

Uzma07 · Book&Literature
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121 Chs




Mu Millie woke with a new headache she had reveal a lot of truths of her own, what could she possibly lose just her face with her children, would they be angry with her for hiding the truth, she was very scared for the first time in her life, she loved her children more than her own life she didn't want to lose them.

She sat on her bed like a statue Mu Kai had woken up,and watching his wifey doing stranger things than usual just when he thought she couldn't get any weirder, she would surprise him, he knew something was bugging her then he remembers the conversation they had he smiled as she placed his arms around her waist and pulls her in for a hug.

Mu Millie surprised at what just happen is brought out of her thoughts she looks up at Mu Kai " well today's the day I take the big secret I have been carrying around with me since they were born, will they hate for this after, I am scared I don't want to lose them" she sighed as she hugged Mu Kai shakily.

"Don't worry you have raised them well they won't be angry just explain everything to them,and everything will be fine you'll see they good kids" Mu Kai smiled.

Mu Millie always knew Mu Kai would say the right thing and everything would be okay she hoped it was like he said and everything will be fine and the kids won't get angry at her for keeping such a big secret. She didn't speak just hugged Mu Kai for extra courage she surly needed it.

After she washed and changed she went to find her kids, they were in the garden talking to their brother Feng Loki, she stop in ter tracks to watch her three children interacting with each other like they had known each other all their life, Mu Millie heart filled with happiness that she couldn't even describe the feeling she walked over to join them.

"I see you've all met then" she asked as she got closer.

They all turned around to smile at their mother. They walked over and hugged her, she was surprised at this reaction from all three and a little relieved as well secretly in her her heart she was still-scared that her children's will be very angry with her when they learn the truth.

"Hey…mama… are… you…okey…" asked 'Feng Loki with a smile.

"Yeah I am okay what about are you okay here I have you settle in" she smiled.

Yeah… it's… really… nice… my… brother…and… sister… are… very… nice… too… I… like… them… and… grandpa… nice… too,… and… other… grandma… and… grandpa… too,… Auntie,…Uncle,… and…others… I… forgot… their… names…" he chuckled.

Mu Millie smiled" oh baby boy theirs a lot more people waiting to meet you but you settle in comfortably before we show you off to,the them okay" she walked over placed her arms out for him to come to her to hug her.

He walked over he gave her hug while patted her back then pulled back quickly he smiled" babies… come… soon… he smiled as he walked off in to the house.

Mu Millie watched his retreating back, he left she was still,looking at the door she smiled gently that was her baby boy who grow to be a wonderful man she was very grateful to Feng Jo form bring him up with love and gentleness, she owed this man a lot, and she didn't know how she was going to repay him.

Now she turned back to,her children she smiled as she walked closer she was shaking in all over she didn't how they would respond" hey you two I need to talk to" she smiled.

The twins looked at their mother and smiled" hey mama what's up you look tense you have to careful you know it's not good for my brother and sister in their" smiled Mu Lilly.

Mu Millie smile " you know that gentleman that came with Loki he looks like you because" she didn't get to finish her sentence.

"Yeah we knew mama he is our birth father we already knew" he smiled.

Leaving a now shocked and confused Mu Millie she looked at her children how and when did they know? Are they angry I didn't tell them, she screamed in her head " lord help me"

Mu Luhan walked over "mama don't looked so shocked we knew from the moment we met him let's just say it's a blood thing, and pinching his hair to confirm, if your not ready to tell us we understand, but we would like you to confirm that's all and no mama we are not angry at you, you had your reasons, and it's not like we had an awful upbringing and we have an amazing dad we won't want any other way" he hugged her tightly.

Mu Lily came running and bounced on her mother and brother to the ground accidentally knocking her mother down. Mu Millie felt an excoriating pain in her lower back an front causing her to scream out in pain. The twins panicked Mu Luhan lifted his mother and ran towards the infirmary Mu Millie didn't know why this pain was different to the others when having her children it was a lot more sharp and intense, cussing the usually calm Mu Millie to curl up in to a ball.

Mu Lily ran behind with tears in her eyes " sorry mama I forgot for a moment I really sorry mama please be okay" she held her brothers sleeve as she followed them sobbing loudly.

Mu Kai heard his daughter crying loudly his normally bubbly little girl was crying no crying whaling now what had happened, she didn't take the news well is that whys she is crying but why is she saying sorry mama he thought, he froze he dropped the documents in his hand and ran out of the room to meet the Mu Luhan carrying his mother Mu Millie her curled like a ball and Mu Millie holding her brothers sleeve and sobbing loudly.

He didn't stop them he followed the three they were heading to the secret room in in grandpa office, now the others had joined them as they all heard Mu Lily sobbing loudly, they all entered but only Mu Millie and Mu Luhan and Mu Lily, Mu Kai entered the room the door closed behind, the others all looked puzzled as they look at each other trying to figure out what had happened.

In the room they lay Mu Millie on the table, and stood Mu Lily at the foot of the table while Mu Luhan started to chant some spells the pain eased of for the time being, Mu Lily looked at her brother asked " the babies are coming aren't they" she looked panicked.

Mu Luhan sighed" yeah I have temporally slowed them down because they will come because their powers are unstable they are shooting of everywhere we just need to bring them under control, we need to calm mama and the babies down so it will make it easy for the babies to be born" he sighed again.

Mu Kai spoke at this point he had stood back and watched his children working on Mu Millie" what happen, why did she start her labour early, is everything okay are the children okay" he looked puzzled. He had been for a check the doctor said everything is fine the babies are growing healthy.

Mu Lily spoke with her head lowered" it was my fault daddy, I leapt to,words brother and mother I forgot that she's pregnant I'm sorry daddy it's all my fault " she looked towards the floor as she sobbed quietly.

Mu Kai walked over and hugged his little girl" hey it's okay I know you wouldn't do anything on purposely okay everything will,be alright okay sweetheart " he hugged Mu Lily she was shaking like leaf she was that scared.

Mu Luhan" hey sorry too disturb you two the spell is wearing off and then mama will scream the whole place down when the pain will kick in and so will the babies, I don't know what we were like when we were born but these babies are very similar to us I can feel the energy surge coming from them, the reasons they are in hurry is because they probably got excited like their stupid sister over there, so we half hour to get every thing ready and papa will waiting for their arrival" he smiled at his good news.

Mu Kai asked" will they be okay they early way too early" he was starting to panic.

Mu Luhan chuckled" daddy they will be fine after all these are special babies they will be fine but just in case we need great Nanna like right now" he turned around and saw their mother face change and from the look she would scream any minute now.

Mu Lily didn't need to told twice she ran out of the room to find great grandma stood their, she grabbed her hand dragged her back in the room shutting the door behind her. They people gathered out side just looked in puzzlement what was going on?

The one inside the room were looking at Nanna, she was looking at Mu Millie in shock she didn't speak she walked over and looked at Mu Millie she grabbed her hand to check her pulse then she felt her stomach, she turned to look at the three staring at them " well not to panic you but we gonna have the babies bring everything we need this room will contain the power that these two will bring them who's ready to watch a load of chaos" she smiled and chuckled.

She couldn't wait she had seen the birth of her grandchildren but now she would witness the birth of her great grandchildren it was amazing she smiled, until Mu Millie grabbed her hand and let a squeal" Nanna they're early help" she frowned.

"It's okay they will be fine we have everything papered you just need to the hard work of giving birth I will take care of the rest okay sweetheart" she patted the top of her head to comfort her.

Mu Lily walked over" mama I am so sorry this is happening because of me " she sighed.

Mu Millie" it isn't I was supposed to take it easy I was running around all over the place that's why this happening so don't be sad they are becoming eager to meet their family so " she couldn't finish the sentence when the pain shot through her body" ahhh oh mama help it hurts like crazy ahhh" she mange to say.

Mu Millie was in pain and the only person she wanted was her mother may be because every time someone is pain child or adult they want their mother, she so wished she was here may it would hurt less it certainly hurt a lot more this time round wasn't it suppose to get easier over time but it felt it was the opposite.

Mu Kai came stood next to Mu Millie he held her hand to tell he was there, but Mu,Millie saw him and frowned she looked like she would kill him, he thought about running out of the door, but when Mu Millie grabbed his hand squeezed tightly he thought his hand would fall of he knew if he tried to leave he would definitely be dead.

The pain grew stronger all Mu Millie wanted to do was push but Nanna kept telling her to hold on Mu Millie was tired in pain and frustrated, the last thing she wanted to do was hold on she just gave in to her body's desire and pushed, she felt the fiery burn ripping through her body, as the first baby pushed his way out and Landing in Nanna arms, she passed him to Mu Luhan who was stood with a towel to clean him and check he was okay, he was surprised to see his baby brother he was so tiny and cute and need his big brother to protect him.

Mu Luhan placed him in his incubator to help breath better, he turn to see his sister was born but nothing he looked at his Nana who looked worried too.