
Kids are evil

A week has passed, it was Friday, today was Wanda's class was the last period, every students went into her class anxious and scared

"I have to say Wanda you got those students in line" Thornvill said with a smile as she ate her apple

"These kids needs to learn how to behave, like that Blake kid, he did not dare to say a word in my class only when I asked him"

Thornvill laughed at wanda who had a smug smile on her face "well I need to go now" Wanda said to mary who waved goodbye

She entered the classroom, students putting their works on the desk, wanda got to realize that the blonde girl could be very mean too

"Alright class, everyone put their works here?" She asked and took her jacket off, she worse suit pants, and a white button up shirt

Her hair was down for a change, Emma raised her hand "yes?" The teacher asked pointing at her "I couldn't do it, my grandma passed away"

Wanda raised an eyebrow "that's no excuse, you get an F" the blonde huffed not believing it, Wanda took her notebook out and began writing

"Fuck you!" Emma said gathered her stuff and hurriedly left the classroom, wanda decided to go after her, and get her back to the class

"Silence while I'm gone, you start reading, five lines then the other starts" wanda said and walked after her student

She caught her in the hallway "explain why did you just left" wanda said and Emma did not answer her, she gave her a death glare with tears in her eyes

"Seriously? You give me an F because i didn't do the work, because my grandmother died?!" Wanda took a deep breath

"Yes" she simply answered "you ruin lives!" Emma whisper shouted at her, the teacher took a step back, and rubbed her eyes before she spoke

"Fine, you get it until Monday" Emma's eyes widened "now get back to the classroom before I get you expelled, and you get dentition"

Emma rolled her eyes "fine miss Addison the blonde said and walked back to the classroom, lucy saw wanda leaning against the lockers rubbing her face

"Everything alright?" Lucy asked as she walked over to her friend, wanda nodded "yeah, I just need a drink, are you free tonight?"

Baker smiled "yes, I am, I will ask mary too" wanda nodded and fixed her posture "I need to go back" lucy nodded and let wanda go

Who went back to the classroom, which was awfully quiet, as soon as she opened the door, a bucket of pink paint fell right on her

Lucy hurried over as soon as she saw this, Wanda wiped the paint off her face, and sighed "who did this?" The principal asked

Wanda took a step away so lucy can enter the classroom

"If you don't tell me, the whole class gets detention for two months"

They all gulped "Adam who was it?" The teacher asked looking at the boy, who sighed and stood up "it was xander and Blake"

The two boys groaned "come on man!" Xander said and rolled his eyes at Adam, the boy was always honest like the perfect student

"You two are coming with me!" Baker said and the two boys got up and walked away with lucy, Wanda got off as much as paint she could

Then sat down to her desk "next week we are having a test about today's study" Bianca gasped "but you didn't teach us anything today!"

Wanda shurgged "thank your friends, I bet that Xander is your boyfriend" Bianca blushed and went quiet

"Study or fail, easy as it sounds" Emma and Yasmin sat there silently, the bell rang soon the students stood up and left the classroom

Yasmin and Emma walked up to her "what? You two want to make my day even better?" Wanda asked giving the two a death glare

"We just wanted to say, that Xander and Blake will only pull more jokes now, and it will get worse, that's how our last science teacher left, he was driven mad by them"

Wanda nodded "yeah, thanks for the information, but i am not that easy to break, will this stain my hair?" The two girls went quiet

"Yes miss Addison, it will" Yasmin said and smiled, Wanda groaned and gathered her stuff "now leave, it's the end of the day go home"

Emma groaned knowing she has detention, Yasmin walked away first Emma left her Unicorn pen on her desk so she got that

"You don't have detention, go home" Emma was very surprised, but before she could ask anything, miss Addison was gone

The blonde smiled brightly, then left the classroom and went home, she got home quickly since she rode her bike home

Her brothers were already home, Esther her mom was there too, her father Jackson was working "I'm home!"

The blonde exclaimed, putting her jacket on the hanger, putting her shoes aside "hi honey! How was your day?"

Esther yelled from the kitchen, Emma walked to the kitchen "good, miss Addison told me I have until Monday for my essay"

The older one smiled as she stirred the soup "I'm glad, she's human too she understands what you are going through"

Emma nodded "yeah, then she come to the classroom and got pink paint all over her" the blonde said as she laughed

Esther laughed too "poor woman, now go upstairs and do your homework" Emma smiled then walked upstairs

Wanda got home, her car got all pink from the pain, she parked her car in the driveway, then hurried into the house

But her neighbor stopped her "ooo, tough day I see, what happened pink Panther?" Her neighbor clara asked with a smile

"Real funny, but I got pranked, now excuse me I need a shower" clara waved goodbye and Wanda let herself into the house

She took her clothes off and put them in the laundry basket "fuck those kids" she muttered to herself and took a shower

The hot water felt good on her skin, the water was all pink, Wanda was very mad at this point

But when she saw herself in the mirror, the horror she saw was unexplainable, her hair was all pink

"No, no! Fuck!"

She yelled, Wanda washed her hair multiple times, some pink came out but it was still there, there was some spots where her hair was black

But there were spots were it was pink, she sighed in defeat, then got ready to get drunk

Just comfortable pants and a shirt, then waited for the girls she called lucy on her phone "we drink at my house"

"Alright you are the boss, I pick mary up and meet you there" Wanda hanged up the phone

Sat down and poured herself some whisky, then flopped down on the couch, soon lucy and Mary got there

They all began to drink and talk "man I hate those kids" lucy said and smiled "agreed, they are evil" Mary laughed

While these three were getting drunk, Emma was still working on her essay

When there was a knock on her door

Yasmin entered her room closing the door behind herself "what's up?" The taller girl asked laying down on her best friends bed

"Nothing, working on my essay" Emma said with a soft smile as she thought about miss Addison "didn't you get an F?" Yasmin asked

"Yeah, but miss Addison told me I have it until Monday" Yasmin eyes widened in shock "she's totally into you"

Emma turned to look at Yasmin "seriously? Just because she gave me time to work on this?" The other girl shooked her head

"Nope, because she ran after you, and told you, you have time, you are melting her heart, and the detention thing? Girl"

Emma blushed but laughed "you are stupid" Yasmin laughed and threw a pillow at her friend, when they heard the front door shut Emma went pale

"My father is home" Yasmin sighed knowing this means she has to leave "take care Okay?" Emma nodded and said goodbye

Yasmin snuck out without Jackson noticing it, then the man went up to Emma's room "what are you doing?" He asked in an angry tone

"I'm working on my essay" he laughed walked over to Emma, grabbed her paper and tore it apart, the girl gasped

"It was probably stupid anyways"

Emma felt her eyes tearing up, she gritted her teeth, the essay was almost done, and now it's gone

"Are you crying?" When Emma didn't answer Jackson grabbed her by the forearm "answer!" The blonde felt a tear slip from her eye

He took his belt off and threw Emma on the bed, pulled her shirt up and hit her with the belt multiple times, Emma cried out in pain

Esther ran upstairs as she heard yelling "stop! Don't hurt her!" She said and grabbed his hand, Jackson groaned and walked out of the room

Emma's brothers were out partying, that's why he hit her, since they weren't there to protect her, Esther closed the door and sat down to Emma

"I'm sorry honey!" She said and pulled her into a tight hug, Emma hugged her tightly, then kept crying

"You should spend the night at somewhere else, you know how he is after he gets drunk, I don't want you to get even more hurt"

Emma nodded "where should I go? It's late no ones up" Esther thought for a second, she remembered her sister clara

She called her up, telling her it's an emergency and Emma needs to stay there for the night, the blonde nodded when her mom told her where to go

Then left as quickly as possible, she rode her bike to the address and then knocked on the door, thinking aunt clara would be there

But instead miss Addison opened the door "what are you doing here?" Wanda asked looking confused

Seeing Emma's eyes were red and tears falling from her eyes

"Sorry, wrong address, I came to aunt clara" Wanda was confused but nodded "she's my neighbor, there" Emma nodded and thanked her

Then turned around "are you okay?" Wanda asked looking at the girl, and walked closer to her closing the door behind herself

"Yeah, just the usual night" Emma said and sniffed "what's your name again?" The goth asked, making Emma laugh a little "Emma"

Wanda nodded "tell me what happened, I am an adult I can help" the teacher kept her usual cold tone

"It's really nothing, my father being a jerk and stuff" Wanda nodded Emma just waved at her and went to the house next door

Wanda stood there thinking for a while, she watched Emma walk away, the way she walked looked like she was in great pain

The goth thought this was weird...

Until she put the picture together...

Emma's father a jerk, she walks weirdly...

He hits her...

Wanda groaned then walked back to the house, not caring about the glass drinking the whisky from the bottle...

Fucking hell, what did she got herself into again....