
This Is Not Time Travelling!

Upon returning to Theia, all changed. With the new ruler of the dark realm, all sort of atrocities has been executed. Calculating, cunning, and scheming are some of the words that can be used to describe him, The Evil One. In the dark, they lurk. The heinous concealed reality, hidden from the people's eyes. Where wickedness is coated in paragons of virtue. Dire cries for help and silenced voices cannot be disregarded any more. Ignorance itself is a sin, she will not turn a blind eye to this matter. Now, she has gained new friends and went on their journey while in search of her father. However, unknown to them, she had a secret past. Where the past was not as simple as it seems, with the oldest of her memories coming to greet her once more, she continuously felt conflicted. The divination has been fulfilled, and now she must play her part. The question is, can she handle it?

lilsleepy_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs


The wind blows harshly that afternoon, or was it the night? They arrived when the sun was still high in the sky above their head however the atmosphere changes affected by her, and now it was resembling that of a cold and starless night, wrapped by the darkness in the absence of the dazzling sunshine.

The creepy howls of the Ejectors sing through the air, succumbing to everyone in fear. Suffocated, with shortness of breath, that's what they were experiencing, heavy chests from the intense force as if the air was being sucked away from their lungs, some of them even fall to their feet gasping for air. Her power was unimaginable to them, the norms.

Not enough with that, the overwhelming pushing energy even caused the civilians to hold their ground from being sent flying high in the sky, the same way as the lightweight pieces of paper and dead leaves. While the shops' wooden signs swing fiercely back and forth following the direction of the fierce wind.

Cold sweats run down her face from exerting herself to the maximum. Her will was stronger than that of her struggle, unable to ignore the pain that the people and the child had to go through, this is only a small portion of what she must bare.

"Emi!" He called out once again to her, but it seemed like the girl in white wasn't even paying attention to him, she was overly too focused. Emi was determined to help those in need. She had the power in her hand to stop their suffering, it is only rightful to her to save them from their misery.

Fearing for the worse to happen, showing through his widened eyes with his hand extended towards her, but unable to grasp. She was so close yet still far from his reach, he couldn't let her hurt herself again.

"Return!" Emi exclaimed as her wings spread out and all the Ejectors that were circling in the sky above her rushed by her command, returning to the black hole created on her hands.

Enormous swirling black clouds of Ejectors were absorbed with gratifying strength, infused with the curses they have carried.

Everyone who from the very beginning was fighting against the strong force suddenly falls to the ground when it all instantly stopped, it took all of them by surprise. Lucius was included too, he almost falls forward before he stomped his right foot to gain balance in his footing.

Emi's body was slumped, her head cast downward. Tiredness fills her muscle and body. She knew her powers weren't yet stable enough for her to use them to that extent. She smirked at her own stubbornness, usually at this time her Father; Atlas would probably be mad at her carelessness again.

Lucius slowly took his first step toward her, hesitating to approach.

"Emi?" He called out in a soft voice but she didn't turn her head. His eyes were locked on the angelic girl, she was only standing there in silence, which made them even more nervous.


Out of nowhere, smoke covered her and Lucius's eyes caught a miniature figure falling from a height, he immediately dashed toward it and caught it with both of his hands. Everyone was shocked too and was curious to know what just had happened.

"Ooff!" It grunted. The small creature wiggled its body, climbing his hand. A tiny and adorable face was shown.

It was Emi, with a tired appearance and weak movement. She sat straight before observing her hand, her body then her surrounding. After a while, she turns to Lucius who was now as big as the giants at Mirifical Enthral, only this time, she was the one who shrinks into the size of a thumb.

Miniature curse. It was one of the curses she knew she had when she studied dark magic with Atlas in the past. She indeed had an abundance amount of magic however, the particular curse acts as a reminder to her that using too much of her power will cost her appearances and conditions. This is the only state, in which she was the most vulnerable.

Emi's softened eyes looked at Lucius as she smiles.

"Lucius." She calls his name, feebly. It shattered his heart to look at her state, but he couldn't say anything. His tongue felt heavy although he was angry at her recklessness, instead, he only sigh and everted his eyes.

Emi who was attentively watching him knows just like Atlas, would have the same reaction. She pats softly on his palm, which gains his attention once again, but his eyebrows were arched, frowning.

"I'm sorry. Don't be mad, I'm fine really." She tried to assure him, taking advantage of her tiny appearance, trying to catch his heart with her innocence and cuteness. Once again, he sighs and shakes his head in disbelief.

"Don't do that again. You scared me." Lucius warned her. Emi smiles sweetly while nodding her head to his words, she knew the trick would work since she did it multiple times with Atlas to avoid getting lectured. She never intended to make others worried about her, she just did what her heart felt right, even if she had to sacrifice herself.

Emi laid onto Lucius's palm. She was already exhausted from using too much magic. The warmth from his hand through his leathered glove was calming and the coldness she felt just now, slowly dissipated, she liked it.

Lucius didn't bother to disturb her, he was only relieved to see she was not hurt too badly. If it did cost her life, he wouldn't know what to do anymore...

Loud footsteps were heard; someone was running frantically toward them, followed by a familiar voice.

"What happens? Where's Emi?" Cole asked Lucius; who was standing straight beside the body of the child laying on the ground, Daniel's body. Lucius was facing backward from him, so Cole's view was covered from seeing his face.

Lucius steadily turns his body, carefully not to shake her too much. Then pulling out his hand to him, at that moment, Cole's eyes were fixed on the tiny little girl laying weakly in his hands.

"Yo. Cole." She smiles at him.

"What?..." He was speechless to see her, out of the blue, becoming so tiny. Was a human ever able to change their body size? He felt so bizarre, confused, and astounded all at once.

People were slowly closing into them, to see little Emi. As much as Cole himself, they too were dumbfounded by what they had witnessed. Not a moment ago, they felt as if the world was falling apart and bound to be doomed and now they have seen the clear sky once again, with the glorious sun and its warmth.

"Death." Emi whispered quietly, but he heard her. Quickly, Death as a large black wolf jumped and shapeshifted into a black snake, wrapping around Lucius's arm. He neared her while hissing.

"Yeah, I know. Sorry." She apologized to him while smiling foolishly. Instead of Atlas nagging at her, Death was now in charge of it. She never had a moment where she used her power without getting nagged by them, again and again, she was used to it by now, only for it to go in one ear and out of the other.

"Lucius put me down. Let Death take me." Emi said to him. He didn't want to oblige on her request.

"No. Let me protect you." He refused. There was a long silence between them before she finally tries to reply.

"It's fi-"

"She had a shapeshifter and even dark magic! She must be the one that caused the sickness and death in our town!" Someone shouted cutting her words, everyone began to murmur and looked at each other, with doubts beginning to fill their hearts.

Cole was shocked by the accusation. Emi lay there in silence, it reminded her of the past when she first appeared to the world with Atlas.

"You wretched dark magic witch! Go away or we will kill you!" Shouted a civilian of a small village while pointing their axes at her with guarded stances, threatening her.

Atlas looked at Emi, whose eyes were holding back her tears, biting her lower lips till it bleeds a little, and her hand gripped tightly on his jacket sleeve. After, helping them, that was how she was treated. She had saved them from demon ambushes that made her reveal her dark magic, and although she brought prosperity to their garden and farm with her nature magic, she was still despised by them.

An outcast, she was always treated like that, now or before, it was always the same. Afterward, people began warning each other that a witch was disguising herself as a nature mage and that she actually had ill intentions for them. Some of the preposterous accusations were that she will lure their children with her charm only to kidnap them and sacrifice them for her dark magic. While others called her a demoness, succubi that seduce people to feast on them and took their souls.

Emi sighs. Did history repeat once again? Have people really forgotten about her?