
Third Keys Book 2 Gate of Kyros

This is Book 2 of Third Keys This is about Apollo's Point of view and how it affects the different parts of the world when the gate of Kryos had open and this is a three-part of the sega and this is base on the events before The True Purity of Good and Evil. After the gate was open there was chaos and destruction after Jeremy Kidd figure out the truth about the gate and Apollo had made it to where he had to protect the people that he care about and figure out his own purpose behind the gate opening and why he had to do what he needed to do and figure out the truth behind the gate opening.

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The Next Journey: The End of Book 2

"The Elites huh?" Red said

"So this is getting excited," Orange said

"Yeah, it is getting excited. So are you guys ready?" Apollo said

"Of course." Everybody said

"Well, then you better get going then."

They left and Clint looked out from the window and said, So this is the next generation you were talking about Ty Frost. I am going to enjoy the ride and help in any way I can to make sure that there is peace again because I don't think they can win this battle just by power alone. There is always danger around every defeat so you better keep learning and getting allies that will help you in your time of need. So let's begin. Future Emperors.``

This is the story before The True Purity of Good and Evil and so this happening many years ago. I would say about 200 years ago and some of the information is gone and also this story telling about the four disciples and their journeys and how they got lock away but that is for another tale and so keep reading the Third Keys Sega. Thank you, readers.