
This Isn't Magic

What is magic? Does it really exist? A boy who has stopped believing in magic is suddenly thrown into a school for magic. Follow him on his journey as he makes his choice to either continue to disbelieve or to finally accept.

PippysBooks · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Episode 4: A Change

So Oz has succeeded in not talk to me for a week now. But I'm over it. I'm over him, I'm over that old fart Prof Drake and I'm definitely over this school. All the kids laugh at me because I'm still purple. I don't know how to fix it. But no one is talking to me. They're even going so far as to avoid me in the halls. So really I'm back at my other school but these people can possibly do magic. Great. I don't even have one friend, at least back home I had one friend. Ultimately this is worse than when I was in real school.

I stood in line in the dining hall to get food and once I had my plate filled I left to go outside. I've been doing this for the last couple days now, going outside to eat. I'd pick a spot next to the tower and watch the clouds swirl in a mix of pink and blue, like Merryweather and Fauna fighting over what color the dress should be, even at the end. Which can we just take a moment to realize how dumb Prince Philip is since he didn't notice that, I mean come on, I don't care how love drunk he is, he'd have noticed. Nan and me always argued about that. She'd keep trying to sell me on true love kept him from noticing. I always said that was unrealistic, always made her mad. I only know that cause she'd make herself a cup of tea and she only does that when she's angry.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when someone suddenly sat next to me. I noticed her legs first. Covered in striped tights. Though one leg was blue and black vertical stripes and the other was purple and red horizontal stripes. Her hands were placed in her lap covered in black, fingerless leather gloves with green, leather bows on them. Her hair was a crazy mess of green curls, her skin a dark mocha. "So, your the people eater huh?"

I had to blink for a minute. "Huh?"

She looked at me and I noticed her eyes were different. One was brown and the other an icy blue, her eyes were all too familiar to me, it was haunting. She rolled her eyes like she didn't believe why I wasn't getting it. "You know. One eyed, one horned, flying purple people eater. Its what everyone is calling you since you turned purple. I was hoping you'd have one eye and a horn. I'm disappointed now." She said sighing and shrugged.

What is happening right now? "Nothing I can do about the horn but I can always wear an eye patch." So of course I revert to humor because that's how I deal with everything.

The strange girl smiled then. "I approve. I'm Alice Strange. Call me Strange but never weird. And certainly not odd, that's someone else and a guy." She said with a smile holding her hand out in a fist. Knowing what the lingo was here I paid up with a solid fist bump. "I'm gonna like you kid. We're gonna be great friends. And don't worry I already know about you not being on terms with magic. I won't hold it against you."

I'm beginning to think she might be a chatty Cathy instead of Strange. "I'm Jupiter." 

Strange smiled again, "I know." She said then got up and left. So wei- strange. So strange.

When I was done with lunch I went to my dorm cause today was a short day. I got out a notebook and started to write to Nan.

Dear Nan, 

I'm a purple boy now. Don't worry it's neither contagious or dangerous. I don't know how I'm supposed to survive this school. I'm lonely and the one friend I might have had won't talk to me. A strange girl talked to me today but I couldn't tell if she was making fun of me. Her name is Alice Strange, like me she goes by her last name. There's something else I want to talk about too but I don't want to face those feelings so till then, I love you. 

Your purple boy, 


Right as I got done Oz came in in a huff and sat on his bed facing me as I lay on my tummy on mine. I made sure not to look at him so he wouldn't think I wanted to talk to him. "We should probably talk." He finally said.

Feeling petty I gasped dramatically and turned to him placing my hand on my chest. "Oh my, why, Oz, are you really speaking to me now? Is it raining men outside?" I said looking out the window for effect. When I looked at him I saw one corner of his mouth twitch. I felt good that even when he's mad at me I could do that.

Oz went back to serious though. He looked at the floor scratching his head. He looked up and I could tell he was about to say something but I interrupted him. "I'm sorry." I said in a burst of wind. Oz looked up surprised. "I'm sorry I got you into trouble too. I didn't think about anyone but me. Its not your problem to get me out of this school. That's not something I should have put on you. Especially when you've been nothing but nice to me and I took advantage of that kindness forcing you to help. I'm sorry." I let out a breath and sat up on my bed crossing my legs. I played with the loose thread on the comforter.

"To be honest I didn't think you were the type to apologize." I looked up to glare at him but I saw him smile and it reached his eyes brightening his face. "But I'm sorry too. I've been ignoring you and you've been dealing with being purple. Which by the way is a good color on you," insert blush here. "But I think I know someone who can help. Have you met anyone by the name of Alice Strange?"

"Oh. Yeah. I met her at lunch we fist bumped into being friends." I said remembering her interesting persona. Oz nodded as if understanding.

"Yeah they're... Interesting to say the least. But change and reverse magic is her specialty so she might be able to get rid of the purple." He explained and I think I might have looked lost and worried because he laughs. "Got to start somewhere. You don't want to be purple forever do you? She's the only person here who could do it besides a teacher and I don't think you want to deal with the glares of having to explaining how your purple. Right?" He lifted a brow at me.

"Alright. I see your point. So when do we talk to her? Now? Cause now would be great." Apparently my reaction was somehow funny cause he started chuckling. "Yeah, now should be fine. Come on." He said getting up and I shoved him in the shoulder for laugh at me which made him laugh more. When we got to the door, about to leave, it opened and in came a crazy head of green curls.

We just watched her pounce on my bed laying down on her back head on her arms. From this angle I got a better look at her. Along with her striped tights she had a leather skirt on with zippers and straps, under that was a tutu to help fluff the skirt. Her shirt was black with some band logo on it. Top it all off she had a leather jacket and a purple bow in her hair. She really is interesting. But I like her already honestly. "I figured you would be coming to me. So you don't want to be purple huh? Too bad, its such a good color. But yeah I can do that." I feel a but coming on. "But," new it. "I need you to find my pendant. Without it I can't do magic. Well, I can but its frantic, chaotic, and any other word ending in ic. So if I was to try now, your situation could probably end up being worse." She explained and I groaned.

What is this? Have we turned into one of those games where you have to do quests for people. Like if we find the pendant are we gonna have to do another thing to get to that? Is this a secret hidden object game that I don't know about? Sighing, I pitch the bridge of my nose. "Alright. What does the pendant look like?" If it's my only option like Oz said I have no choice.

"Rose gold chain, and purple stone slightly bigger than a quarter. The stone is held on with rose gold encasing it with swirling holes to see the stone." As she spoke I stole a piece of paper from my note book writing what she said. I handed her the paper to draw it. When we had the paper, Alice jumped up and hugged me. "Your awesome Pit. This is just like my pendant. Really cool. Should've guessed you'd be an artist." She whispered my nickname in my ear and I instantly stiffened when she skipped away out the door. How does she know the nickname Nan gave me? No one calls me that but her.

Oz put a hand on my shoulder julting me out of my head. "You okay?" I shook my head mentally.

I nodded visibly. "Yeah. Just got lost in my head for a minute." I smiled at him. Must be just a coincidence. Not that hard to get Pit out of my name. 

"Come on. We got a stone to find. You know its funny. For once Oz is going on the journey with "Dorothy", real air quotes here, "instead of Oz being the end of the quest." Oz laughed as I looked at the paper and opened the door for him. And off for the next adventure with Oz. At least this time no one with get in trouble.
