
The beginning to a Terrible End

Y/n looked out the window of the bus. The place where her grandmother lived was pretty rural and surrounded by forest. Y/n was surprised there was even a school in the area.

The bus came to a sudden hault, signaling that they were at the intended destination. Y/n stood up and slowly got off, wanting to stall having to see her grandmother again, this time...without her parents.

Y/n decided to walk through town and go to her grandma's later in the day. The girl came along a library in the small town and walled inside.

The inside of the library was welcoming and relaxing. Anybody would like it in there. Though it was small, it seemed there was an endless amount of books. Y/n automatically knew she would be spending a lot of time in this place.

She looked around and noticed her f/b(favorite book) and grabbed it. There was a table nearby so she decided to sit there and read.

Around an hour later, her phone started vibrating  uncontrollably and Y/n realized she was going to have to face hell soon.

She pulled her phone out and awnsered to call from her grandmother. Almost immediately her grandma started yelling

"Where the hell are you! You were supposed to be here and hour ago!"

Y/n shuddered at the yelling. She never liked it "Sorry grandma...I'll be there soon"

"I hope so" Y/n could almost see her grandmas disappointed face through the phone. "Can't believe my own daughter would make something so disgraceful then leave it with me. She should know better"

And with those last words, the phone went silent. Y/n was about ready to cry. She stood up and put the book back then rushed out not looking where she was going. How could her grandma say something so mean about her daughter when she just died. Y/n always hated her grandma but never this much

Without realizing before it was too late, Y/n ran into someone. They both fell and the other person dropped their stuff. Y/n instinctively sat up and started picking everything up. "I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to"

"It's ok. Thank you for helping pick up my stuff. You didn't need to."

Y/n looked up and matched the feminine voice she heard with an equally feminine lady. She was very pretty, with long, flowing black hair and round crystal blue eyes.

Y/n handed the papers and books that she picked up back to the lady then helped her up "no problem." Was all she could mutter out.

The lady smiled at Y/n, "I'm Angelina, what's your name?"

Y/n looked at the ground, suddenly shy "It's Y/n"

"That's a very pretty name Y/n. I hope we see each other again. You seem very nice" And with the, Angelina walked away

Y/n left the library to the hell her grandma called home.