
ha ha ha

After the door closed, Kaiden stepped off the porch, money in hand, Kaiden kept thinking about the situation he was just in. he didn't know whether to be joyful or just sad, he shook his head, he didn't need to think about it anymore. Kaiden started to walk home until he heard sirens, he didn't think much of it so he kept walking. When he got close to his house he then realized where the sirens were.


Kaiden froze for a second, but that one second was the longest second to him. He started moving from a slow walk to a fast walk. The one person he had left, the one person that he protected, he didn't even tell say anything about him after the accident. 


His little brother, after his mother gave birth to Danny, she was killed in an explosion at the hospital. Kaiden's father tried to take off the two of them, but the pressure he was under was too much. He had to take loans from shady people because Kaiden's mother was the worker of the household. And taking care of a 10-year-old and a baby with debt was something he was not used to. He ended up leaving them when Kaiden turned 14, but unfortunately for him before he could leave, the debt collectors came and saw him packing to leave the city.

Kaiden and Danny were lucky the debt collectors didn't know he had family, so they left thinking they weren't getting their money back. After that Kaiden got Danny out of there, they both moved to an abandoned house.

Kaiden would play with Danny any chance he got, mostly because he had to leave to get money and food. When Kaiden came back Danny always wanted to play, Kaiden was happy about this, so his biggest rule was to not go outside when he was not there.

Kaiden thought all this in seconds, and before he knew it he was full sprinting. He pushed through a crowd with ease, he didn't even realize he broke the yellow tape surrounding the area. And when he looked down his eyes emptied, and he saw a small arm out under from a thin white blanket.

Kaiden gagged, everything went blurry, he didn't want to be here. He felt an arm grab him. kaiden couldn't tell who the arm belonged to but before he passed out heard one person say.

"Yeah, it was… it was the 'Red Sharks'"