
This Little Light

Born into a new life, she has to find her place in this world, but a lurking corruption stands in her way.

paulreg · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs


Duw was overwhelmed, she was practically famous in town, everyone waved as she walked by, shopkeepers really spoiled her giving her free sweets and other things, it was a bit much.

Silvia was not happy, she used words like 'reckless', 'arrogant', 'lucky', and lectured for half an hour on all the things that could have gone wrong,

"You are not trained for that level of healing!! you could have killed him and over extended yourself possibly killing yourself as well you stupid girl!! WHY DIDN'T YOU WAIT!?"

Duw took a breath, "He was bleeding very fast, losing color, his pulse was weakening, breathing was shallow, magic flow was almost stagnant, if i had waited the five minutes it took for another healer to arrive he wouldn't have lived... I couldn't stand there and not help."

Duw's reply took the wind out of Sivia's sails, "You diagnosed him? how?"

"I put my hand on his forehead and checked his magic flow and temp. i then checked his breathing by the airflow from his mouth and nose, I finally checked his pulse and barely found it," as she explained she demonstrated on herself how she did it, "I know I acted outside my skills and if there was another choice I would have taken it, but i figured that if he was about to die anyway he wouldn't mind me trying,"

Silvia sighed a deep sigh and shook her head, "You are restricted from treating patents for two months, and will begin training for Hunter healing immediately," Duw smiled "I will be training you, starting now!" Duw's smile vanished.

The first thing Silvia had Duw do was a slightly more advanced form of the surface injury healing spell, it only took Duw a few minutes to cast it on the training dummy she smiled looking up and noticed the look of sympathy on the other staff member's faces,

"well done," Silvia said, "now faster!!"

Duw recast it,

"faster, again!"






Several hours later Duw headed home, her hands ached from performing the spell sooooooo many times, her magic felt drained, and she began to slightly hate the word again, after a week she began having nightmares about the word again.