
This Gyaru Will Date the Otaku in 100 Days

A fanfiction based on this Twitter Manga: https://twitter.com/sasakisaki9646/status/1241338062560317440 I do not own any of the characters in this story, full credit goes to sasakisaki9646 for the idea and cover art. The story is a basic idea. Just simply one image a day for 100 days that lead to the Gyaru and Otaku to date at the end. I just felt that there could be a bit more, so I decided that I will expand. If the original creator asks for me to stop, I will take this down. Update: 04/24/2020 I learned the original creator has decided to stop after day 30. So if/when I get to that point. My story will be different that theirs if they ever decide to start it again.

bigbear51 · Anime & Comics
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100 Chs

This Gyaru Will Date the Otaku in 45 Days

That day turned out better than the Otaku could ever hope for. So he's in a bright and cheery mood coming into Friday. Just need to complete this day and he can head into the weekend happy. All he's got to contend with is the rest of class now.

"Hey there." Since he sits right next to her, it's not uncommon for him to listen in on boys hitting on the Gyaru. That's just something he'd grown quite accustomed to at this point. "You busy after school today? I was wondering if…" When the boy thinks about it, she doesn't have work after school this time around. So perhaps she might accept the offer, but on the inside, he wishes she wouldn't.

"Hmm, sure of course!" She puts on a cutesy playful voice that just gets all the boys going. It certainly works on him as he feels his heart skipping a beat just listening to it on the side. "I'm not busy, so maybe you should treat me to something sweet?"

"I'd love to." The other boy responds. Well, the mood for the Otaku certainly has taken a downswing. Sure, it's not like he's dating that girl, but at the same time, he felt like their day together last week was nice. A part of him was hoping that perhaps there could be more, but it seems that they'll just stay as friends.

"I guess I'll just enjoy my alone time when I get home." He mutters to himself at the lockers now that school's come to an end. However, his plans are changed when he notices a note falling out from his locker. "What's this?" It's apparently a note telling him to come to the roof after school. That's strange, he's never received one of these before. Wait a second, could it be? That mythical confession he's only ever read in manga?

Quickly, the boy rushes upstairs way faster than he should to find out who sent this letter. Could it be someone he knows, or perhaps a girl who's only watched him from a distance who's finally mustered up some courage?

Finally, he makes his way up there and sees… His senior, Koyamauchi!? Wait… Is she the one who's going to confess to him? Now that the boy knows the person who sent the letter, he's not sure how he's going to answer.

"Ah, finally you're here." She greets him with a perky mood. "I was wanting to ask you something."

"Um, what is it?" He replies nervously, waiting for her to confess her feelings of love to him.

"Great, there's this video game tournament this weekend, and I was wondering if you could be my partner."

"I understand your feelings, but… What?" He was expecting for her to confess her feelings so much, that the boy already had a response prepared. However, it turns out that's not the case.

"That game we both love playing in the arcade, you know, Street Fighter? They're going to have a tournament right there in the arcade. It's duos though, so I need a partner." She explains to him the whole story. Since they don't happen to share contact info, which she painfully realized way too late. The girl ended up dropping him a message in his locker, knowing he'd come here instead.

"Ah, I see…" He responds, disappointed that this was what he got instead. "Sure, I'll come."