
Meet the Emperor, He'll know

Falling from the west as a cold breeze passed, the sun had already began to set. Tall shadows of endless trees slowly stretched across the muddy ground along with the sun light in the deep forest. In other instances, Eurydice would have found this rather a sight to see, she'd even thought of taking a few pictures and painting it before adding it to her gallery if she only had her camera or phone. Otherwise she'd end up hanging around this strange place a little bit longer. Speaking of which-

"Where am I?" Eurydice wondered if the impact from the car crash had sent her flying across the other side of the country. She had been on her way towards Charles Studio when another car crashed against them, she hadn't thought she'd actually make it out alive. More importantly...did Loula survive as well? Eurydice began to think, her finger slowly chipping away at her nails, her brows knitted together in deep thought. Eurydice had barely managed to grab a hold of Loula before that car collided into them, to think such a thing would happen on such an uneventful day. She pondered over it for a while before standing up from the dirty, moist ground, patting off the dirt from her pants. Eurydice didn't seem to suffer from any injuries from the moment she woke up but the only strange thing was her not waking up in a hospital bed or at least in front of some pearly gates as she imagined. Perhaps the gods didn't want her. The very thought of it could make her laugh.

"I need to find a way out of here," Like a call for danger, just as she uttered those words, a noisy rustling of leaves could be heard from nearby. Footsteps followed right after as men laughed at a joke one of them had previously told. Eurydice turned with mild surprise at the group of men's sudden appearance. Such a disappointing surprise to see them in a remote area. They wore fine clothes but all of them had been filthy or at least looked like they had rolled around in dirt. Their entire body adorned gears as they carelessly carried weapons. From afar they look like they had been dragged through hell and back, caked with dirt and some strange liquid Eurydice couldn't make out. Whatever it was, the closer they got, the stranger and more disgusting their stench became. The noises, laughter and steps only stopped when they laid eyes on Eurydice, the once content look of normal chatter between friends broke into wide surprised grins. These men looked at least twice her age.

"Would you look at that," One of them smirked, "What's a pretty jewel like you doin out here alone, pretty fella?" Pretty fella. Eurydice couldn't hide the look of displease in her face, her eye twitching at every word out of that bastards mouth. The man only chuckled at the reaction, annoyingly, it only provoked him further to approach Eurydice closer but he froze as his friend raised a hand to stop him from going anywhere, a look of distrust and concern behind his eyes.

"Careful, boss. It could be a trap, if we get close we might get ambushed." Lackey number one stated his concern. It didn't seem to convince his boss, only agitating him a little. Lackey number three, on the other hand, violently scanned his surroundings in panic.

"What nonsense!" The boss took a swig of the alcohol bottle he carried around, letting the drink spill from his mouth before he let out a satisfied 'pwah!' , and wiped the trickle of alcohol on his lips. "You think I can't handle a bunch of no bodies? Who do you think is the strongest one in this arena? Is it not me?!" He preached, hands raised to the grey sky as he bathed in his self proclaimed glory. Eurydice wanted to roll her eyes. Only fools would believe such a monkey-headed speech. Then the fools applauded their boss.

"That's our boss!" Lackey number One nodded, proudly.

"He'll win this game in no time!" Lackey number Two said.

"Bear my children, boss!" Lackey number Three cried. Everyone fell silent. Their boss looked like he wanted to do nothing more than to feed Lackey number Three to the dogs. Why he hasn't done that yet? Eurydice knew just as much as she had to being dead. The boss, disturbed, annoyed and tired, only shook his head. A heavy huff leaving his lips, "Ronny, we've talked about this..."

"Oops, sorry..." Ronny, embarrassed, scratched the back of his head in shame.

Purple eyes blinked back and forth between Boss and Lackey number Three. A sudden conclusion came and about in her head. Just then, Eurydice turned on her heel. So they had that kind of relationship, she sees now. No matter, it wasn't her business to begin with. Who was she to judge? She should leave soon before they ask her to join their weird cult or something. She didn't even take one step ahead when out of nowhere, something flashed in the corner of her eye. The sharp blade that had only missed her by an inch had buried itself deep in the tree behind her. The night only grew colder by the second in the quiet of the forest.

"Where do you think you're going?" The boss, now focused back on her, said in a low voice. Eurydice is a young lady who in all her life had never once left the spotlight. She knew exactly how to act to get what she wanted, knew all the right faces, watched every change a person could make with their body. Everything she ever asked would be handed to her on a silver plate. After all, she only needed to focus on keeping everyone's eyes on her. Mommy will have handled everything else. Needless to say, she had grown to be the most sheltered girl you could ever find the world. She was born with hubris in her blood, and being sheltered came with aloof naivety. Fearless Arrogance and Pure Callowness. What a dangerous combination.

"Back home. I'd take you with me but we don't allow pets." every word spit itself out of her lips like venom off a snake hidden behind a smile. Something snapped inside the Boss the second those words left her mouth, an eye twitched in irritation. He laughed. He laughed louder and louder with every holler until every bird within hearing flew away. Even his lackeys wondered if they should flee. Then, in one deep breath, he swallowed all the turmoil in his chest.

"You don't seem to understand the situation you're in right now, little girl. Very well, big brother here will teach you the ropes. I'll even protect you and carry you to victory with me," The boss reached out his hand to Eurydice who only stared, unperturbed.

"What do you say? I wouldn't want you to come begging to me when it's all too late but perhaps...I might even show mercy. If you still won't accept, then all you have to do is run. I love a good chase." The way he said all that made Eurydice's skin crawl. She had no intention to join him ever but from everything he's said from the beginning, Eurydice could make up that even though she did die, it seems like she is now part of some game. She stood there for a moment, then she ran snatching up the dagger on the tree as she sprinted away as fast as she could. In the distance, she could hear that man's voice again echoing in the forest- laughing.

"I gave you a chance to be my bitch, girl! Don't blame me for whatever happens to you, I'll kill you like the rest of them!" Loud thumps on the ground soon followed when all the Lackeys came running after her. The boss, taking his time running after them. They had time, even if they were short on it, it was nearly impossible to catch up to the ranks now.

Eurydice, with her flats barely making it out from the deep mud and almost sinking, sprinted as far away she could. In situations like this made her wish she had chosen a more physically active hobby but there was nothing she could do now. She, in her relief, miraculously managed to lose them behind her tail, but it was only a matter of time before they find her, her mud trails easily gave her away after all. Her eyes hovered over her surroundings from where she hid behind a large tree, searching for anything she could use in her survival, only to find her best option being a twig. Huff, she sighed. Nothing it is. Silence breezed through the air as she continued to hide. Then something hard hit her, making her crash on the ground with a harsh thud. Lackey number two had spotted her hair behind the tree and snuck up on her when she let her guard down.

"Don't blame me, the boss tried to save you, you know? You're only getting what other option everyone else had." He said, an awfully sympathetic tone laced in his voice, but the condescending smile on his ugly face betrayed every form of guilt he could fake. He held her down with one hand, the other raising a blade over his head as it reflected on purple eyes. Eurydice kicked him off her easily, for someone who's pinning down another person, he didn't put his whole weight on her, relying on the fact that he was much stronger. Still, this was good luck for Eurydice as she pushed him on the ground, earning a disgruntled oof from him. In a rush of adrenaline, she took out a sharp silver steel from her pocket- her chisel. She has almost forgotten in the head of recent events but Eurydice would often carry it around as good luck. That had not worked well for her recently. After all, everything felt like a dream. Like everything here was never real. It couldn't be... right? Her trembling eyes gazed at the chisel in her hand, then at the man beneath her. If this really was a dream...then killing him wouldn't matter, right?

'It would be okay to kill him...right?' She thought, her heart ringing in her ears. Eurydice hadn't wasted a single second before she raised her chisel and sent it flying down to Lackey number two's face. He stared in shock, a small plea he never got to utter out stayed stuck between his lips before Eurydice stabbed him. His blood ran cold as his skin was to touch. Then Eurydice stabbed his face again.

Then again.

And again, until the man's face was no longer recognisable. Every time her chisel sunk inside it's face pulled her in a trance, similar to the alluring sway of flames in a fire. Almost the entirety of Eurydice's face had been splattered red, like the beach paintings of her galleria. Only...this one made her feel. Unable to place what those feelings actually were, she couldn't care. As long as she could feel.

"Chart! Where are you? Have you found her yet, we gotta finish this up quickly before the boss gets mad!" This was lackey number one.

He grunted in agitation. What was Chart doing being so fucking slow. How difficult was it of a job to find the girl, beat her, then drag her back to the boss. It was as easy as-

Lackey number one froze, his tired wrinkly eyes spotting dirty white hair from behind the tree. He smirked. It seems like he had struck gold. If he brought her to the boss by himself without those stupid monkeys with him then he could hog all the credit. He is the better one of them all.

"Would you look at that, didn't have anywhere else to hide now did you?" Lackey number one walked in slow, careful steps towards the half hidden girl behind the tree. Like a predator eyeing on its prey. "I'll tell you what, why don't you come with me. I promise I won't hurt-" he had barely managed to stutter out the last part of the sentence when his eyes landed on the dismantled face of his friend underneath this girl. No way. He shook his head. Looking at Eurydice who now stood up, her back still facing him as she clutched her chisel. Then he turned to his ally once more, as if he would look away and then back again his friend would get up. There was just no way. His eyes had to be messing with him! Yeah!

It must have been the alcohol from earlier!

Eurydice watched him falter. Watched him almost fall as he took a step back, his body shaking to its very core. It seems like Lackey number one hadn't expected it was possible for any of them to die. Did they think they were immortal just because they had their boss to back them up? She took his hesitation as an opportunity to land in a strike, causing him stumble back and clumsily trip on his feet. In his moment of a fall, Eurydice took the opportunity to run the chisel across his neck. The last thing lackey number one saw being the feet of his comrade a few steps ahead.

Back from the original spot where everything had began, lackey number three and the boss stood impatiently on their toes, not knowing that their former comrades had already been butchered to their deaths. The boss kicked a rock nearest to him and sent it flying a few paces ahead. Those two were taking so long! If they get any later than this, he might miss the opening for Miss Sunshine's Opening Night. Miss Sunshine is a singer in a bar and only opened every second Friday of the month and he had so been looking forward to it. At this point, he couldn't even get back in time for ending finale act. How frustrating!

Just when he was about full on rage into tomorrow, Lackey number three spoke up in alert.

"Boss! Look over there!" Lackey number Three said, shocked. The boss immediately turned to where he pointed a finger at to see the figured of someone approaching. He squinted for a better look. It had become hard to see inside the forest in the evening with all the fog that started building up from the cold but Boss could nearly make out the person's silhouette. He grins, a flush of excitement bubbling within him. He may not come home to Miss Sunshine's finale act but one way or another, he's not going home empty handed.

"How stupid! You actually-" Lackey number three couldn't finish his sentence when he was met with a ground full of dirt as the boss shoved him aside.

"Look who decided to come crawling back! Did you miss me, love?" The boss chuckled. Looks like he didn't need those lackeys to fetch her at all. To think she was smart enough to come back on her own two feet. Seems like he'll be busying himself tonight. A long smile that stretched across his grimy face suddenly froze when Eurydice had gotten close enough. Something strange was amidst. Did she always adored a dark blouse? It took a long period of time before it dawned on him. The outfit hadn't changed color....sort of. It was blood. Where were Chart and Don?

"Hey, the boss asked you a question!" Lackey number three yelled, oblivious to the sudden change in tension, "You're suppose to answer. Do you wanna die or something?" Those words had barely managed to make it out his mouth when something flew right at him. Lackey number three, still confused, turned around at his boss.

"Ahh! What the fuck!" The boss screamed in fear. Lackey number was confused, what happened? There was nothing around to be scared about, so why did his boss scream like that? Then something trickled down his face. Raising one hand, he cautiously touched the strange liquid. As he raised his hand to his head, he froze at something hard and cold.

"W-what is this?! Why's there so many blood?" He grasped on to the blade that stuck on his head, desperately holding on to it, unsure if he should pull it out or keep it there. He screamed louder and louder as time passed by. The boss, not knowing what to do, only stood there and watched before eventually, lackey number three fell to the ground, unmoving. By now, Eurydice was already standing in front of the boss. Feeling the shift in the tide, he cussed under his breath.

'I didn't even notice her getting closer,' He reached for the knife on his pocket. 'I have to do something...' Eurydice watched him make those small movements before ruthlessly running her chisel across and the boss managed to slip back. The graze on his neck making a light cut as blood trailed down drop by drop. It felt like seeing a completely different person from before.

"You-....you fucking bitch!" He growled, grasping on to the sword by his waist. Anger fueled his veins. Was this bitch fucking playing with him? Don was right, this was a trap. The Chastice Ensemble must have set this up to try and wash out all the Oddis. To think he would be pushed back like this. He won't let them get to him, not like this, not after everything!

Just as he raised his sword and lunged towards Eurydice, an arrow came flying towards them, piercing right through the man's shoulder, causing him to drop down on one knee as he cussed in pain. Eurydice's eyes immediately turned to the man behind them. Hidden behind the curtain of mist could barely be outlined was a silhouette of a man. His blonde hair rests u bothered by his shoulders as piercing grey eyes glared through the thin fog. Had it not for him, perhaps Eurydice would have already died if she hadn't already been dead.

"I fucking knew it! This was a trap!" The now injured man clutched tightly on to his bleeding arm. Before he could be caught any further, he dug into his pocket and took out a tiny sphere. The tiny object in his palm was smashed into the ground in a heartbeat, leaving only traces of his footsteps left from where he stood before. He disappeared.

He was right here a moment ago. Eurydice looked around through the mist of the forest but found no sign of where that man had disappeared. Only the dents on the ground and the corpses nearby served as an evidence that something had truly happened here. Eurydice clutched tightly on to her head. She must have lost it. Perhaps eighteen years of living the way she had had finally made her snap. Ah, really. Dying in a car crash, being chased by these grown men, killing someone for the first time. Now that man had suddenly disappeared after taking out some weird thing. Eurydice used her hand to wipe the blood that has splattered on her cheeks, pale from the cold. It seemed like the worse was finally over for now, the moment she found out that she could relax, the weight of everything has suddenly came crashing down like a huge wave throwing her over spikey rocks. The blood that smeared on her hands, the messy wounds on now lifeless bodies...it all felt too real.

"Miss, are you okay?" The man clad in royal clothing of white, red and gold linings had now stood in front of her. Eurydice had to raise her head just to be able to look directly into his eyes. Those once cold, piercing gaze now replaced by concern, that troubled look leaving marks all over his refined features. Eurydice had seen her fair share of royal family members portraits in her life time, and the way this man in front of her held his head high, along with his neatly pressed royal outfit, she might have mistaken him for one in the museum. He held his bow in one hand, the other reached open for her to take. Eurydice stared down at it for a second before she heaved a heavy sigh. She couldn't answer him. What could she say after all? Yet, despite her zero response, this mysterious saviour of hers continued to talk in a panic with words she couldn't make out. Everything he said only fell into deaf ears. That was when this royal prince bend down, eye to eye for her. Eurydice could see his lips move, but nothing came out. And just like that, her vision fell into black with the last thing she saw being that man frantically moving towards her.

"Eurydice, don't disappoint me." Such a gentle voice had whispered in her ear that day but Eurydice couldn't find the warmth within those words nor the hand that gripped on to her arm tightly, for sure it was going to bruise for the next few days.

"Mom?" Eurydice called out but her voice couldn't be heard no matter how much she repeated them. Surrounding her were multiple cameras standing tall with bright flashes, each and every one pointing at her. Eurydice hadn't a clue of what was happening at the time but then it hit her, this was just a dream. A dream of a long time memory she had when she was 14. Yes...she remembers this one very clearly. This had happened just after the whole scandal had been proved to be wrong. Medias, papers and people were flooding in to get an interview out of her. Eurydice had caught a cold at the time too, which explained her raspy voice and frail state. Despite her condition, her mother still accepted those requests for a chance to have her face at the screen for even just a second. Because for her mother, a second was all she needed to set everything into accord. So there Eurydice sat, on the sofa within the studio, with her head aching and body burning up. If she failed this, then there would have been consequences, consequences she didn't know of, and never want to learn about. All she needs to do is sit there and her mother would do all the talking. Yes...all that was needed for her was to be the face of everything.

Dawn had started to crack in the morning, flooding the sky into an orange hue as the people began to slowly rise up to get ready for the day. The same had gone for Eurydice who got up despite the protests of her brain, her hand automatically reaching to her bed drawer for her pencil. As she slept, an idea slipped into her mind, waking her mid-dream to write down a note for another project she desired to start. Naturally, she would roll herself over the bed and the notebook she kept by her side would be laid open on top of her drawer, that's why it suddenly confused her when her hand fell into air as she reached over. Her eyes forced itself to open, when she looked to where her usual stuff was, she was met with a different view. This wasn't her room. Everything looked different. The walls were in pristine condition, nothing compared to the tiny crack, chipped paint and stains from Eurydice's meltdowns. The furnitures shined from multiple times of being furnished, she could easily watch her reflection on its red wood. The curtains followed movement from the breeze through the open window, letting it's golden edges fly like sun rays. "That man from before must have brought me here," That could easily be the answer. That man with his shoulder-length locks of gold, and tranquil clouds of grey for eyes. Eurydice could vaguely remember him in the short moment prior to her passing out. Which means all of it, from her dying in a car crash to waking up in the middle of nowhere, almost getting killed again—

All of it was real.

It weighed heavily on her chest. Something bubbled up inside her in the most unpleasant way possible. Like a boiling water that was left behind but never to evaporate. Suddenly, the room didn't feel so comfortable anymore. Didn't feel as pleasant and bright as she once saw it the very minute she opened her eyes. It was foreign. This is foreign. Sleeping in someone else's bed felt clumpy and uncomfortable. After all, who knew what had happened in this bed before she used it. The floors, the walls, the furnitures- everything suddenly felt so wrong and out of place. She is out of place. Eurydice buried her face in her hands, her palms void of any of the blood and dirt of the previous nights. And what about these hands? Were these hands wrong and foreign too? She killed people with these very hands. And while she slept unknowingly in such a foreign place, were these hands still cleaner than they were that night? The boiling water within her never ceased, it gradually grew hotter than possible. It felt suffocating. It was getting difficult to breathe. What happened during the time she was unwitting? A flip of a coin could happen in a second, and a lifetime held secrets. Unable to relax at the gap of hours, her leg shook underneath her clammy and cold hands. She didn't know. She didn't know! And not knowing was torturing her. The unexpected knock on the door brought her back to her senses. With a hazy mind, it took her a second to look around the room before her eyes finally landed on the doorway, just as someone walked in. In her panic, she failed to even hear the door open. Her eyes landed on the person who walked in- adorning a complicated attire resembling the outfits of princes in fairy tales, his blonde hair now neatly combed to the side.

It's him. The very same man who saved her yesterday. Compared to before, somehow something looked different aside from the outfit and hair. Maybe its the lack of aggression in his eyes but he looked...softer. Seeing her sat on the bed, awake seemed to shock him as he drew closer, behind him followed a few steps back, a maid carried a tray of food. From where Eurydice sat, she couldn't exactly see behind this blondie, but the aroma that reached her nose caught her attention in the most pleasant way. "I'm glad you're awake," This blondie smiled, awkwardly as he stood by the foot of the bed. His hands lightly tapped on his leg as he stood, and his eyes that met with Eurydice's own stared for a second before eyeing anything in this room. For someone with a royal get-up he didn't seem to carry much backbone. Eurydice guessed arrogance wasn't a 'Buy 1 Get 1' when it came to expensive fits like it did from where she lived. "I am too," she responded which he nods, not seeming to know what to say. "You've been asleep for a day prior to when I found you so I got worried," Blondie said. An entire day?! So it's been an entire day since that night. And what had happened for the last 24 hours? Surely she as safe...right? Eurydice didn't even notice as she grabbed a handful of sheet.

This blondie seemed to notice her discomfort and mistook it as her being worried for oversleeping in another person's house so he quickly raised his hands to explain.

"Don't worry, I thought you needed the rest since you looked really tired so I made no one disturbed you're sleep. And uhm..." He again, stared awkwardly at her, at the floor and the furnitures, his hands restless picking at his clothes. The mysterious Blondie, this is the very same guy who saved her the other day, seeming oddly strange. Eurydice thought for a second, maybe he had a twin that was more assertive? Blondie continued to stutter in his own words- they weren't even words anymore but mere syllables cutting into one another. Before he could feel even more embarrassed with his display, the maid behind him coughed intentionally to save him from disgracing himself further. The cough was loud enough in this quiet room for both Eurydice and Blondie to turn to her innocent face as she smiled as if she did nothing, and merely raised the tray she held. "The food will grow cold, Your Majesty."

Your Majesty. Eurydice stared at the man in front of her. Then he must really be some sort of Royalty. Eurydice had already accepted the other day that she must be in some other world when she saw that hologram thing when she killed those men. This wasn't the past either. Then this could only mean one thing. A god's work. Eurydice isn't actively religious or anything, however she had faith enough to believe in god.

"Right! Right...ahem," He coughs, "I thought you'd be hungry when you woke up so I brought you some food-" He gestures for the maid to step forward, as she did, she placed the tray carefully on Eurydice's lap. The aroma smelled divine! On the tray held different dishes that Eurydice never met before. Whatever that glossy pink soup is, it's going in her stomach. Somehow, the sight of this tray of heaven dissipated whatever turmoil she had only a minute ago. Seeing her gradually let her guard down at the mere sight of food seemed to please this blond prince as he grabbed the spoon the maid handed him and gave it to Eurydice.

"I didn't know what you'd like, or if you had any allergies, so I asked the chef for anything that was a safe bet." Taking the spoon from his hands, Eurydice stared at him wide eyed, "You took a bet I wouldn't be allergic on any of this?" Hearing her say it out loud. It did seem like a pretty obscure thing to do. Suddenly, he felt dumb.

"Well..." Feeling embarrassed, Blondie could only scratch the back of his neck. Seeing this, Eurydice scoffed "No... I misspoke. I'm not allergic to anything. Thank you, Your Majesty." She took a spoonful of the plate closest to her.

"Oh...oh!" He clasped his hands together, trying to pull himself upright again. Blondie looked like he was going to punch himself, he had been rehearsing how to properly portray himself in front of others but somehow he had gone and messed it up. Hearing Eurydice say she misspoke, he knew she had given him a chance to show his authority. "Right- after you eat, you can come find me if you have any questions. If you're feeling okay, I'll still have the healer come check up on you. And..." He trailed off, the maid behind him stepped up and whispered something in his ear before quickly stepping out of the room. Perhaps she was busy. Eurydice didn't know the first thing when it came to dealing with Royalty. The only thing she knew were ones she learned on TV, so she thought that the maids action seemed off. Eurydice thought people weren't allowed to excuse themselves unless they were excused...but perhaps that only happened on television. She took a bite of chicken. Blondie hadn't responded yet before the maid went rushing out of the room and could only watch the door close behind the maid.

Seriously, that didn't help show his authority at all.

"Well if you have any questions, I'm happy enough to answer them for you." He finally said the one thing Eurydice had been waiting to hear, so without wait, she set down the cutlery she held. "I have a question,"

"And that might be...?"

"May I ask for your name, my Lord?" Eurydice asked, eyes fixated on this blondie who seemed more than surprised at the question. From the very beginning, Eurydice hadn't a clue who he was but for sure she couldn't just keep referring to him as Blondie. "You don't...know me?" Blondie asked in return. Everyone in the empire should be more than aware of who he is. Is he wrong? Seeing as how he found Eurydice in the forest, maybe she lived under a rock this entire time. Perhaps she's from a neighboring kingdom who has come to visit another land. So many excuses popped up in his head in a single moment.

No, no. I shouldn't be so assuming. She must have been through some difficult things. It's not a crime to not know the emperor. Blondie nodded to himself. That could be it. Because if not, then there's one more reason...

"I'm Orpheus Oreganon, The Empires Sun." Orpheus introduced himself. Ah, so he's the emperor. Then shouldn't Eurydice be kneeling in front of him and thanking him for his grace? She considered it for a second, and the slight hesitation didn't go unnoticed by Orpheus, "You don't need to get up, please. It's no big deal," He urged her. No big deal, he says? The emperor says it's no big deal if she doesn't kneel and greet him? If Eurydice could somehow find a way back into her world she would scold all movie directors for creating such tall necked royalties. She shook her head and placed the tray away before kneeling on one foot on the floor and placing a hand on her chest as she bowed her head, she ignored Orpheus's insistence that she stay in bed.

"You did say you are this Empires Sun, is it not just to kneel before such a person?"

Am I doing this right? Eurydice could only follow the knights on television as a guide, still, as she glanced up towards the man in front of her, she was met with astonishment and bewilderment. Orpheus didn't know what to do in this situation as Eurydice stayed kneeling on the floor. This was the first time someone had ever kneeled in front of him in insistence. Every since the crown fell on his head, it was difficult to instill authority and power over everyone. No one would listen to him, and everyone seemed to wave away his words. So when Eurydice insisted on greeting him the proper way anyways, he was left taken-aback. He waved his hand "You...can get up now," Orpheus said, softly as he looked away. Well I'll be damned. Eurydice got up. Did I do it wrong perhaps? I did saw on tv some only bowed their head in respect. Courtisied even. Maybe I was being too extensive. The silence that followed began to stretch into a lengthy time between the both of them.

"If that's all, I'll take my leave now-" Stammering over himself, Orpheus hastily turned to walk out the door, head turning sharply in hopes to hide the faltering false confidence he fought to wear but stopped at the hand that tugged on his sleeve. Surprised, he turned back when Eurydice called back and said "Wait, I have another question."

"Where am I? I'm not really sure how I ended up here. Much less what happened back when you first found me. And do you know anything about this status bar thing?" Eurydice did not hesitate to flood him with all her questions at once. If he didn't know one of those, then that would be fine but she planned to get every information she could have when the emperor himself was here. And who better could know about such things other than the head himself? Yet, despite her expectations, Orpheus didn't meet her with the answers she wanted. Instead, she was met with cautious grey wide eyes. "You're...an Oddis?" He asked, alarmed. An Oddis, what did that mean? Eurydice never heard that before I'm her entire life, "What's an Oddis?" She asked again. This question seemed to calm Orpheus, even if for a little bit. It seems like Eurydice didn't know anything about Oddis. But the more he stared at her quizzical expression, the more the immediate wariness he felt dissipated. It went as quick as it came. Forget about Oddis, this girl didn't know a single thing!

"But you're not from around here, are you? From this world, I mean..." Orpheus needed to be sure. If Eurydice really was an Oddis, then she must be new. And if she's new, then no other Oddis may have brainwashed her yet. It's be good to bring her on his side. I can't handle losing anymore than I already have. Orpheus bit his lip. "That... " He contemplated for a bit, cloudy grey eyes lingering in the thought itself, when his eyes landed on Eurydice's own anticipation, he found he couldn't deny her this much.

"Well, where should I begin?" He sat a distance next to her on the bed.

A few months prior to Eurydice's transmigration, a handful of people from other world's have already been sent here long ago. All in the same situation as her. These people, known to be alien from this world were regarded as Oddis. They came as human as the rest of everyone else. If not for their outfits, no one could tell they were out of place at all. Then the games started. The games only applied to the Oddis with the world they had transmigrated in being the stage set for them. Although, the game only applied to these Oddis, not even the innocent civilians originating from this world were safe from the bloodshed of the game. The lands, people, and economy they thrived to build for generations had been reduced to nothing but a field for a cruel game. Thus, Oddis were greatly resented by everyone from this world, and every Oddis they would come across would immediately be executed. Frustrated, Orpheus knitted his brows. The more he thought about those egoistic Oddis, the more he was reminded of the growing responsibility he would bear. He stared up, only to find dark eyes staring fixated on him, he looks a deep breath.

"Oddis are...they're the people you came across with in the forest. They're people who are in the same situation as you. People who are brand new to this world, and once the game starts- you'll also be dragged to become an Oddis just like them-" Eurydice stared, shocked. "-I'm not entirely sure about the details of the game, however the Host brings out a rank for Oddis at the end of the game. So far, it's still on-going...and my people suffered greatly as collateral damage.

When I first saw you in the forest, I saw you murder them without an ounce of hesitation- so I thought you bore the same resentment for them as I did. But it doesn't seem like the case now... You're really a new born Oddis?" Orpheus asked. Eurydice fidgeted with her hands on her lap, so that's what that bar thingie she was. If she killed an Oddis, then she basically got their loot. Somehow this seemed like a tiring experience. The more Eurydice thought about it, the idea of having to go through what she did a number of times more didn't appeal to her. She shook her head, gleaming silver locks flouncing on her shoulders.

"I recently died before I came here. Somehow hearing I'm not the only one in this situation gives me comfort..." Orpheus stared at her apologetically upon hearing that. He also heard his own fair share of Oddis origins, none of them were pleasant, "Still, there has to be a way to avoid participating in the game... This whole scenario doesn't really appeal to me." Eurydice scrunched her face, annoyed.

"You can try but I've never heard of anyone managing to do that," For many months, every single Oddis was nothing but a pain in the ass. All of them far more egoistic than the last. So e of them even believed they were specially chosen by god. Which was ridiculous.

"Your Majesty, I want a job," Eurydice turned to the man sat beside her. The request- no..rather, the demand took him by surprise.

"Huh? You want....a job?.....here?" When she nodded her head in affirmation, he didn't know what to answer. To let her work here would be akin to letting a known enemy hold the reigns. But Eurydice had not been an enemy yet still, it would not take long before she becomes one. Orpheus stared vacantly into space in wonder, soon enough, Eurydice would be pulled into the games one way or another. Letting her stay by his side is pure risk and danger and none at all benefiting the empire in any way. In his muddled thought and hesitation, he said "I'll think about it," and left the room. The door clicked behind him and he stepped out, from within the distance, a servant had been patiently waiting for him and scampered over with a letter in hand. "Your Majesty, are you sure you know what you're doing?" This servant had been old, his face baked with lines from a life filled of experience and trouble. The grays in his hair slicked back neatly with gel. Although his voice had been caked with one of concern and caution, Orpheus paid him no mind as he took the letter into his hand. "You've heard about the prophecy! It's too dangerous to keep her around," The hand in which that took the letter paused in a flinch at the servant's words.

"I told you, not one mention about the prophecy shall be uttered unprovoked!" Orpheus said with pursed lips threatening to bleed, leaving traces of red it's edges, "I'll find a way to stop the prophecy. In the mean time, we aren't exactly sure if it's her. We'll just wait and see," not waiting for a response, the emperor left in a hasty fashion leaving the servant to huff and stare at his emperor's retreating figure. "Your Majesty... If we continue to wait then we'll surely see the end of this empire." He sighed.