
Appreciate me

Almost everyday in a hot blistering sun was she walking all alone being tempted if somethings ever gonna happen to her, seeing many lovely people in their close and really warm relationship was she passing by she felt being extremely envious she really wanted what was the feeling of being occupied not being coldly reserved she kept all memories stored in her mind. It will only be kept but not to be achieved nor to feel it ever once again. She kept going back to the park walking through cold timely aisles and really hurtful memories. Heart aching for such unforgetful moments with her and that guy. Would she still be glad coming from the land where she was raised and born but to only deal with pain and cruelty can she still cherish those precious time knowing that it might not possibly ever happen again. She still fight with such a wonderful confidence even though a lot had happen lately and can take all it up.

Can she still find her one truly love? Will all her hardships willnt be a waste?!