
This Devil Grants Wishes

Mira was a devil who decided to leave the prosperous upper realm and instead lurk at the cold abyss. In this darkness, she waits for regretful and resentful souls, turning their memories into stories that she could read. When she chances upon an interesting life, she travels to the soul's world to fulfill their wish in exchange for a fragment of their soul. For thousands of years, Mira journeyed through different worlds, striking deals with these unresigned souls. Magic worlds, apocalyptic worlds, martial arts worlds, modern worlds, interstellar worlds, beast worlds... upon spending many years in each of these worlds, Mira realized that the lives of mortals were much more lively and fun. With the idea of living such interesting lives, Mira decided to collect enough soul fragments so that she could infinitely reincarnate as a mortal. However, at the most critical moment, her luck suddenly took a turn for the worse. Just when she finally collected enough energy to support her wish, an accident happened. Oh, it seems that Mira won't be able to escape the pursuit of these obsessive souls~ !! UNEDITED : apologies for the grammatical errors !! Cover is made with the use of a customized Piccrew image via the template of artist [ twt: @o0Platinum0o ] Permission was granted to use this~ (人 •͈ᴗ•͈)

weiiiss · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Chapter 7

Arc 1: Mira in a Doomsday World [7]

Mira wanted to deal with Wei Lin and the others the same way they dealt with Lu Mira.

Since they stole her sweetheart, she will steal theirs; since they destroyed her reputation, she will destroy theirs; since they took the lives of her loved ones, she will take away theirs; since they crippled her, she will cripple them as well; and since they like lying and pretending so much, she will lie and pretend to make them regret.

As the saying goes—an eye for an eye.

After many trials and errors, Mira found that this form of revenge was the most effective. It satisfied her clients the most, although, it also takes a bit more effort.

Mira was a lazy devil, but since such worlds entertained her anyway, she didn't mind putting more energy into fulfilling her clients' wishes.


After the introduction, everybody took the chance to ask about how Mira and Xu met, before asking Mira numerous other questions. The two only gave them a pre-planned response about how Mira treated his wounds and diligently took care of him while he suffered from a high fever back in the hotel. The story sounded ambiguous, but it was definitely able to somewhat convince everyone.

Someone asked what Mira did before the apocalypse, and when she answered that she was a chef, their eyes were obviously unbelieving.

Another person asked whether Mira had been part of a team before, to which she answered 'no'. She only said that she stayed in that hotel since the apocalypse began and only survived because it had an underground supermarket and numerous other daily necessities.

Others immediately felt contemptuous upon hearing this. Based on her words, she had not dealt with any zombies at all and had zero survival experience. Among their group, everybody had some level of usefulness, and only Mira was an oil bottle with the highest possibility of dragging them down when encountering events similar to what happened just days before.

"You're lucky you have Captain as your boyfriend," Lu Ying spoke with obvious implications.

When it was about lunchtime, the people habitually gathered around Wei Lin.

After being reborn, Wei Lin gained a 'portable space' that was extremely useful during the apocalypse. It was also because of this that the others held her in high regard and the base gave much importance to her.

Only a few people knew about her secret space, and the people in the team were a part of that number.

The materials obtained from missions were usually kept in Wei Lin's space, so she was always well-protected. During mealtimes, the team would surround Wei Lin, relying on her for food, and it was no different this time.

It was just that there was the presence of an outsider, so the others couldn't help but shoot skeptical glances at Mira.

Obviously, Wei Lin was also aware of everybody else's distrust of Mira. She raised her brows triumphantly and took the opportunity to say, "Since Mira will be accompanying us these few days, I think it's fine to let her know..."

After Wei Lin said this, there were a few sounds of disagreement.

Sakura was the first to vocalize her thoughts, "Lin Lin, no! You're too kind, but you can't just trust others casually... especially about *that*..."

Everybody else was well aware of what they were talking about.

"That's right, you can't reveal such things to outsiders so casually," Ling Yu also objected.

Mira blinked innocently, then whispered something to Xu.

Amidst their protests, Xu suddenly stood up.

"Mira and I will go for a walk," he spoke, "You guys eat first."

After saying this, he left hand-in-hand with Mira without any hesitation.

It took a while before the group returned to their senses.

"Captain must be giving you the opportunity to bring out the food without letting Mira know," Sakura quickly said to Wei Lin.

Alex also nodded, "That's right. He must be thinking of bringing Mira away first and returning once everything else is ready."

"It seems that also he doesn't trust that girl very much..." Sakura trailed off.

Wei Lin originally wanted to use this chance to put some pressure on Mira, but hearing their reassurances, her mood immediately improved.

However, her good mood didn't last long.

The team waited for five minutes... ten minutes... twenty... until half an hour passed since Xu and Mira left, but there were still no signs of their return.

Some of them speculated on what the two must be doing, and hearing these suggestive words, Wei Lin's cold face almost cracked.

In fact, Mira and Xu only went to the other side of the fourth floor, where all kitchenware and furniture were stored. A few areas were a bit messy, but the things were still in good condition and could be used. As they walked, Xu noticed some things suddenly disappearing, but after remembering that he watched Mira do the same thing in the previous hotel room before, he didn't make any comments.

After a few minutes, Mira spotted a dining table that she liked. With a single thought, many cooking tools and ingredients suddenly appeared atop the table.

Mira pulled out a pan, a pot, and other utensils and handed them over to Xu.

"You wash these," she ordered.

A bottle of dishwashing liquid and a sponge appeared on the table.

"I'll pour the water, you wash them."

Xu was still wondering how Mira could 'pour' the water when a stream of water suddenly appeared in front of him. He looked at Mira in surprise, but then quickly did as she said.

The water flowed continuously, and just as it was about to reach the ground, it was as if an invisible portal opened right beneath it, making it disappear and keeping the floor dry.

In the apocalypse, clean water was hard to find. Few people would be as wasteful as Mira, who directly poured liters of clean water just to wash utensils. However, Xu didn't find Mira's behavior strange at all. Mira's strength was etched deep into his mind, his impression of her became that of an omnipotent and unoffendable figure who was also very... flirty.

A few minutes later, everything was finally clean. Xu looked at Mira, who was mindlessly enjoying a lollipop while seated on one of the dining chairs.

He cleared his throat, "Why do I do next?"

Mira turned looked at the newly washed dishes and sighed.

"You just sit and watch, you can't cook anyway," she muttered.

Xu sat obediently, and a while later, four dishes were neatly arranged on the dining table. After Mira took away the induction cooker and other cooking materials, only two pairs of cutleries were left, along with a bowl of beef soup, a large plate of fried rice, beef teriyaki, and stir-fried vegetables. Both Xu and Mira also had a large glass of strawberry milkshake and another glass of water on the sides of their plates, along with another pitcher of distilled water in front of them.

If one of Xu's teammates saw this scene, they would be deeply shocked. In this world, perhaps only Mira had the ability to prepare such dishes in an abandoned mall, with no available water or electricity.

Xu also developed a new understanding of Mira's abilities. It was estimated that after this, even if Mira grew wings and suddenly flew to the sky, he wouldn't be surprised at all.

The two ate with relish. Xu was not very fond of sweets, but the strawberry milkshake that Mira made was very delicious, and he was able to drink half of the large glass. Mira, who had an incurable sweet tooth, looked at the remaining half intently. Xu noticed her gaze, and a smile appeared in his eyes.

He pushed the glass towards Mira and softly said, "You can have it if you want..."

Mira looked at him with sparkling eyes, and Xu suddenly felt as though his heart was full. A thin blush crept up his neck, which Mira also immediately noticed.

She grinned, "Thank you~"

When Xu saw her drinking from the glass he just used, he suddenly had a certain realization. Wouldn't that mean that they just had an indirect kiss...? He felt his cheeks heat up again, so he quickly focused back on eating, trying to divert his attention, but he still couldn't help but peek at Mira from time to time.

In contrast to Mira and Xu's luxurious meal, the others only ate a few pieces of bread, crackers, and some canned meat.

Actually, Mira originally wanted Xu to take her away while Wei Lin was planning to distribute food rations because she also knew that even if Wei Lin had her own space, their team still had the idea of saving. Their food would not be as extravagant as Mira's, and Mira, who only ate meals that satisfied her taste buds, would naturally choose to simply prepare her own food.

Of course, she also planned to anger Wei Lin with this move.

A pair of lovers who had been alone together for almost an hour... what were they so busy with? Wei Lin would certainly go crazy with this question constantly revolving in her mind.

And just as Mira expected, Wei Lin became more and more anxious as the time passed and the two of them still hadn't appeared. When she finally couldn't take it anymore, she got up and asked Amir to accompany her to go look for the two, using the excuse that they 'might have met some trouble and needed rescuing'.

The others only nodded while exchanging glances. Who in the team didn't know about Wei Lin's feelings for Xu? But Wei Lin was their companion after all and compared to Mira, who appeared out of nowhere, they would of course be more biased towards Wei Lin.

When Wei Lin and Amir found Mira and Xu, they were met with the sight of Mira seated on Xu's lap, lazily reclining against his chest while he fed her strawberries.

Such a sweet scene almost blinded Wei Lin. Her eyes were filled with hatred and bitterness.

How could Xu, who was known for being distant and indifferent, personally feed a woman he just met—even allowing her to sit on his lap?!

Wei Lin couldn't accept such a thing. In her eyes, she and Xu were the most suitable match. Both of them had aloof and reserved characters, both had good strength, and most importantly, they have known each other for a long time.

But the fact was that she, someone who has accompanied Xu for months, can't even get the treatment that Mira, a person who had only been with Xu for a day, gets.

Amir was also obviously aware of Wei Lin's emotions. As her loyal admirer, Amir had always regarded Xu as a love rival. For Wei Lin, Mira's existence was like Xu's existence for Amir. He was very clear about Wei Lin's obsession with Xu, and it was also because of this that he had given up on pursuing her and only swore to remain by her side to guard her.

He saw Wei Lin clenching her fists angrily, so he raised her hand to pat her shoulder in an attempt to comfort her.

However, when his hand fell on her shoulder, Wei Lin immediately slapped it away, giving him a cold glare.

"Don't touch me."

Amir had no choice but to take his hand back in disappointment.

Wei Lin straightened her back and shook off the negative emotions brewing in her eyes, regaining her calm and dignified persona.

Xu had noticed the two's presence long ago, so when he looked up to see Wei Lin and Amir walking toward them, there was no sign of surprise in his eyes. He only nodded at them in greeting, before turning his attention back to Mira.

When the two got closer, they were able to clearly see Xu meticulously removing the leaves of a strawberry before lightly pressing it against Mira's lips.

Mira looked at Xu's serious expression, then thought of Wei Lin's hidden jealousy, and her eyes suddenly flashed with a mischievous glint. She opened her mouth as she did many times before, but when Xu placed the strawberry on her tongue, she suddenly closed her mouth, trapping Xu's finger inside. She lightly sucked on his pointer finger, before slowly licking it with her tongue.

Xu froze in shock, and his face turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye.

He looked down and met Mira's playful gaze. His heart sped up uncontrollably, and he almost couldn't maintain his calm face in front of Wei Lin and Amir.

Mira smiled, then opened her mouth to release Xu's finger, but all that Xu could think about was her supple lips wrapped around his finger, and her warm, soft, and slippery tongue tracing it sensually.


Xu: Master teases me too much ( ._.)

Mira: Really? Should I go and tease someone else then?

Xu: QAQ Master, I was joking! You can tease me anytime you like!


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