

Uzma07 · Book&Literature
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121 Chs




After returning home she was greeted by all her family who was worried about her she assured them she was fine and she wasn't a fragile porcelain doll that would break just by touching she was okay.

After she went to her den that was hidden in her grandfather office and where she draws the incantations on the floor and sat in the middle she chanted the mantra given by the elders. She tried to relax as she did a gush full of images of people and details that appeared in front of her. That was a lot of information to absorb in one go but she had to. She learned all about her ancestors and their vulnerability she could use she also found a lot of wrongdoings. She learned about their lives when they were on the earth.

And now knew why they were so adamant about helping Marian and the meridian Clan. So she could take for justice from the head councils heads that would gather when a descion could not be decided the ancestors of that group and if the had been wronged by their ancestors?

Mu Millie decided that it's time to bring them to justice she just needed to find all the evidence which Mu Kai ancestors kindly detailed for her. She also learned about Kai's history it was interesting she saw how Mu Kai had always been about d her but couldn't approach her because he was held back her love was renewed she understood his love for her was strong and she should give him a chance to prove he loved her? r

Mu Millie realised that there was a lot to take into account she had to find out things that shocked her about her ancestral line was about to burst into anger it was their fault that her parents weren't together they intervened in this matter it was their fault she had a horrible life.

She wanted to kill them personally but she knew she couldn't harm them it was against the rules. She was horrified that they had got away with a lot for so long there was a lot of other witches that suffered because of them they had to pay for their crimes.

My Millie couldn't understand why they were allowed to get away with it for so long and now she knew why they hated her and her whole linkage was the issue and why they hated the royal gipsy clan so much. But it wasn't her fault if something her ancestors did centuries ago. If it wasn't to happen it didn't happen.

But what the ancestors did was unforgivable they killed innocent people because of this one vendetta they held their ancestors accountable for.

Their hatred the one between her and their ancestors and the one of those few ancestors of the order was as old as time itself and why her ancestors were suppressed even though of Royal origin was also explained. Her ancestors and especially her mother and grandmother and her great grandmother had paid a very heavy price for Mu Millie to exist they give up their lives for her.

Mu Millie did know how she would ever repay them for this they sacrificed themselves knowing what would happen to her she loved them even more now. Now she was more determined to get justice for her family.

She was kicking out all rules they had placed on her and she would make her own rules she wiped their clan out just like they did an eye for eye and life for life in her case lives.

She had sat there and made a plan of how she would achieve all of this. She knew by attacking she would declare war then she would be brought up against the disciplinary committee that's where she asks for all the elders of the order of the stone table will be called upon and being if Royal blood she would have to grant an audience and knowing that her fathers and Mu Kai's ancestors would be there would work in her favour.

She made sure she checked there was no ruling on a warlock and which being married they weren't any more they changed the rules after the first encounter of the greatest love story of their families happened.

Mu Millie knew she couldn't tell her Nanna anything she couldn't involve them they would be put in danger from the other ancestors so she would go it alone or met be a little help from her buddy? The Demon King!

Mu Millie got off the floor and started to make the concoction of everything she would need she also cast the spells that would protect her family and friends fr9m the attack from the Median clan she knew they were reciven8ng help from above so she had to be able to defeat them she would need extra help.

As she built herself into the ultimate warrior she was going into the battle of her life. Her Nanna popped in she watched her granddaughter busy she also knew what had happened because of all the gossip that was going on the rumour had spread that she was in a relationship with the Demon King which is forbidden she was to be brought to trial by the ancestors of the order she was very worried that history would repeat itself.

Her little granddaughter would suffer again but what shocked her was using chants from the old text which she hadn't thought her and she had never revealed to her. This chant was hidden and lost over time so how the hell did Mu Millie found it! The ancestors had forbidden it? So where did she find it from she watched in amazement as she wielded the power within her like it was child play even she wasn't that good!

Nanna concludes that the elders didn't like this kind of power that's why they always suppressed the Royal Family and every the witches came into power they would prevent it from going further by suppressing them it was the always the case ever since she could remember! She couldn't understand why though whatever the elders k we they his very well?

But she also knew where this power was drawn from she couldn't believe that her granddaughter had tapped into her inner sole which was an impossible task even for the experienced witches so it was telling her that Mu Millie was ready to learn the truth and to fix the curse that she has brought on this clan only Mu Millie could remove it?

After Mu Millie had finished she turned around and found her Nanna there she nearly jumped out of her skin but was happy she was going to call her any way she needs to prepare them for the earth that was about to be unleashed upon them after she carries out the first place of her plan.

Nanna smiled at Mu Millie which made Mu Millie feel a little guilty that she was about to out after her ancestors through Avery hard times worse than they have ever been before. she knew that her ancestors would be suppressed even punished to try and stop her but no matter what by is tome she wouldn't until she seemed justice.

Nanna finally spoke:" just one message from all of your ancestors they said do what needs to be done and dam the consequence they not afraid of what's to come but you don't hold back for their sake and they need you to see this through the end" she smiled.

Mu Millie was surprised she thought they would try and stop her but it was the opposite Nana spoke again:" I have a surprise for you I need to go and fetch it will come useful for you it will stop them from being reborn once they are killed this is the weapon that the ancestors of the oder feared and try to get it from us. They thought that by destroying us they would be able to have it but little did they knew it was a weapon that sends from the heavens above and can only be seen by the Royal clan and outsiders won't be able to touch it? The weapons can only wield and only can be command by one master? but we were given to them in their words it would be safer with them that much power shouldn't be with the Royals Gypsy Clan.

Nanna touches her head and a load of information was passed from Nanna to Mu Millie she saw in her vision that there was a place where there were the weapons that would destroy the world as they know it and other weapons were useful too. One weapon she saw that was used by the only other wizard ever had lived she read about it she thought it was lost bu5 it was just well hidden by her ancestors.

Mu Millie smiled she would retrieve it for her brother and the other weapons were useful for Mu Kai and Mu Kim so she would bring them all here in this chamber she knew that the spell around this protects it from all prying eyes including the other ancestors this place was the safe. And even the ancestors of the old order wouldn't be to enter this place?

It was her private den she has all her dark secrets in here even from her husband and loving family she knew there was something's that that she den she his all her dark secrets in here even from her husband and loving family she knew there was something's that that she wouldn't disclose to them for their safety, she summoned all the weapons and placed them in the camber where other weapons were she look at the swords and daggers that had written words in a language that only the Royal gipsy clan would understand these were made for the King and Queen but later it was the same weapon used to kill the King for his infidelity when the Queen caught him in her chambers her sister who was one of his many wives and so started the curse that has let the demise of the Royal gipsy clan.

The King was the only other Wizard that had been born and the Queen was the powerful Witch whose parents were warlock and witch which is why their linkage was so powerful causing commotion in both the human world but also the ancestral plain too. They didn't like the fact that they yielded so much power between them that all the other clans bowed down to the other beasts and being also bowed to them too not because they were afraid but because they respect the couple they were just rulers kind and sometimes too generous.

The other clan's device a plan of how to get rid of this couple and so set the web of defeat and lies that would fuel the very obsessed Queen as they knew that only this couple could kill each other no others came close to killing them?