
This is a TBATE Fanfic

This is a TBATE Fanfic. Guy dies. Reincarnates in TBATE before he ever got to read it. Only knows main character’s name. Has the abilities of a healer, but also has fire affinity. Loner. Raised by bandits.

Shednaps · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Dungeon Dive

Another year has passed since the first day my shop opened, and I couldn't be happier with the progress.

My workers have become entirely self sufficient in that they don't need me to brew the various products.

Of course I didn't teach them how to make the any poisons or the higher quality paralytics, but everything else they know how to make.

In that time Cara and Tara both awakened, one a fire augmenter and the other a fire conjurer.

A few others have also formed their core, so I've taken to training and helping them progress as mages.

This has been more of a boon than I could have imagined as I can always have someone out collecting the materials needed for our tinctures.

We get free security as they feel a sense of loyalty to me and the shop.

I've already thought of another plan now that the money that's coming in is basically making us as rich as nobles with no one the wiser since we are still selling out of the shop I started in.

First is to build a large manor near the forest with ample farmland and plenty of space to plant the herbs needed for my tinctures.

The large manor will house me and a number of Orphans that I pull off the street.

Some will become maids or butlers, others farmers and some will be dedicated security guards.

This should work because of something that I've figured out since I started this shop.

It's not some people can't become mages, it's just that they don't meditate or try to pull the mana particles to their core.

I thought it was strange that most nobles seemed to always have mages, and while it's possible their kids are just natural mages I think it's something else.

I think the nobles have their kids begin meditating from an early as all the kids that I've taught this eventually start seeing the mana inside them pulling towards the center.

Cara and Tara I feel are proof of this concept but I won't know for sure until more begin to form their core.

Anyways the reason for manor besides growing my own supplies is that I plan to start building my own town and becoming a lord over it.

I'm sure there are other ways to become recognized as a noble, but if I treat this potential community the same as my workers now?

And I know the perfect spot, that will allow for seclusion, but also eventually prime transporting routes.

I found a map of Dicathen and I was pleasantly surprised to find all the cities seemed to be situated circularly around a massive forest.

(Map of Dicathen)

Kalberk City is the closest to doing what I imagine, but I plan to be right in the center of it close to the river.

Which I have plans of using any earth mages that join me to slowly widen and deepen the river for hauling things in ships.

This is important because I won't be able to build a gate like those seen at Xyrus, that is magic that is lost to us from what I understand.

My hope is to create a secluded community with strict policies and an interview process for potential settlers.

You see I want most of the people that live there to be orphans I've pulled off the streets of various cities, and help them develop as mages.

I get loyal mages who feel they have an actual future to look forward to and a place to live.

The community slowly expands to a town as they get food and a place to stay as long they work one job or another.

Eventually we have a full town of mages that I will help train, and I'm sure we could entice some retired adventurers to come teach here.

I know it's a dream that will take quite a few years to come to fruition, but everything has to start somewhere.

Today however I'm putting my newly minted A rank card to use and participating in a dungeon dive.

The look on Kaspian's face when I told him was priceless as he couldn't believe that I was willing to work with other people besides my workers.

Honestly if it wasn't against guild rules I would have tried soloing a dungeon.

Just because I had been focusing on my business didn't mean I had slacked off on my training after all.

My core has went from dark orange just a year ago to being close to breaking into yellow.

Just one good fight and I could see myself breaking through into dark yellow and really being on my to being a force to be reckoned with (wink wink)

This is my new life in TBATE after all (wink wink) and I plan to enjoy it as best I can without getting myself killed in the process.

Which means surrounding myself with as many strong and loyal people as I can in preparation for whatever come in this world.

I can only hope that this novel wasn't written for a child to be the savior and that in just a few short years everything is going to go to shit.

Just 5 or so years is all I need, I should be able to at least get the basics of everything down by then if not everything in to full swing.

There's the entrance to the dungeon and I can see around 5 people standing outside it around a campfire.

This is an A rank dungeon so everyone here should be of A or AA on this dive.

Guess it's time to meet my teammates for this dive.

"Greetings! You must be Malcius.

I'll admit besides your little shop in Xyrus I don't know much about you.

My name is Larson and the leader of this dungeon dive.

I'm a AA rank Earth augmenter and I use a hammer and shield." A burly man with thick facial hair and equally thick brown hair on his head approached me with an outstretched hand for a handshake.

I grasped it and could feel him squeeze trying to elicit a reaction but I stood firm in the grip.

"Malcius, A rank Fire augmenter and I use a sword." I replied with an even expression as he eyed me before he smiled widely.

"Good, good! You're strong if you didn't buckle under my grip.

Happy to have you aboard, let me introduce you to everyone."

He placed one of his big hands on to my shoulder as he guided me to the fire that everyone was sitting around.

Only most of them i recognized instantly as the Twin Horns was here along with one other person I didn't know.

"Malcius?" Adam called as he stood up with a grin and Larson looked between us.

"Ya, this is the kid from that story I was telling you about." Adam responded as grew closer and the rest of the Twin Horns did as well.

Larson looked down at me with wide eyes before laughing loudly.

"Ha Ha Ha! You mean to tell me this is the one that bested Helen and told her that Archers belong in the back?

Ha ha ha!" His laughs boomed deep within his chest as he slammed his hand against my back with each laugh.

"He caught me off guard is all, it wouldn't happen again." An annoyed Helen stepped forth with her arms crossed.

Durden approached and gave me a soft pat on the shoulder with a wordless smile and nod to which I returned.

He and Larson were strikingly similar in size that I wondered if they can from the same village or something.

Both of them have earth magic so maybe they're some kind of mutated dwarves.

Angela approached next and gave me a bright smile as she gently shook my hand.

"It's good to see you're still well, Malcius." She said and I nod with a faint smile.

"Thanks, Angela.

Glad to see there's no hard feelings about that day, unlike some people." I whispered as I looked over her shoulder to see Helen scowling.

"I heard that brat." She spoke up and I heard Angela and the rest laugh at the response.

Lastly was the ever quiet dagger wielder who stepped up, Jasmine .

"Hmm." She nodded towards me and I nodded back as we stared at each other for a moment before she nodded again and walked back to the campfire.

"Alright well you know the Twin Horns but lets introduce you to the last member of our group.

Talia, come greet our final member." Larson boomed as he guided me the rest of the way to the fire.

A young woman was sat there, maybe in her early 20s, tending the fire with a stick in her hand.

She had long brown hair that was pulled into a high ponytail yet it still reached her mid back.

Her eyes were a similar shade of brown and she wore a tight fitting tunic style outfit with a shawl resting upon her shoulders.

It was mixture of black leather and brown leather that had several daggers, a sword, and even a shield strapped to her back and I couldn't help be feel amazed she was carrying all this.

Her frame was slender, but her body was mature as well showing off her feminine charm.

She gazed up at me with uninterested eyes, but when our eyes met we both realized something about each other.

"Healer." I muttered out and Larson's eyes went wide.

"You could tell?

I've heard people give answers from assassin to weapons master, but you're the first to actually guess what she is." Larson boomed as he stared back and forth from us.

I could see the Twin Horns looking on nervously, but I just extended out a hand.

"Malcius, A rank Fire augmenter.

I use a sword."

She eyed me for a second, but eventually reached out her own hand.

"Talia, AA rank healer, I use a little bit of everything." She said with a smirk before going back to her fire tending and I joined the rest of them in sitting by the fire.

It was already late in the day so we would sleep here and then enter the dungeon first thing in the morning.

This dungeon housed several different mana beasts that all use varying forms of poisons and paralytics.

I could see why Kaspian recommended this one for me as he knows my expertise in this area.

I can't wait for tomorrow and experience my first dive.


Title is a little misleading but oh well.

Dungeon dive starts next chapter and I have a couple plans for it.

I should have posted a map of Dicathen with marking for where I plan to put Malcius' community.

Also I hoped you guys enjoyed the nods to a couple fics in this chapter. They were the only ones I could put in without it seeming too forced even though these were as well.

Until next time.