
The boy in my dreams

 I once saw a boy who didn't want to show his face to the world. I thought he was ugly until he proved me wrong and showed me what he looked like on the outside. He was the most beautiful creature I'd ever seen. I got mesmerized by his beauty that every time I saw him I couldn't take my eyes off him. It was as if God sat down to sculpture his perfectly shaped face and abs. I was gradually falling in love with someone I thought couldn't exist. The best part was that every night when I go to bed I always find him in my dreams talking to me in the sweetest way possible. And I'll wake up every morning having the brightest smile on my lips. It was as if we were meant to be. But all my fantasies came crushing down when I found out that he had fallen in love with someone else. That's when my demons resurface in their full form telling me no one would ever love me not even him. I tried to drown my demons in a bathtub filled with my tears but no matter what I try they always seem to come back to life. The only solution was through my dreams.... Then you stop coming to my dreams and for once I believed my demons. The only thing I have to say is...

      Dear boy in my dreams; I hope she buys you flowers, I hope she holds your hands and give you all her hours when she has the chance. If I give you my heart then you can keep it forever. Good bye the boy in my dreams