
This Golem Mage doesn't want a fourth time

This Story has been moved to my main account Oshimura

TrulyDesire · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 5

Since Dantelieu and Vandalieu found out that they could gain experience through their undead/golems, they decided to grab a nearby live goblin. They discovered that they have to be within a certain range in order to gain experience as well. It's like a party system, but not at the same time. Dan sent out his golems, with the exception of Darcia who is sleeping, to capture a live goblin and wolf so they can gain some experience. During that time, Dan put Van's Bone Monkey, Bone Wolf, Bone Man, Bone Bear, and Bone Bird, under the fake reality. It turns out that Dan can put more targets under, the lower their skill experience is. Since all the undead only had the [Night Vision] skill, it was a simple task for him. He set the time frame to just two hours, since neither of the twins knew when the golems would come back with their targets.

Dan also discovered that, within the fake reality, the undead and golems started to gain intelligence. Even though it was the smarts of a child, it still meant that their mental stats could increase within the reality as well. The [Fake Reality] skill was the only ideal way for their undead/golems to grow since they couldn't do any other type of training that a living being could. With that being the case, Dan made sure to make the monsters within the fake reality to be as ruthless as possible, so that when they come out of the training, they would be thoroughly prepared. He also made sure to pit them against humans, and since this is technically a 'reality' the humans and monsters he made to fight his golems and Van's undead, could also learn. The only downside is that they can't level or increase physical stats within this, so Dan decided to make the training mirror that, while becoming increasingly difficult as their skills progressed.

The status of the undead and golems after training were the following:

Name: Bone Monkey/Bone Wolf/Bone Bear/Bone Bird

Rank: 1

Race: Living Bones

Level: 0

Passive skills:

[Night Vision] [Beastly Instincts]: Level 1

Active Skills:

[Detect Life]

Name: Bone Man

Rank: 1

Race: Living Bones

Level: 0

Passive skills:

[Night Vision] [Sword Aura]: Level 1 [Basic Swordsmanship]: Level 1

Active skills:


Name: Sword Golem

Rank: 1

Race: Stone Construct

Level: 0

Passive skills:

[Night Vision] [Sword Aura]: Level 1 [Basic Swordsmanship]: Level 2

[Dual Wielding]: Level 1 [Self Repair]

Active Skills:


Name: Dagger Golem

Rank: 1

Race: Stone Construct

Level: 0

Passive skills:

[Night Vision] [Basic Dagger Mastery]: Level 2

[Dual Wielding]: Level 1 [Self Repair]

Active Skills:

[Stealth]: Level 1 [Assassinate]: Level 1

Name: Archer Golem

Rank: 1

Race: Stone Construct

Level: 0

Passive skills:

[Night Vision] [Basic Bow Mastery]: Level 2

[Self Repair]

Active Skills:

[Stealth]: Level 1

Name: Wolfie

Rank: 1

Race: Stone Construct

Level: 0

Passive skills:

[Night Vision] [Self Repair] [Pack Aura]: Level 1

Active Skills:

[Rock Armor]: Level 1 [WindSpeed]: Level 1 [Howl]: Level 1

[Back to Dan's POV]

So I ended up putting the undead under training for the remainder of the day since, from what I can tell of my golems, they haven't found a goblin yet. They are getting some experience by killing rabbits and wolves though. They stuffed the corpses in the bag I made them out of wolf fur so they could carry stuff around. It looks similar to a camping bag since the [Molding] and [Sculpting] skills are limited to what I can picture as I'm using them. By the time the next day came around, my golems brought around a live wolf and goblin. The goblins look just like the ones I put in my [Fake Reality] skill, except their skin is darker green and were slightly taller than the ones I thought of. They also had long ears, similar to elves, but looked disgusting. They had the strength of an average human from what I could tell and weren't very fast. They were about as dumb as a two year old child or younger, used a tree branch as a weapon, and covered itself with the hide of an animal for protection.

This thing was rank 1 but was stronger than one of Van's living bones. However, it can't break the defense of my golems, or rather what their race actually is, stone constructs. It was so weak, that a teeanager could take it out with a well placed kick. The good points about these goblins though, were their reproductive capabilities and how easily they can adapt. (For the rest and a slightly different description, read chapter 5 of the original, near the beginning.)

[For now.. All of you, go ahead and deal the finishing blow to the goblin together.] {Van}

[You guys can finish of the wolf together.] {Dan}

As the undead were attacking the goblin and the golems were attacking the wolf, they screamed out their death cry as they drew their last breath. After a few seconds, Van's living bones leveled up to 2 and my golems leveled up to 2 as well. Soon enough they discovered that they gained some levels themselves and found that this was not the range limit for how far they could gain experience from.

Name: Dantelieu Race: Dhampir (Dark Elf) Age: 0

Nickname: Dan Job: None Level: 5 (Up!) Job History: None


Vitality: 28 Mana: 65,009,140 Strength: 43 Agility: 8 Endurance: 59

Intelligence: 34

{Passive Skills}:

[Superhuman Strength]: Level 1 [Rapid healing]: Level 1

[Earth-Attribute Magic]: Level 4 [Golem Manipulation]: Level 3

[Status Effect Resistance]: Level 3 [Magic Resistance]: Level 1

[Night Vision] [Mental Corruption]: Level 10 [Non-Living Charm]: Level 1

[Inventory]: Level 3

{Active Skills}

[Rock Spike]: Level 2 [Sculpting]: Level 4 [Molding]: Level 3

[Minor Impart Will]: Level 2 [Bloodsucking]: Level 2 [Limit Break]: Level 2


[Experience Gained in previous life not carried over.]

[Cannot learn existing jobs]

[Unable to gain experience yourself]

As it turns out, the two of us can gain experience from each other's monsters as well. I started to laugh at the stupidity of that bastard who gave us the curse of experience. Now we just need to figure out the job situation, but that will come in the future. Van had buried the goblin away since their blood taste disgusting, and I couldn't salvage any useful materials from them. I convinced Van against making another undead out of it since that would be another monster that we have to level up and send into my fake reality.

[3rd Person again!]

As the sun was setting below the horizon, a nice bonfire could be seen burning in front of the cave in the forest. Five undead with bluish-white flames burning in their empty eye sockets and five golems with eyes that were as black as the pit of the void, gathered around the red fire. Then there were twin children sitting on the lap of one of the golems, that had such hite skin, that the average person would shiver at the site of them. In addition, the golem that the children were resting on was modeled in the shape of a beautiful Dark Elf, that was cuddling the toddlers with her golem hands. If a traveller or newbie adventurer happened to come across this scene, they would run away as fast as they could from the fear that this sight would provide them. The Dark Elf golem slowly opened her mouth.

She was singing an awkward song. It was said to be the song that the heroes once had sung on their birthdays a long time ago, and it was still sung on birthdays in Lambda to this day. SInce thy undead couldn't really speak, they started to make sounds with their teeth, beaks, hands, or feet bones in rhythm with the song. The golems shifted the rocks in their bodies to follow along with the song that was made.

[Happy first birthday, Dantelieu and Vandalieu!] {Darcia}

After receiving the blessings of the golem with a spirit inside of it, the toddlers breathed in, and whispered a few choice words, before blowing in the direction of the bonfire. They had trouble blowing it out, so the toddler that was controlling the undead spoke up.

[Heat Leech.] {Van}

The bonfire had its heat taken away from it by the magic spell and then promptly went out. The surroundings became pitch black, but the hearts of those present were looking towards the future with burning desire.

[Happy First Birthday, Dantelieu, Vandalieu. Your Mother is very happy!] {Darcia}

[Thank you, Mother] {Van}

[Thanks, Mom] {Dan}

The current season in the country of Mirg, was summer. However, it was a lower humidity than that of what it would have been in Japan. Both Dan and Van had turned one today. They were gathered here to celebrate their birthday today, and due to Dan skulpting proper hands for Darcia, she was able to make proper food for them to eat. The food consisted of cooked rabbit and wolf meat, soup with edible herbs and spices, and jugs that Dan made, that were filled to the brim with blood from raccoon and rabbit blood. That type of blood was the current favorite of the twins, and it tasted even better to them when mixed together. If it weren't for the fact that Dan made a temporary body for their mother, they wouldn't have had such a well prepared feast for their birthday. The both of them would have been happy regardless though since this was the first birthday that the twins ever had across all three of their lives.

[Today is a very memorable day.] {Dan}

[A lot of happy things happened that couldn't in the past] {Van}

[We also get to enjoy it as a family] {Dan}

Darcia's spirit became teary eyed when she heard her children speak about the things that happened. First and surprisingly one of the most important things that happened to the twins, they were able to speak properly. Because of this, they were actually able to chant the spells that they cast. Up until now, they had been unable to chant spells, and had used them by force with their absurdly large mana pools. Therefore, each spell used mana several times more than it would normally and it's potency was less than half of what it would be normally. If they didn't have as much mana as they did, both of them would have died by now.

However, since the two of them did come this far without reciting the spells at all, as soon as the two of them were able to speak, they gained the [Chant Revokation] skill, which allowed them to cast spells without chanting them, at the same efficiency as normally. According to Darcia, it was such a rare skill that it managed to shock her. In addition, Sword golem, Darcia the other golems, Bone man, and they other undead had reached level 100 and increased their rank to 2.

Name: Bone Monkey/Bone Bear/Bone Bird/Bone Wolf

Rank: 2

Race: Bone Animal

Level: 0-7

Passive skills:

[Night Vision] [Beastly Instincts]: Level 4

Active Skills:

[Detect Life] [Howl]: Level 2

Name: Bone Man

Rank: 2

Race: Living Bones

Level: 4

Passive skills:

[Night Vision] [Sword Aura]: Level 4 [Basic Swordsmanship]: Level 9

[Self Repair]

Active skills:

[Slash]: Level 2

Name: Sword Golem

Rank: 2

Race: Stone golem

Level: 7

Passive skills:

[Night Vision] [Sword Aura]: Level 9 [Intermediate Swordsmanship]: Level 1

[Dual Wielding]: Level 3 [Self Repair]

Active Skills:

[Cross Slash]: Level 1 [Continuous Stabs]: Level 2

Name: Dagger Golem

Rank: 2

Race: Stone Golem

Level: 4

Passive skills:

[Night Vision] [Basic Dagger Mastery]: Level 8

[Dual Wielding]: Level 2 [Self Repair]

Active Skills:

[Stealth]: Level 3 [Assassinate]: Level 4 [Deep Stab]: Level 1

Name: Archer Golem

Rank: 2

Race: Stone golem

Level: 3

Passive skills:

[Night Vision] [Basic Bow Mastery]: Level 6

[Self Repair] [Steady Aim]: Level 3

Active Skills:

[Stealth]: Level 1 [Longshot]: Level 2

Name: Wolfie

Rank: 2

Race: Stone Animal

Level: 2

Passive skills:

[Night Vision] [Self Repair] [Pack Aura]: Level 3

Active Skills:

[Rock Armor]: Level 2 [WindSpeed]: Level 3 [Howl]: Level 4

Name: Darcia

Rank: 2

Race: Stone golem

Level: 12

Passive skills:

[Night Vision] [Intermediate Bow Mastery]: Level 5

[Self Repair] [Steady Aim]: Level 8 [Critical Aura]: Level 3

[Spirit Anchor]: Level 2

[Trap Making]: Level Max

Active Skills:

[Stealth]: Level 6 [Longshot]: Level 5 [Take Aim]: Level 3