
This Messenger Won't Fall Anymore

A messenger of the gods who keeps falling – how absurd, right? Don't all messengers typically sport majestic wings?" After witnessing something Atlas shouldn't have, he was condemned to an eternal fall. For over a millennium, he was trapped in the same relentless pattern: • Ascend to the zenith → Succumb to the allure of power • Plunge from grace → Meet a grisly end His duty as a divine messenger was both his raison d'être and the perpetual cause of his villainy. Without his celestial wings, he endured ceaseless falls. But now, unburdened, he has become the antithesis of a villain. He's merely cannon fodder, sharing the same fate. However, he's resolute that this time, he'll reach the summit without falling. And even if he should falter, a loyal companion shadows him across worlds, always there to catch him. So, he fell again and again, just for him. He's the only one he would fall for. Arc 01: Modern Era (10 Chapters)✔ Arc 02: High Priest (10 Chapters)✔ Arc 03: Reality Tv (18 Chapters)✔ Arc 04: Actor (13 Chapters)✔ Arc 05: Vampire (17 Chapters)✔ Arc 06: Ger (12 Chapters)✔ Arc 07: Ancient Era (14 Chapters)✔ Arc 08: Mafia (13 Chapters)✔ Dropped, may peek it up later. Warning R18. English is my fourth language. You might mistakes here and there. If you do, let me know and I'll fix them.

TheEmpressNing · LGBT+
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123 Chs

6.4 This messenger said you're fired

For two weeks, Atlas' routine was the same. He would wake up at noon, work all day, go to the laboratory until five am once the staff was gone, and go back home.

He hasn't seen anyone, since he is no longer a problem to Shuang and Jian. Of course, they would leave him alone.

Atlas fired every person working for the Yangs and replaced them. He threatened them not to say a word and they know better.

Atlas woke up excited. He took a shower, put on a suit, and ate breakfast. He called his new chauffeur and bodyguards and got in the car, with a mischievous smile.

When he reached PharmaTech, the bodyguards opened the door and he entered the building. Everyone looked at him surprised.

They all know the corporation belongs to him, but the last time he set foot here, was when his father was alive. They couldn't help but feel charmed by his beauty and his princely aura.