
New Day, Bad Start

Y/n sat on a cold floor in a dark room. She couldn't hear anything besides her increasing heartbeat and breathing. She got up and tried to walk around but got pulled back. She looked down and saw someone's hand holding her leg. She traced the arm up to the head and saw the face of her grandmother. She tried to get her leg out but it was impossible. Her grandma started speaking, "Dont leave me down here to get killed you-" before she could finish her sentence her head was beat in with a baseball bat. Her grip on you didn't loosen however as you screamed. You were stuck there with whoever killed your grandma and you couldn't escape. You didnt dare to look down again because you knew what would be awaiting your eyes. You felt arms wrap around your waist and you screamed again. Trying to see who it was you turned your head but the face seemed to be blacked out. The head leaned onto you and whispered something "the nuisance is finally gone now it's just you and me" the voice seemed to be filled with joy and lust. He started to walk in front of you and when he arrived he leaned in. His lips were coming close to yours and you tried moving your head but it was kept in place by his hands tangled in your hair.

Y/n sat up immediately, sweaty and hyperventilating. Her body was sore from all of the cleaning she did yesterday but that was that least of her problems. What was that nightmare? She hoped for it to be just a fantasy of wanting her grandmother to be gone but she still had a bad feeling about it. And who was that person. She couldn't tell, but she decided to leave it alone for the day.

Getting up, Y/n went to grab clothes and got dressed. She decided to wear a medium length black skirt and a light pink blouse. She went downstairs and grabbed a piece of bread to eat a little. She was lucky her grandma always slept late or else she wouldnt have been able to eat.

Y/n went to the shoe rack and put on her shoes, then grabbed her bag and made her way outside and started walking around the town, wanting to get a good feel of where she would have to live in her teenage years.

She decided to walk to the school first so she could, 1, know how long it took to get there and when to leave, and 2, to look around the school and find her classes and teachers.


When Y/n arrived she decided that the amount of time it took her to get there was 20 minutes, so she wrote it down in her notes and walked inside of the building, pulling out her schedule

She spent about two hours asking people where things were and how to get to them, as well as introducing herself to the teachers and principal.

When she walked outside it was about 11am, so she decided to find a cafe to get some tea and maybe something to eat, so she looked into her wallet and found some money. She sighed and realized she would need to get a job too since her grandma most likely wouldnt give her an allowance like her parents did.

Walking into the cafe, she went up to the counter and ordered a (tea/coffee) and a (f/d). Before she was able to walk away, she heard a familiar feminine voice call out to her "Y/n! That was your name right?!"

You looked back and saw the lady you bumped into yesterday. She was behind the counter right next to the door, making seem like she just walked in from the back. "You remember me, right? We met yesterday, its Angelina" you nodded and walked back up to the counter, not wanting to be rude

Angelina started the conversation out, seeing you didnt know what to say "I didnt expect we would meet this soon, what have you been up to today"

You looked at her and fiddled with the hem of your shirt "I was looking around my new school and though it would be nice to stop by here." You looked behind Angelina and saw the 'employees needed' sign and lit up a little. Angelina looked back to where you were looking and laughed.

"I'm guessing you're also looking for a job?" You just nodded while smiling "Then you're talking to the right person! I'm the manager." She pointed to herself and posed, making you chuckle "I can't hire you on the spot but I can interview you today, how about it." You nodded, happy to find a job so quickly "Well then, no time to waste" she held out her hand and looked at the workers "make sure her food and drink stays warm until she comes back please" they nodded as she leaded you into a room in the back.


Walking out of the cafe proudly, you were happy to get the job. You were even more happy because you had to work after school so that would mean less time you had to see your grandmother. You were practically beaming with joy until your phone started vibrating. When you took it out of your bag and looked at the caller ID, your mood immediately dropped. You picked up the phone and waited for the emotional abuse

"Y/n L/n, where have you been" your grandmother's voice was colder than ice and you got shivers

"I left at 9 to go see the s-school I would be attending and went to a cafe nearby afterwards" while talking you found a bench to sit on so you wouldnt get in people's way while talking "and I may or may not have...gotten a job at the cafe ma'am."

Your grandmother stayed quiet for what seemed like and eternity before she spoke "so the idiot knows hoe to get jobs, dont fuck this up or I'll beat you senseless. I want you home by 6pm."

Before you could say anything she hung up. She...wasnt angry you did something without asking her? That's a first.

You looked at the time, you say it was only 1 in the afternoon so you decided to walk around some more and adventure the town you now called home.