
This is a TBATE Fanfic

This is a TBATE Fanfic. Guy dies. Reincarnates in TBATE before he ever got to read it. Only knows main character’s name. Has the abilities of a healer, but also has fire affinity. Loner. Raised by bandits.

Shednaps · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Too late.

6 needles flew with unerring accuracy to bury into the bodies of different bandits.

The fast acting paralytic caused them to fall to the ground and the other noticed and began looking around.

The ones that were currently on Anna and Lacy looked around as well before getting ready for a fight.

I continued to throw needles and that's when the bandits began yelling.

"We're under attack!"

All of them now stood looking intently into the trees only to get stuck by needles.

The 2 that had been r*ping Anna and Lacy held up their battered bodies in front of them as shields with knives to their throats.

"If one more of our boys drops, the bitches get their throats slit!

Now show yourself, coward!"

I felt my eye twitch at the call of coward and against my better judgement I began walking out of the forest.

My fire mana rushing through my body caused my body to run hot, but I felt like it wasn't the only thing.

My excitement was high as well from the situation as it got my adrenaline pumping.

The remaining 30 bandits stood with bloodthirsty smiles on their faces, but something I didn't expect happen happened.

The 2 holding Anna and Lacy slit their throats.

I was honestly confused for a few moments before realizing what they wanted to accomplish and began to laugh.

"Hahahahaha!" They eyed me strangely as they brandished their weapons and the mages fueled mana into their bodies.

I still wasn't sensing anyone at Varay's level so I can only assume one of them messed in their attack and got captured.

"What's so funny you little bastard! We'll gut you like a pig while you watch us take the ice bitch right in front of you!"

The man that had killed Varay's friends called out and I just responded with a chuckle that I was suppressing.

The warmth in my body grew and I couldn't fight the smile that found itself to my face.

"Heh hehehe. You guys are complete fucking idiots.

Did you think I would freeze up because you killed them in front of me?

I came here knowing the atrocities bandits commit.

I was the one that killed Wailing Wench's entire crew.

I came here because you don't deserve to live anymore."

Their faces held looks of shock, but one of them ran towards me with a sword drawn and I flicked a needle his way.

This one wasn't a paralytic but rather one of my more ruthless poisoned ones.

His hands clutched his chest as his fingers began digging into the skin trying claw at the poison pumping through his system.

Seconds later blood vessels all over his body began to burst and blood streamed from any available exit on the body.

He finally began convulsing on the ground with blood still drilling from his eyes, ears, nose and mouth.

Raising another needle in my hand I wave it around before speaking in a sing song voice.

"Who's next~?"

"Get the little devil! Don't let him leave alive!" One of them yells and I laugh again.

"Hahah, that's my line." I say as I draw 6 more needles.

The heat in my body steadily increasing to a near euphoric level and the smile on my face won't drop.

Blasts of mana are sent towards me, but I dodge them with the tiniest of margins due to them seeming slow to my vision.

Needles flew, paralytics to the ones I saw r*ping the girls and painful poison ones to the rest.

Eventually only one man was standing with a terrified look on his face and I smiled at him.

"What's wrong mister?

Aren't you having fun?"

He shuddered at my tone and started to back away and clicked my tongue.

"Tsk, Tsk, Tsk. You can't leave, not after what you all have done.

But don't worry, I'll put you all to sleep."

He tried to turn and run but a needle embedded into his calves and he stumbled to the ground.

This was a targeted paralytic that only paralyzed the immediate area.

I stood over him as he pulled at his legs and when he saw me he gave a shrill squeal before trying to crawl away.

My boot found the middle of his back and he yelled in pain, as I dug my heel in his back.

"Stop, please."

He begged and I leaned down closer with a hand cupping my ear.

"Hmm? What was that?

More you said?"

A dagger from my storage ring dropped in my hand and I buried it into his arm pinning him to the ground.

"Ahhhh! No more!" He whimpered.

"Ah i see now why you didn't stop when the girls begged you too.

All I'm hearing is 'again, do it again'

Let me oblige you."

Another dagger found its place in his other arm and I stood up straight as the man babbled.

"Good night." I whispered and drew my sword and plunged it through his back and out his chest.

I wiped my daggers and blade on his clothes before depositing the daggers and needles into my ring.

I spent another few minutes killing the rest of the bandits with stabs through the chest as Varay watched.

Once finished and I had collected all of my needles from them I approached Varay.

I was partly thankful for my desensitized view to the female body as Varay was quite beautiful and it would be rather embarrassing to clam up like a horny teen after killing all those bandits.

I cut her free from the tree and caught her limp body in my arms, ignoring the sensation against my chest as I sat her down and threw my cloak over her.

With that finished I began moving the bandits bodies to one side while I moved her friends to another with sheets pulled over them.

Once finished separating the bodies I moved to her friends with a bucket of water and a rag.

I began to clean the bodies of the dirt and fired blood caked to them as well as their hair.

Once their bodies were as clean as I could get them I wrapped them up into some sheets I had from my storage ring.

The entire time Varay blankly stared at me huddled within my cloak as she watched me.

Grabbing a new bucket and a rag I approached her and pried the cloak from her trembling fingers.

Her body wasn't in as bad a state but she still had a busted lip, bloodied nose and die caking her body and hair from where they most likely dragged her.

I warmed the water with some fire mana before I began to clean her up.

She seemed to not mind, but I couldn't tell if that was because she was still dealing with the shock of the whole mess or not.

I found her pack and set it in front of her.

"They're gone." She mumbled and I looked at her wondering what I should say.

"They are." I agreed.

"All because I wasn't strong enough." I scoffed as she said that's and she looked at me with the first sign of emotion I had seen.

"What?! Do you deny it?

Had I been stronger I could have saved them both."

I held her venomous gaze for a few moments before responding.

"Strength is not everything, if it was I would have failed as well.

Your own stupidity is what caused this." I stated bluntly and her face contorted from a glare to the face similar of a child trying to hold back tears.

Her teeth were grit tight and tears formed at the corners before a wracking sob was let out.

Her emotions raged and it caused ice to begin forming all around us she sobbed into my chest.

I pricked her with a sleeping needle and sighed in relief when the ice stopped forming and her sobs changed to soft snoring.

She never put on the clothes from the bag I gave her so I just grabbed another sheet and wrapped her up in it.

I was thankful for the bandits having a wagon and horses as I began loading Varay, Anna and Lacy into the back of it.

Varay was positioned closer to the front with a sheet blocking her view from her friends.

As seven though they were completely covered in sheets I didn't see it being a good idea for her to see them.

I had also broke off pieces of ice and laid them around he girls to try and fight off the decay as long as possible.

About halfway to Valden City Varay woke up and groggily rubbed at her eyes before noticing her state of dress and blushing furiously.

I tossed her her pack and she snatched it quickly and began dressing.

Once clothed, she joined me in the drivers seat and stared out ahead as we made steady progress towards the city.

"Thank you." She whispered in a way that I barely heard.

I just returned it with a nod and kept on driving the wagon.

We sat in silence which I was grateful for as the city walls came into view.

"How did you take down all those bandits, when you just stepped out into the middle of them all?" Varay finally asked.

"Haaa, because I had already surveyed the surrounding for a bit before I attacked."

She whipped toward me with fury in her eyes.

"You mean you watched them just… just… r*pe them?"

I snorted at the accusation and shrugged.

"Ya, and if I hadn't I likely would have ended up like you.

Strung up and forced to watch."

The scenes from last night players through her mind and her expression swapped from rage to sorrow.

"Sorry, you're right." She mumbled and I didn't respond.

"We're here. I'm fine to split the reward with you for the bandits." She turned to toward me again and shook her head.

"You don't need to do that, you killed them all by yourself."

"The money isn't for you, it's for your friends families." Her mouth was agape before promptly shutting it and nodding.

A "thanks" was all she whispered out as we reached the gates.


This scene with bandits with how Malcius was acting was partially inspired by Peach Boy Riverside.

I liked the idea of MC going slightly psychotic as he killed r*pists.

Won't happen all the time as I'm not just going to make this a bandit killing fic, but you get the idea.

Until next time.