
This Isn't What I Wished For!!!!

"Sigh" A young girl sighed as she looked unto the horizon. " I should have listened to him". Just your wannabe newby writer here, this is my first fan-fiction I've ever made so i appreciate likes and criticism. And do please tell me my mistakes please, because i honestly make a lot of them I've realized. and please comment down below if i'm supposed to put down this as an original novel or a fan-fiction because the only thing i'm going to be using that's not mine is the Zelda Franchise, the rest of the plot and the other characters are mine, even the world the MC is going to however if the world by any chance seems similar to any other novel you've read its just a coincidence i'm to young to go to jail so i wont be doing anything that can get me behind bars or seen as a rude person i do not own any of Nintendo's creations neither do i own the picture i just found it on the web and it said it may be subjected to copy right and if you don't want that picture up there just shoot me a message(comment) and ill get rid of it

Zelda_Fan_3000 · Video Games
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There were many thoughts the young man should have thought of at this moment however the only one he could think of was....

'Truck-Kun is that you?'


Pain, all he felt was pain.

All he could hear was panicked screams

Soon he was greeted by an overwhelming light. Like the heavens were opening up, and letting him in. It was short however, the light fled as fast as it came. The next thing he knew, he was in a white room. Within the room, there was a chair and a table with a man sitting on the other side of the table. The man was wearing a black and white suit, he had his black hair slicked back, and his beard trimmed Professionally. Behind the man was a door, yet before he could think any further the man said.

"Sit" the older man stood up and pulled out the chair for the younger man

"Ex-excuse me w-where am i? whats going on" the young man asked as he sat down, while the older sat opposite to the younger man.

"you are in the reincarnation center, an agent of ours had hit you while on his way to get his next target, and for that we are terribly sorry" the older man apologized

"I see, so what now?" the young man asked

"As an apology we've decided to reincarnate you into another world with a 3 wishes

or simply allow you to pass the gate of heaven, and become an angel" the older man said

"Wait, can't you simply bring me back to earth???" the young man said bewildered

"Unfortunately we can not, one only has one chance of life on each planet. If you die you cant go back" the older man said

"Oh" the young man said in disappointment. "Well than in that case i choose reincarnation" the young man said after making his choice.

"Great!" the older man said. "Now choose your 3 wishes"

"Okay" the young man said, after he thought about it for a while he finally spoke " if possible for my first wish i'd like to be reborn into a magical world where there is monsters and many races like elves beast-men and the sort, of course this world has to have a RPG like system everyone can use. For my second i wish to have the master sword from Legend of Zelda as well as the Triforce. and for my third i wish to have Zelda's body and memories from Breath of the Wild."

After the young man concluded his wishes, the older man gave him a weird stare and said "are you sure?" the young man answered back with a "yes" and of course the young man never realized that the princesses name was Zelda and had assumed that the heroes name was Zelda. Yes he is one of those people who strictly believe that since the game is called the Legend of Zelda, than that means the heroes name must be Zelda. When it is in fact Link, well you can't blame him as he's never really had the chance to play Breath of the Wild due to financial problems at home. The poor man doesn't even know what he's gotten himself into.

"Alright than young man just walk out the door behind you and you'll be sent to the world you have requested." the older man said to the younger man. Without hesitating the young man left in a hurry, excited for his new adventures.


(*MC POV*) (Now Called Zelda)

"Ugh it feels like I've been sleeping on rocks" Zelda said as she sat up, not realizing the pitch in her voice. "Ding~" As she sat up a blue screen appeared.


Name: Zelda Hyrule

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Race: Hylian ( 200 Years Lifespan ) (Authors Note* only because what i learned was that the longest seen living Hylian Lived up to 120 years old so i'm going to estimate about 200)

Bloodline: Goddess Hylia's Grace

Level: 1


HP: 120

MP: 300

Strength: 16




Master Sword (Fi)

Royal blue royal shirt (Authors Note* i'm not good at clothing)


Royal Woolen Boots


"E-Ehhhhhh, whats this? Why does my Gender say female?" Zelda looked around at the grassy plains around her and spotted a small pond just behind her. Without a second thought, she ran to the small pond to look at her appearance. Only to see the princesses reflection instead of the heroes.

"Ehhhhh!!!" it was only now that Zelda remembered a talk she once had with a friend years ago.

____________________Flash Back

"Jake you can't be serious?!!" a young man yelled

"i'm as serious as i can get Micheal" the young man named Jake said

"Jake the character you play in The Legend of Zelda is not named Zelda, He's named Link!" the young man identified as Micheal said.

Jake frowns, " Micheal the game is named The Legend of Zelda for a reason" he said

"I'm not going o be able to change your mind am I" Micheal sighed as he asked. "Yup!" Jake answered.

____________________Flash Back End

"Ugh why didn't i listen to him?" Zelda sighed in embarrassment, as she stared at her reflection. Seeing no reason to sit there and to fret over it she decided to look for a walk path.

After looking around for a while she finally found a path. of course not knowing in which direction she should walk in, she decided to use a stick to pick the direction, after placing the stick down she let it drop naturally. When it fell it pointed to the left, and thus she went on her way to find civilization.

Sorry if its small and only around 900 words i haven't had much time to write however i promise all other chapters will be at least 1000 words or more in the future i hope you like it.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. if you do it would be greatly appreciated

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