
This Gyaru Will Date the Otaku in 100 Days

A fanfiction based on this Twitter Manga: https://twitter.com/sasakisaki9646/status/1241338062560317440 I do not own any of the characters in this story, full credit goes to sasakisaki9646 for the idea and cover art. The story is a basic idea. Just simply one image a day for 100 days that lead to the Gyaru and Otaku to date at the end. I just felt that there could be a bit more, so I decided that I will expand. If the original creator asks for me to stop, I will take this down. Update: 04/24/2020 I learned the original creator has decided to stop after day 30. So if/when I get to that point. My story will be different that theirs if they ever decide to start it again.

bigbear51 · Anime & Comics
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100 Chs

This Gyaru Will Date the Otaku in 77 Days

It's Sunday, and that means it's time for the Otaku to make his agreed interview at the Gyaru's workplace. The walk here was a complete daze to him. Too many thoughts, too many regrets are running through his head.

He really doesn't want to have a job. Partially because of his hobby, but also because it's against school rules. He wants to say no, but fear is taking control of his body. The Otaku is unsure of what to do.

"Yo, Otaku!" A voice from behind catches him off guard.

"Y-Y-Yesh!" He nearly had a heart attack from it. It's just the Gyaru, but she always has a way of giving him a fright.

"Whaddya doin' out here?" She asks. "You're here for the interview, right? Get in there!" The girl commands him.

"Ah- I, uh… Not the interview, no…" He is struggling to tell her. It's not easy, not after what he promised. Along with the possible threat she carries with her of ruining his high school time. "…I have to… Decline." After some bumbling of words, he finally says what's on his mind.

"Oo-taa-kuu?" She said his nickname in a playful manner. "After you didn't show up yesterday, you're not going to tell me that you won't do it…" She puts that against him. He really put her in a tight situation back there.

"...Huh?" He plays dumb, knowing that he really let her down there.

"I put in a good word for you, so let's go!" She gets behind him, and give a little push in the right direction.

"Wh- I, uh, Wait…" She did that for him? This girl is on… His side? If she was telling the truth, then that fear that was inside him started to weaken. "Okay… Thank you…" He says to her. The boy was really grateful for those kind words. Especially since he was certain she was mad at him for what happened the other day.

"Yo boss!" She comes in with him, she has a very upbeat attitude. "Here's the guy I was telling you about."

"H-hello." The Otaku greets them meekly. Even with a bit more confidence than before, he was still extremely nervous.

They talked for a while. The more they did, the more he felt a bit more calm. The manager seemed to like him a fair amount.

"Great. You got the job." They shook hands once the interview was over. This was a lot easier than the Otaku was expecting it to be. Especially given the type of person he was. When the Gyaru wasn't looking, the manger also pulled him in to whisper something into his ear. "After what she said yesterday, this was practically a cinch for you."

"Wow, she really is good at convincing people." His new boss just looked at him with deadpan eyes. They realized just how dense the person they just hired was.