
This Crayfish is not edible

Xia Che was a crayfish monster that cultivated to become a human, but from then on he was the epitome of unlucky. But because he was friends with a Koi fish, he was able to escape his predicament. One fine day the Koi fish disappeared and our silly little crayfish lost his luck. He was all alone for many years until an ugly snake landed on his lap. The snake turned out to have exponential luck. Xia che: “Let me pet you today as well little worm. I want to trip on a pot of gold.” He rubbed the coarse scales of the snake. Long Aotian: ‘How dare you try to pet this majestic dragon,’ he bit his offending hands and squirmed. Xia che: “Stop squirming little worm, I might cook you for dinner instead. I heard humans say that snakes are good for your liver.” Long Aotian: “You....You” The little ugly snake changed into a majestic dragon and pushed the crayfish down. He ate till his heart’s content. P.S- Cover art inspired by LinDu

Lullabybao · LGBT+
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275 Chs

Chapter 71 - Drown for Love

"You liked the chicken?" Long whispered into his ears. He dragged him closer and hugged his shoulders.

"Hmm, it was good," Xia sighed, rubbing his tummy.

"Why don't we take a nap?" Long suggested rubbing his crotch on his.

Xia blushed hard and whispered, "There are people here."

Felia gazed at the two with a confused look. They were both sitting too close for her liking. "If we don't start, we might not be able to reach the next city," she said.

Xia pushed the little snake away. "Yeah, you are right I heard the next town, Jukil has good food," he whispered.

"hmm they have special hot pot and shrimp dumplings," She said with a smirk.

Xia gasped. "Woah, shrimp? There are no fresh water shrimps available around here. How do they even have it?"

"They are all imported from the sea ports nearby, Suikal," Felia said.

Felia chuckled. "Oh, they won't be fresh then,"

"No, they import it all live, so they will be freshly prepared in Juikal only," she said with a smug look.

"Wow, Long, let's try that. And Hot pot as well. I'll have the spicy one. You don't enjoy spicy right? You can try the less spicy one," he said with a cheerful smile.

"Hmm, lets," Long whispered.

He could still hide his bulge with his sleeve.

He pulled his collar to let some air in. his body was starting to heat up uncontrollably.

"Hmm," Xia touched his sweaty forehead and frowned. "Why are you sweating so much? Are you sick again? But your body temperature is normal though," he mumbled.

"Xia, Mnn… why don't we take a small bath?" Long whispered in a horse voice.

"Hmm, okay," he whispered.

"But who would take a bath in the middle of the day," Felia whispered with a glare.

"I would hump," Long snickered. "Let's go, Xia,"

"Why are you asking Xia as well? If you want to go then go, leave him alone," Felia said.

"Xia is also sweaty see," Long wiped some of his sweat onto Xia's forehead.

"You… you wiped that on him," Felia shouted.

"No, it was like that before only. Right, Xia?" he winked at him.

Xia blushed deep red. "Hmm it was," he whispered, hiding his beet-red face with his sleeve.

Long Aotian sneered at her and pulled his lover to the nearby waterfall.

Xia Che's heart beat rabidly. They did not do anything after their day together in the forest. So he was quite flustered.

They reached the waterfall in minutes. The serene sound of the waterfall and the birds chirping surrounded them.

"Xia…" Long whispered with a longing look. He held his waist and whispered, "I am not willing to give up yet. I don't want to give up on you,"

"Little Long," Xia whispered. "Why should you give up on me?" he asked with a frown.

"That's right. Why should I give up on you? You are mine, forever and after," Long whispered.

Xia softly chuckled. "yes I am." He stood on his tiptoes and kissed the little snake's thin lips. He licked it softly.

Long matched his wants and need. He held him up in his arms and kissed with all his energy. He sucked the small tongue that was licking his mouth. And growled, "Yes, you are mine alone."

Xia leaned into his body and bit his lips. "Yes! yes!" he whispered.

Long cupped his face in his huge palm and gazed down at him. "You trust me, yeah?"

"Yes, always," Xia whispered.

"And I trust you with my life," Long whispered.

The little snake leaned back and pulled them both into the river behind them.

"Ahh," Xia screamed just before his head was submerged underwater.

With hooded eyes, he watched Long pull him underwater. He could breathe underwater, but the fall surprised him a lot.

He watched Little Long drown into the depth, that's when he knew that something was terribly wrong. He swam down and pulled him towards the shore.

Long shook his head and held his hands.

'What is he doing? He can't breathe underwater, why is he refusing to come up?' Xia though as panic set. His heart started to beat faster.

He kissed Long's bloodless lips and breathed air into his mouth.

All the while Long gazed deeply into his eyes.

After breathing air three times, he clenched the little snake's lapels and dragged him to the shore.

They both broke the water surface, gasping and panting.

Xia slapped his shoulders and shouted, "What the hell? Why did you do that? You can't breathe underwater ah!!"

Long chuckled and laughed out loud. "You do love me. You love ME!" He shouted.

"What? Of course I love you. I think I made it clear last time," Xia whispered.

The little snake's smile melted away. "You love me as your son, right?" he whispered.

Xia grabbed his lapels and pulled him closer. "Huh? No, I love you as my little long. Why would I do this and that with you if I loved you as my son, that's creepy," he shouted.

"You… you really mean it," long whispered with a hesitant look.

Gritting his teeth, Xia kissed him vigorously on his mouth. "Of course, you silly snake. I love you more than anything in the world."

Big shout out to my cuties Scum, dragoness, Orcar, Tharsini, Pegi, System, likethelyka, and lilycarter

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