
Chapter one

I walked down the street on my way to school as I was listening to music. My routine was simple, go to school, come back from school and go back again. I never had any friends so I never had any plans.

The only thing I would actually do was listen to music, watch tv, hang with my mom and sleep. Yah I know hanging out with my mom is lame but she can be cool sometimes. I guess it's clear now that I'm a loser. People call me all kinds of names like "weirdo" "nerd" "pathetic" and many more and sadly I started getting used to it.

I took out the books I needed for my next class and slammed my locker shut. I entered my class and took a seat on my usual table at the back. I listened to the teacher ramble on about hoe bad his day was as I thought about how bad my life is.

I studied the teacher's every move as he answered his phone and left the classroom.

Okay I didn't tell you this before but I think everyone knows that a nerd has a main bully. So people I would like to introduce you to Roxxane kyle. "The barbie doll."

Yah Roxxane is a real bitch. I may be the most not liked person in school but Roxxane is definitely the most hated person in school.

"Hey nerd. Could you please tell me what the teacher was talking about. I tried listening but I don't speak nerd."

Roxxane said receiving laughter from her friends.

"I don't understand how it works. I thought nerds could speak to each other."

She said faking confusion.

"Look at Raven being quiet like always. Your so pathetic."

She said before walking away.

People you finally know my truth. I'm a pushover. I just sit the quietly as Roxxane talks crap about me. I never gad the guts to stand up for myself and I don't think I ever will. Is that sad?

~Time skip~

This day has been exhausting. I found out that I'm failing PE and I might just have to go to summer school. On top of it all Roxxane has been on my case the whole day. I hate that girl and I hate myself for putting up with her.Good think this is my last class life science and lucky for me Roxxane had that last period.

I enter my life science class and boy im shocked to see Roxxane. What is she doing here? She had life science last period. How can she have it now? Ugh. Today is just not my lucky day.

I walk into the classroom and take my seat getting laughter from Roxxane's group of friends as I do so. Well this is going to be fun.

"Well class as you can see. Roxxane and her friends are joining us this afternoon. Well that is because they thought that they would just skip my class and everything would be fine. Well guess what it isn't."

The teacher said looking at Roxxane with eyes full of disappointment.

So its his fault Roxxane is here. Thanks a lot Mister Smith.

Just when I think things couldnt get worse the principal calls Mister smith leaving me alone with Roxxane. To my surprise when the teacher left she didn't attack me, she attacked Rosie.

Well Rosie is one of the popular rich kids. Her and her friends go to parties, drink, smoke snd get away with it. She's the most loved person in school, I mean people dream to be her.

"Well daddy's girl why don't you cry to your daddy?"

Roxxane said receiving laughter from her friends.

"Oh shut up Roxxane."

I said receiving gasps from the class.

"You always act like your better snd your not. All you do is bring people down. You try to put on this perfect act but we all know your not. Your just fake and so are your friends who pretend to have your back. Your just a joke"