
This Hero is Sleeping!

"Chosen Heroes! Scour these worlds as the champions of us, the gods!" When an unsuspecting class of thirty die in a mysterious incident, the benevolent gods take mercy and reincarnate them as Otherworldly Heroes. In a world of magic and swords, the Heroes are forced against hardships as they face off the monsters threatening the world, the evil forces lurking in the shadows, and even themselves and the other heroes. Secrets hidden in their pasts will surface and their skills, trust and love will be put to test as they will tackle their new home. The heroes will... Except this one. This hero is sleeping. ---- Updates 3chaps/day! Extra chapter for every 20 PS!

Chestnutriceeee · Fantasy
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102 Chs

Chapter 95: Legendary Lord Strikes Again!

"Alright you guys, please follow the spirits closely and do not get lost."

Tiana's whispers rang loud in everyone's ears. They had to move carefully through the spirits. With Tiana in front and Claude next to her, those two were going to handle the guiding and any kind of problem that would arise.

On the other hand, Erika tightly grasped Elric's palm and guided him through the forest herself. Since he couldn't see the spirits, he had no choice but to rely on the one person with more spirit sense than even Claude right now.

The small party formation was set and off they went.

The loud spirits continued giggling and laughing as they guided the four lost lambs through the forest.

The mist continued to grow thicker. It was only thanks to the light of the spirits that they were able to move anywhere.

The trees had started to get hidden beneath the veneer of white mist and even their own hands were rough to see.

"Feels like home."