come and compliment him

"I'm pretty impressed someone like you can have this much patience, unfortunately none of the choices fit you. But don't be sad yet Dante, i have an idea for you.. quite the dangerous suggestion that is... well, there's been a bandit going around and the guards are going CRAZY MAD to catch the criminal. It is said that whoever can catch him, whatever dead or alive will be reward with 300 golds and well.. a diamond ring from the king himself!"

Dante look at Laso for a while then answer

"...Wanna find him with me? you get the 300 golds i'll get the ring."

Laso laugh and agreed. Little do they know, they are not the hunters but the preys.. or are they?

"Are you sure this is gonna work?" Laso ask with a skeptical tone, answer by a confident Dante a

"Of course! This will work as we planned" Laso let out a sigh and continue to watch around on their house roof, their plan is that Dante will send out his bat to watch from the sky and Laso will keep an eye on the ground. It's already 7 pm but there seem to be no sign of bandit or criminal anywhere.

"You know, i like your effort but maybe we'll gonna have to find you another job."

Just as Laso finishing his sentence Dante suddenly shout


"What?!" Laso kick his chair away and run to Dante side, from their house roof they can see a shadowy figure running at fast speed, behind are 3 guards following the figure but they get outspeed by it. With a smile on his face, Dante jump off the roof and start chasing the figure. The bats are able of keeping tracks of the criminal from the sky. But after a short while, the figure suddenly disappear.

"Tsk, you gotta be kidding me."

"Oi! You ok?" Laso voice came from a distant.

"Yeah, but i lost track of the criminal"

"That's fine, come back here."

Just as Dante walking back, he noticed a shocked look on Laso face. But before he can realize it, something hit his back and he was knocked out. The last thing that he heard was Laso running toward him and a weird smell.

"Ughh... what in the fuck...?" Dante slowly look up, barely opening his eyes. In front of him was a thin figure, look like a woman. She stare at him for a little then run away, but before she could get away both of them heard Laso casting a spell.

"Tsk... Illusion task: Farbic Reality!"

"YOU FUCK HEAD I'M STILL HEeeeee..." Dante fell unconscious.

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