
Third Prince's Special Parrot

A young girl, kidnapped almost immediately after being kicked out by her parents, dies, and gets a chance to live again in another world, however... AS A PARROT?!?!??? However, she was quick to except things out of the ordinary and lived a carefree life without many worries, although she could never have a friendly relationship with any other animals. Until she has to become independent for herself and leaves the forest. Leaving the forest, encountering a prince, living in a human society once again, cultivating into a powerful Qi Beast, what else could await her new life? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (sorry if it's not interesting and badly written, it's my first time writing a novel sorry again. The cover bird isn't mine either so yeah credits to the original owner.) 《Chapter will at least once a week if everything goes well with writing. If not, who knows how long it'll take with my brainless brain. (Chapters will update at random times too so yea. Maybe twice a week, none in one week, sometimes in the middle of the night, late in the day, yea that stuff)》 [The auxiliary volume is for the chapters i published before I rewrote everything]

heheheHEHEHEH · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

First Mission





"That was delicious~!!!"

Almost all the fruit on the tree had been eaten by her, with only one left hanging by the stem.

Although she was pretty much completely full and she felt like she couldn't eat another bite! However, the shiny red Fruit was just too tempting, and she just couldn't bear to leave that one 'unattended'.

She slowly shuffled over to the branch directly under the last fruit, but before she could chomp down on it, a little creature had poked it's head out of a hole in the trunk of the tree, and stared right at her.

The little critter had big beady black eyes and a long pair of antennas that flinched when leaves fell close to it.

Soon, the little bug crawled out and she could begin to see more of it's body. A bright red body with crimson red blotches around it's barbed feet. On the little bug's back as well, four sharp and transparent wings that were thinner than paper.

She was almost unable to see that the little bug had any wings, if not for the light that deflected off of it like glass.

Although the more she looked into the bug's beady eyes, it was like her mind had been entranced, and she couldn't help but keep staring without moving an inch.

Shortly after her entrancement, another small bug creeped itself out of the gap in the tree, then followed another, and another, and another.....!

In just mere moments, an entire branch was covered in tiny bugs!

She immediately snapped out of her memorization when the hundreds of bugs started spreading out and scuttering along every branch and what seemed to be checking every millimeter of the tree.

Despite their strange behavior, she had become fascinated with them. She had never been afraid of bugs, and found them to be fun to play with to relieve her boredom. And she would've been very well dead from not wanting to eat the bugs she received from her parents the moment she had hatched if she had refused to eat bugs.


A single little bug had walked up right to her feet and talons while using its antennas. She had to admit, even though it was a bug.... the little guys were sort of cute in their own way.

That was..... before she heard the system speak.

[Mission: Annihilate small scale swarm of 'Combatant Yiqun Termite']

[Rewards: +30 Points]


She was confused for a second and looked down that the little bug crawling around. In a moment, the little thing had also looked back up at her. It was understandable she was confused when reading the mission panel. After all, it was the first mission she had ever gotten from the system.

Immediately after the system panel disappeared, there was a sharp pain on her feet and then a slightly burning or acidic sensation that followed shortly after!


The shooting pain from her foot was enough to make her entire body jolt and jump up into the air, off the branch, while shaking off the little bug.

As soon as she had jumped off the tree and shook the little termite off of her foot, the deafening buzzing sound of hundreds and hundreds of termites had quickly began resonating.

In just a few mere moments, all the termites that had previously been crawling over the tree barks, had halted their movements, and then raised their glossy wings, before synchronously flying off the tree in a colossal swarm!

Her wings had froze out of fear for a moment, but they had instantly began flailing to move as far away from that colossal horde of bugs!

Finally, she got a full grasp of what was happening as the system explained why she was being chased by the termites, although it didn't really help her current situation much.

It seemed that the tree was called a Yiqun tree, and was actually quite a common type of tree in this world, however due to the tree absorbing large amounts of Qi, it had practically become a completely different tree!

Even the fruit that it bore were different as well. Normal Yiqun fruit were a light green, and had a bitter sweet taste, while Yiqun fruit with Qi in it, were bright red, and were incredibly sweet.

The Yiqun termites as well, were very insignificant, however they absorbed Qi by eating the fruit, and then grew strong enough to burrow into the wood of the Yiqun tree.

Therefore, the termite protected the tree and it's fruits, so not many creatures took fruit from the tree, and even if they did, it would usually be animals that could fly, and they could swiftly grab one and dash away as fast as possible as to not have to deal with the swarm of termite.

Hehe... She had done the complete opposite of what she should have. It was no wonder that there weren't any other creatures trying to take the shiny red fruit!

As she thought about it, she had wanted to slap herself in the face, yet could only internally regret her decision, as at the moment, she was flying while being chased by a monstrous swarm of bugs!!!

"System!!! what should I do now-----!?!?!?!?"

[Once again, Host must complete the mission]

"And how do I do that?!?!"

[The Host must solve that herself.]

"Are you kidding me...??!!?!"

She didn't know what to say! She's never fought anything in her entire life, this one and her past life! How could she attempt to even fight off a swarm of bugs! Not to mention, their bites stung and burned, she could even still feel the remnants of the singular chomp on her foot!

The more she flew, her wings and tail sharply tilted just barely missing branches and leaves by a feather, in attempts to slow down the horde of termite, however, the attempt hardly had any affect. Every now and then, a few termites would crash into the branches, but immediately got flying again to catchup to the rest of the swarm.

After thirty minutes of nonstop chasing and running, her wings and mind had gotten somewhat exhausted, but on the other hand, the termite had yet to cease their everlasting pursuit! When would those bugs ever stop chasing her!!!

Thx [Leugimalme], [PO_Box], [Cha_Cha_6631], and [Cat_Cultivator(Like dat username btw)] for voting recently!

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